Online:Ebonheart Pact Quest Items

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Bal Foyen

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Red Dust.png Emberflint (?) If By Sea This dull red powder pops and sparks every time you move.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Heavy Sack (?) The Bard of Hounds Quality workmanship ensures the heavy contents of this voluminous sack remain contained wihtin its ample dimensions.
ON-icon-food-Seasoning.png Kindlepitch Powder (?) If By Sea This powder gives off a small amount of heat, and it smells of ash.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Stinkweed (?) Finding the Family This smelly plant is a delicacy, at least to a guar.
ON-icon-food-Guar Eggs.png Treated Netch Eggs (?) Unorthodox Tactics These sterile eggs have been treated with an unusual oil that causes bull netches to fly into a rage.

Bleakrock Isle

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Bucket of Water Bleakrock Village Sparking the Flame Use this bucket of water near fires to douse them.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Cracked Rune Ward Hozzin's Folly Hozzin's Folly Tiny cracks cover the surface of this rune ward.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Critter Meat Outside Deathclaw's Lair Tracking the Game This meat looks foul, but its rank odor should attract a ravenous beast like Deathclaw.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Deathclaw Talon Dropped by Deathclaw at Deathclaw's Lair Tracking the Game This sinister-looking talon once belonged to a beast called Deathclaw.
ON-icon-armor-Steel Helm-Wood Elf.png Dented Helm Chest in Orkey's Hollow The Frozen Man This helm, dented beyond repair, bears the sigil of the Aldmeri Dominion.
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Dog Whistle Given by Halmaera at Halmaera's House Lost on Bleakrock This whistle is carved from a piece of bone. It bears a simple fang inscription.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 06.png Eagle Runestone North Skyshroud Barrow What Waits Beneath This runestone has a stylized symbol of an eagle spreading its wings.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Gnarled Wand South of Inishez's stall Underfoot This warped piece of wood has a carved Daedric symbol on its base.
ON-icon-stolen-Incense.png Incense Given by Darj the Hunter at Skyshroud Barrow What Waits Beneath Use this bag of incense to summon the spirit of a priest at Skyshroud Barrow.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Mage's Rune Orkey's Hollow The Frozen Man This rune, now shattered and unusable, is a type used exclusively by mages. Its complexity indicates the vast amount of power it once held.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 04.png Snake Runestone Central Skyshroud Barrow What Waits Beneath This runestone has a stylized symbol of a snake.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 05.png Whale Runestone South Skyshroud Barrow What Waits Beneath This runestone has a stylized symbol of a whale.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Alit Grease (?) The Mournhold Underground A slick grease that coats the scales of an alit.
ON-icon-misc-Harpy Wing.png Aloe Leaves (?) Search and Rescue Aloe plants are used in a variety of alchemical potions and salves.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Ancestor Ward (?) Ancestor Wards in Deshaan A carved and painted idol with spidery script at the base. It smells faintly of incense.
ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Dragonbone.png Ancient Dragonguard Breastplate The Corpse Garden Digging Up the Garden Though this venerable breastplate's straps are rotten beyond use, the plate itself is in good condition and bears a masterful design.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Anonymous Journal (?) For Their Own Protection A journal written by an uncredited author.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Appraising-Spine's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste This key belonged to an ill-fated Argonian merchant.
ON-icon-weapon-Dwarven Steel Battle Axe-Nord.png Axe of Halmer Stormhand (?) The Naked Nord This axe belongs to Evigna. It looks like a family heirloom.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Kwama Eggs (?) You Have to Break a Few A bag full of kwama eggs found in Lady Llarel's Shelter.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Rats (?) Ratting Them Out This bag is full of rats from the streets of Narsis.
ON-icon-misc-Rat.png Bog Rat (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake This plump critter is a favorite treat of snakes.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Book of Excellent Teachings (?) School Daze A Shad Astula text book.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Burning Torch (?) A Bitter Pill A torch from Garil's camp, covered in accelerant.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Burning Torch (?) Burning Revenge This lit torch would be perfect for burning something.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Cage Key (?) The Soldier's Alibi This key should open Saryvn's cage.
ON-icon-quest-Ceremonial Cheese Knife.png Ceremonial Cheese Knife (?) Madness in Deshaan A cheese knife doesn't usually need serrations and a blood gutter, does it?
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Dungeon Delvers Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Dungeon Delvers This device created by Raynor Valos somehow interacts with Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Light Fantastic Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Covert Note (?) Fighting Back Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Critter Sack (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake A sturdy stitched bag that can hold quite a few rodents or other small creatures.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Daedric Artifact (?) A Fair Warning This ancient pot or urn from Knife Ear Grotto might be worth something to the right buyer.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Daedric Tome (?) The Soldier's Alibi This ancient Daedric tome is written in scrawling script that makes your eyes water.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Dark Elf Skull (?) Ritual of Anguish This skull obviously belonged to a Dark Elf.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Deed to Darkshade (?) Mine All Mine The deed to the Darkshade mine.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Delicate Dwarven Parts (?) The Dungeon Delvers This bag contains delicate Dwarven mechanisms collected by the spider following you.
ON-icon-mushroom-Violet Coprinus 02.png Dragon Scale Mushrooms (?) Quest for the Cure Exotic mushrooms known for their magical essence.
ON-icon-stolen-Drum.png Drums (?) Quest for the Cure An out-of-tune musical instrument.
ON-icon-food-Ham.png Dunmer "Relic" (?) Cultural Exchange This appears to be an ordinary loaf of stale bread.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Dunmer Book (?) Cultural Exchange This is a book of Dunmer culture and customs.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Dunmer Clothes (?) Cultural Exchange This stylish Dunmer armor comes in a variety of garish colors.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Dwarven Harmonic Tuner (?) The Light Fantastic This ancient Dwarven relic of unknown purpose appears to be broken.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Dwarven Key (?) The Light Fantastic This old Dwarven key probably opens a nearby Dwarven chest.
ON-icon-quest-Dynamo Core.png Dynamo Core (?) The Seal of Three The fist-sized glowing sphere is suspended at the center of a metallic framework. The sphere constantly rotates.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Engine Control Rod (?) What Was Lost The rod corresponds to the Engine.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Forged Mournhold Shipping Manifest (?) Death Trap A rather convincing shipping manifest authorizing shipment into Mournhold.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Fragrant Herbs (?) Quest for the Cure Tightly wrapped herbs with a strong and pungent odor.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Frahjan's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste This key was the property of a stalwart Nord. Unfortunately, he is now deceased.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Full Critter Sack (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake A sturdy stitched bag that is holding quite a few rodents or other small creatures.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Fury Concoction (?) Strange Guard Beasts Use this concoction on the tree outside of Churasu's alchemy lab.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Garnet and Pearl Amulet (?) Search and Rescue This amulet is inscribed: "To Edrasa on our wedding day."
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Gems (?) Nothing Left to Waste This chest contains an assortment of valuable gems.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png General Gavryn's Signet Ring (?) What Lies Beneath This rank insignia for a House Redoran general belonged to Gavryn Redoran.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png General's Key (?) Rules and Regulations This key should open any locked furniture in the General's quarters.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Giron's Key (?) Hiding in Plain Sight This key must open a locked door somewhere within the ruins.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Golden Trinkets (?) Nothing Left to Waste This assortment of golden trinkets looks valuable.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Healing Supplies (?) Supply Run Various bandages, poultices, and dried herbs used by Selfora's healer.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Hist Branch (?) The Ravaged Village This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and thrums faintly with power.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Hist Branch (?) The Saving of Silent Mire This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and faintly thrumming with power.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Hlaalu Cargo Manifest (?) That Which Matters Most This scroll details the contents of the Hlaalu trade caravan.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Restless Spirits A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Rescue and Revenge A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Rescue and Revenge A vessel that can contain spiritual energy.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png House Dres Key (?) A Favor Returned The sigil of House Dres decorates this ornate key.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png House Dres Wine Bottle (?) A Favor Returned This wine bottle bears the House Dres seal and was part of a larger order.
ON-icon-food-Flour.png Illusion Dust (?) Vision Quest A natural byproduct of illusory monsters.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Impostor's Head (?) What Lies Beneath This severed head belonged to the Dremora Kynreeve that was impersonating General Gavryn.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Improved Wand of Finding (?) Vision Quest A wand used to scorch the hide of scamps, shadow clucks, and other nasty poultry.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key to Secret Meeting (?) Fighting Back This oddly shaped key might unlock any door within Narsis.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png King Kurog's Promise (?) Intruders in Deshaan Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Kinhouse Armory Key (?) A Timely Matter This small key opens weapon crates in the kinhouse.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Kwama Cuttle (?) Carving Cuttle This waxy growth is from the beak of a mature kwama.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Kyne's Heart Healing Herbs (?) Quest for the Cure These herbs are highly valued for their medicinal properties.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Letter from Gorvyn (?) A Letter for Deshaan Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter to Artisans Craftworks (?) Mournhold Market Misery A letter from Blivisi Beleth to her brother in Mournhold.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Evis Marys (?) For Their Own Protection A letter describing a botched shipment that sounds suspicious.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Lit Torch (?) Cold-Blooded Vengeance This is a burning lump of cloth and pitch atop a rough branch.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Lost Amulet (?) School Daze An amulet that an Academy instructor misplaced.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Maulborn Curative (?) Proprietary Formula A bottle of the Maulborn elixir that can supposedly cure the Llodos plague.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Merdyndril's Orders (?) Unwanted Guests Orders from the Maulborn commander to forces at Lake Narsis.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Axe-Dark Elf.png Narsis Axe (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Battle Axe-Dark Elf.png Narsis Battle Axe (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Oak Bow-Dark Elf.png Narsis Bow (?) A Timely Matter A military issued bow.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Greatsword-Dark Elf.png Narsis Claymore (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger-Dark Elf.png Narsis Dagger (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Mace-Dark Elf.png Narsis Mace (?) A Timely Matter A military issued cudgel.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Maul-Dark Elf.png Narsis Maul (?) A Timely Matter A military issued cudgel.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Narsis Ruins Key (?) Hiding in Plain Sight This key opens the door to the ruins of Narsis, located west of the city.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Sword-Dark Elf.png Narsis Sword (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-misc-Crate.png Narsis Weapons (?) A Timely Matter Military issued weapons taken from the barracks in Narsis.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Nilyne's Potion (?) Quest for the Cure A small vile of potion you created using Alchemist Nilyne's formula.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Nord Clothes (?) Cultural Exchange This is a collection of Nord cultural garb, made from some kind of mammoth fur. It smells faintly of Nord sweat.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nord Relic (?) Cultural Exchange This Nord religious relic appears to be the preserved heart of a goat.
ON-icon-misc-Empty Bucket.png Old Bucket (?) Quest for the Cure This old bucket is full of holes.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Old Graveyard Key (?) Bad Medicine The key to the old graveyard gate at Serkamora.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Orc Orders (?) Intruders in Deshaan This dirty parchment declares the Orcs should kill Dark Elves and collect their skulls.
ON-icon-armor-Homespun Breeches-Nord.png Pants (?) The Naked Nord Mead stains cover these worn pants.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Pirate Key (?) The Saving of Silent Mire This simple iron key opens the shackles that bind the Argonian captives.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Poison Gas Antidote (?) Search and Rescue This cloudy potion seems to ward off the effects of noxious fumes in the mine.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Rat Catcher (?) Ratting Them Out It's pretty much a sack.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Redoran Battle Medallion (?) A Service for the Dead An inscribed medallion that proves the death of a powerful house warrior.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Redweed (?) Search and Rescue These reddish plants grow in the shade beneath rocks and cliffs.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Reliquary Pendant (?) A Saint Asunder Pendant of a hammer, part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Reliquary Spire (?) A Saint Asunder The uppermost part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Reliquary Stone (?) A Saint Asunder A stone block from the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Reminder: Don't Drink the Water (?) Unwanted Guests A note from the Maulborn commander.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Resonator (?) Dissonant Commands This bell-shaped object somehow interacts with the controlling device.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Retainer Dispatch (?) Rules and Regulations This letter was written to the retainer appointed by the General, Durel Gilveni.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Risa's Amulet (?) Remembering Risa A beautifully crafted amulet engraved with the letter R.
ON-icon-book-Generic 141.png Risa's Journal (?) Remembering Risa Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack of Dremora Hearts (?) Healing Hearts This sticky, blood-soaked sack contains several Dremora hearts.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Sacred Stone (?) The Ravaged Village This smooth, polished rock is warm to the touch and painted with Saxhleel pictograms.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Saint Veloth Medallion (?) The Medallions of Saint Veloth This small, gold medallion bears the symbol of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Pelt.png Scorched Scamp Hide (?) Vision Quest The crispy epidermis of a scamp.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Shad Astula Invitation (?) By Invitation Only An invitation to the prestigious Academy of Magic. It says to report to the registrar when you reach the island.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Shipment Note (?) For Their Own Protection This faded parchment is barely legible. It indicates that more vials of an unknown substance are needed for some ominous plan.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Skull of Saint Veloth (?) A Saint Asunder A holy relic once kept in the reliquary at the Shrine of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Snake Totem (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake This snake-shaped totem was crafted by the Mabrigash Farseer.
ON-icon-food-Covered Pot.png Sour Milk Tea (?) Quest for the Cure A drink popular with the Dark Elves. Good on its own or mixed with liqueur or medicinal elixirs.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Gear.png Spinning Gears (?) The Seal of Three Despite their delicate appearance, these gears have a reassuring heft to them.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Steel Whistle (?) A Timely Matter This small whistle emits a high-pitched noise when blown.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Stolen Hlaalu Cargo (?) That Which Matters Most The crates are battered, but the cargo within is wrapped very well.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Strange Relics (?) Nothing Left to Waste This chest contains a collection of valuable relics from various races.
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Student (?) School Daze A student transformed by an improperly cast spell.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Tear of Saint Veloth (?) Honor Bound This sacred ancient relic emanates healing power.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png The Art of Love and Swordplay Obtained from Adras Sarethi at Shad Astula Cultural Exchange This is a Nord book of bawdy poems and heroic exploits.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Town Hall Key (?) Rescue and Revenge A key to unlock Selfora's town hall.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Treated Kindlepitch (?) Oath Breaker This tar-like substance is extremely flammable.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Treated Kindlepitch (?) Oath Breaker This tar-like substance is very flammable.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Valyia's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste The Dark Elf who possessed this key met with a terrible end.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Wand of Finding (?) School Daze A wand used to find lost items eaten by shadow clucks and other naughty poultry.
ON-icon-food-Sweetmeats.png Wasp Gizzard Dropped by Giant Wasps at Silent Mire Strange Guard Beasts This organ was harvested from a giant wasp.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Alchemy Report (?) Sleeping on the Job Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Amulet of Kyne (?) Shrine of Corruption A blessed holy symbol dedicated to the goddess Kyne.
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png Another Letter from the Reformer (?) Between a Rock and a Whetstone Another letter from the Reformer to Federo.
ON-icon-food-Golden Malt.png Appleblossom Honey (?) A Friend in Mead Honey from Cyrodiil's apple orchards, used to craft Voljar mead.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Assassin's Orders (?) Windhelm's Champion This scroll contains a list of targets and outlines a plan for the Stormfist champions to reach the final events. It's signed by "Fildgor Orcthane."
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Bath Salts (?) Bath Time These bath salts were made from various ingredients. They may induce zombification.
ON-icon-misc-Compass.png Battered Compass (?) Our Poor Town This battered and tarnished compass no longer points much of anywhere.
ON-icon-food-Red Meat.png Bear Steaks (?) Merriment and Mystery Big, thick slabs of bear meat.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Blood Rune (?) The Better of Two Evils This rune allows you to control a bloodfiend.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Bloodfiend Dust (?) A Right to Live This dusty residue can be collected from the remains of a destroyed bloodfiend.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Bloody Rags (?) Our Poor Town Once supple sheets, now crusted with blood.
ON-icon-food-Wine.png Bottle of Putrid Liquid Jaruk at Valeric's Manor The Better of Two Evils This foul-smelling concoction provided by Jaruk masks the scent of a hunter.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Bundle of Old Life Messages From Petronius Galenus Old Life Observance A small stack of heartfelt messages to deceased loved ones, bound with a paper strip.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Burial Urn (?) Pilfered Urn This valuable burial urn might be returned for a reward.
ON-icon-mushroom-Entoloma Cap 02.png Canis Cup Mushroom (?) A Council of Thanes These mushrooms have an overpowering earthy odor.
ON-icon-misc-Black Fur Paw.png Cat (?) The Pride of a Prince One of the guards at the barracks really detests cats.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Clothing Windhelm Between a Rock and a Whetstone An outfit selected at random from a trunk full of very pungent clothes.
ON-icon-head-Nord Male.png Commander Bitterblade's Head (?) Making Amends The severed head of the Stormfist commander, Hald Bitterblade.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Courier's Permit The Adept's Retreat, Windhelm Between a Rock and a Whetstone A document forged by Mevei for Federo to start his new life as a courier for the Antiquarian Circle.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Crypt Key (?) The Better of Two Evils This key opens the crypt beneath Majorn's manor.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Damp Page (?) Sleep for the Dead This is a damp page torn from a larger book.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Daril (?) Bath Time This powerful Argonian toxin is used in an unusual recipe for bath salts.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Dark Elf Dispatch (?) Strange Allies Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Death-In-Winter's Head (?) The Pride of a Prince The head of a powerful troll that had been terrorizing Darkwater Crossing.
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Dragonbone Powder Dark Water Temple The Dragonguard's Legacy The ground up bones of vanquished Dragons, often used in Dragonguard ceremonies.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Dresser Key (?) Shrine of Corruption Use this key to open the locked dresser in the Keeper's house.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Dry Page (?) Sleep for the Dead This is a dry page torn from a larger book.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Dusty Page (?) Sleep for the Dead This is a dusty page torn from a larger book.
ON-icon-misc-Blue Dust.png Dwemer Glass Shards (?) Kireth's Amazing Plan These glass shards look like the useless remains of a smashed glass orb.
ON-icon-food-Beer.png Exotic Dunmer Wine (?) The Pride of a Prince Bottles of Golden Wine from Morrowind, highly favored by the Dark Elves.
ON-icon-stolen-Incense.png Fire Arrows (?) Best of the Best Arrows tipped with a volatile substance that explodes on impact.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Fjorna's Skull East of Bonestrewn Barrow Torn Asunder The remains of Sonya Lastblood's second daughter.
ON-icon-food-Mint.png Fragrant Herbs (?) A Friend in Mead Fragrant herbs used to craft Voljar mead.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Gate Procedures (?) Strange Allies Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Giant's Toe Mead (?) A Council of Thanes This rich, sparkling mead packs a big kick.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Giant-Friend Horn (?) Strange Allies Use at a nearby cave to summon a giant ally.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Giant-Friend Horn (?) The Siege of Cradlecrush Use this horn to signal your giant allies and to challenge Lob the Cleaver.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Giant-Friend Horn (?) The Siege of Cradlecrush Use to signal your giant allies and to challenge the Orcs.
ON-icon-reagent-Lady's Smock.png Goat Treat (?) Merriment and Mystery A tasty, leafy herb that goats love to nibble on.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Grida's Note to Dralof (?) Bath Time Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Hadmal's Journal, Page 3 South of Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine Torn Asunder Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Hadmal's Journal, Page 7 East of the entrance to the Hall of the Dead Torn Asunder Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Hadmal's Journal, Page 12 East of Bonestrewn Barrow Torn Asunder Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Incense.png Harsh Incense with Attached Note (?) Shadows Over Windhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Crate.png Hidden Package (?) Icy Intrigue in Eastmarch A nondescript package, triple-wrapped with waxed parchment and sealed with twine.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Key (?) Our Poor Town This key opens the door to Stormy-Eyes's house.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Hymn to Kyne (?) Shrine of Corruption This collection of songs is used to worship the goddess Kyne.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Icehammer's Vault Scroll Icehammer's Vault Dragon Lore: Icehammer's Vault An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Bow-Orc.png Inscribed Orcish Bow with Attached Note (?) Shadows Over Windhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Jagged Dagger with Attached Note (?) Shadows Over Windhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Jarl's Manor Key (?) The War Council A key that unlocks the doors to the Jarl's manor.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Jolinne's Skull East of the entrance to the Hall of the Dead Torn Asunder The remains of Sonya Lastblood's first daughter.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Jomund's Research Notes (?) Mystery Metal Use to read contents.
ON-icon-head-Redguard Male.png Kazok's Head (?) A Brother's Revenge You're carrying the severed head of Kazok gro-Nogremor.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Koruni's Dispatch (?) Victory at Morvunskar A letter detailing Fort Morvunskar's status. It's addressed to Thane Oda Wolf-Sister at Fort Amol.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Kyne's Breath (?) A Cure For Droi This flower is known for its curative properties.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Leftover Lunch (?) Merriment and Mystery Today's leftovers. Should appeal to bears.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Letter to Marillan Dark Water Temple The Dragonguard's Legacy A note recovered from Dark Water Temple.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Letter to Sonya South of Jorunn's Stand Wayshrine Torn Asunder Torn Asunder
ON-icon-misc-Silver Crown.png Lodorr's Crown Hall of the Dead Lost Crown The crown is warm to the touch.
ON-icon-armor-Iron Shield-Nord.png Lothgar's Shield (?) A Dying Wish A soldier's shield, well-used but still sturdy.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Sword-Nord.png Lothgar's Sword (?) A Dying Wish A finely honed, well cared for soldier's sword.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Mammoth Duty (?) Strange Allies Use to read contents.
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Maps of Western Skyrim Palace of Kings The Coven Conundrum This book of maps details the holds of Western Skyrim.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Militia Supplies (?) Giant Problems This sack is full of foul-smelling meat.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Moth-Eaten Shirt The Grinning Horker Basement The Coven Conundrum A long-abandoned shirt.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Mudcrab Claw (?) Bath Time This is the claw of a humble mudcrab. It's used in a recipe for bath salts.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Mysterious Letter to Federo (?) Between a Rock and a Whetstone A letter to Federo from an unknown source.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Mysterious Ore (?) Mystery Metal This sample of a mysterious metal glows faintly with magical power.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Mysterious Ore (?) Mystery Metal This sample of mysterious metal glows faintly with magical power.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Note from Gadri to Federo (?) Between a Rock and a Whetstone A note explaining that Gadri left the key by the door and is expecting payment.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Note from Magister Osanne (?) Do Kill the Messenger This scroll is freshly inked and tightly wound for travel.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Note to King Jorunn (?) The War Council Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Old Horse Blanket The Grinning Horker Basement The Coven Conundrum A blanket that smells strongly of horse.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Old Key (?) Merriment and Mystery An old key carried by the riekling chieftain.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Old Nord Cup (?) Sleep for the Dead This simple, unadorned cup is clearly of Nord design.
ON-icon-stolen-Wig.png Old Wig The Grinning Horker Basement The Coven Conundrum A ragged, old wig.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Ophelia's Key (?) Dark Deeds This key should open the door to the Barrow's third chamber.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Orders to Halskar (?) Blindsided Orders from Fildgor Orcthane detailing plans to capture Fort Morvunskar using the tunnels beneath the royal crypt.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Palace Dungeons Key Palace of Kings The Coven Conundrum You found this key to the dungeons beneath the Palace of Kings on a sentry killed by the Icereach Coven.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Pickled Fish (?) Party Planning This bundle of small, pickled fish smells terrible.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Queen Nurnhilde's Amulet (?) Sleep for the Dead This heirloom belonged to the beloved Nord queen.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Rare Spices (?) A Friend in Mead Aromatic Alik'r spices used to craft Voljar mead.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Reagents (?) Our Poor Town Reagents from Stormy-Eyes's satchel.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Rotten Grain (?) Our Poor Town This damp, molded grain is unfit for eating.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Rune of Kyne Priestess Hodyette's Camp The Winds of Kyne This rune is covered in symbols of Kyne, and is said to absorb the power of her presence.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Safe Room Key (?) The War Council This simple, unassuming key unlocks the Jarl's safe room.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Finding (?) Shrine of Corruption Use this magic scroll to find a way into the locked house.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Sealed Dispatch (?) A Council of Thanes This note for the Skald-King bears Thane Harvald's seal.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Shaman Moramat's Orders (?) Security Details Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Waterstone.png Sigil of Nature's Accord South of Kynesgrove Nature's Accord This wooden sigil has an odd, twisted shape. It has no seams and appears to have grown this way.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Singed Page (?) Sleep for the Dead This is a singed page torn from a larger book.
ON-icon-misc-Giant Toe.png Smash-Skull's Toe (?) A Friend in Mead A large toe removed from the giant Smash-Skull's right foot.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Snowmead's Missive (?) Labor Dispute Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Sodden Rags The Grinning Horker Basement The Coven Conundrum Foul-smelling rags.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders (?) Security Details Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Storehouse Key (?) Merriment and Mystery The key to the Cragwallow storehouse.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Stormcrag Crypt Scroll Stormcrag Crypt Dragon Lore: Stormcrag Crypt An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons.
ON-icon-stolen-Wolf Charm.png Stormfist Brigade Emblem (?) Windhelm's Champion This emblem features a stylized "F" etched into the center of a fist surrounded by bolts of lightning.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Stormfist Scout Orders (?) Strange Allies Use to read contents.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Axe-Orc.png Stormfist Weapon (?) Labor Dispute This weapon was taken from the Orcthane's soldiers in Lost Knife Cave.
ON-icon-head-Breton Male.png The About Face (?) Madness in Eastmarch The flayed skin of an Imperial. One side reveals a visage contorted in pain and anguish. The other grins mercilessly.
ON-icon-misc-Silver Crown.png The Crown of Freydis (?) Songs of Sovngarde This crown is ornate, and very cold to the touch. This close to Sovngarde, it hums gently.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Torch (?) Security Details Useful for providing light and setting things on fire.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Torch of Heirs (?) Nobles' Rest Legend has it that this torch can be used to light the Direfrost Flame, and in doing so, contact the Direfrost ancestors.
ON-icon-quest-Insect Wings.png Torchbug Wings (?) Our Poor Town A pair of delicate wings pulled from a torchbug.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies (?) Alchemical Analysis The pages of this book are lightly water-stained.
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Troll Fat (?) Bath Time This glob of fat from a troll is used in a recipe for bath salts.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Truths of the North (?) Sleep for the Dead This is an old, musty book of Nord proverbs.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Truths of the North (?) Sleep for the Dead This large, heavy tome contains flowery poetry.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Uggissar's Diary (?) Dear Cousins Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Uncharged Dwemer Orb (?) Kireth's Amazing Plan The depths of this glass sphere appear dark and empty.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Valdia's Skull Behind Seeks-White-Bird's House Torn Asunder The remains of Sonya Lastblood's third daughter.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Varla Stone Tincture (?) Alchemical Analysis This rare and possibly volatile concoction was made from powdered Varla Stones.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Vial of Vampire Blood (?) Eternal Slumber Blood from a vampire to help bolster the Skald King's life force.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Vial with Attached Note (?) Shadows Over Windhelm Use to read contents.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger-Dark Elf.png Viper's Strike (?) Making Amends Use General Yeveth Noramil's dagger on slain Stormfists to charge it.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger-Dark Elf.png Viper's Strike (?) Making Amends This fully charged enchanted dagger belongs to General Yeveth Noramil.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Voljar Spiced Mead (?) Party Planning This bottle is a sample from the batch being shipped from Voljar's Meadery.
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png Voljar's Meadery Recipes (?) A Friend in Mead This is a book of recipes for creating some basic Voljar meads.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Voljar's Spiced Mead (?) Merriment and Mystery Voljar Meadery's most popular flavor.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Warlord Halskar's Possessions (?) Blindsided A bundle containing Halskar's orders and a collection of Nord relics from the crypts beneath the fort.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Pelt.png Wolf Pelt (?) Collector of Pelts This hide was skinned from a recently slain wolf. It smells foul, but the fur is warm.
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Worn Doll (?) Our Poor Town This tiny doll is falling apart, the much beloved plaything of a bygone day.

The Rift

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Altmer Golden Pear Ale Riften All's Fair An exquisite ale, but illegal in Pact lands.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Amulet of the Companion (?) Shattered Hopes This amulet is linked to one of Ysgramor's legendary companions.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Amulet of the Pact (?) Securing the Pass This amulet represents your Nord warrior follower.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Amulet of the Pact (?) Securing the Pass This amulet represents your Argonian mage follower.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Amulet of the Pact (?) Securing the Pass This amulet represents your Dunmer healer follower.
ON-icon-misc-Bowl 01.png Ancient Goblet (?) Lost Companions This appears to be an ancient, likely valuable, goblet.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Pelt.png Animal Hide Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds This hide is clean and disturbingly dry.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Animus Geode Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A shimmering light weakly glimmers in the depths of this geode.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Animus Geode Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A bright energy shines out from the geode's surface. Use this to summon the spirit of the necromancer Nordahl.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Archaeological Tools (?) Research Subject A bag of tools, maps, and notes.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Arkay the Enemy (?) Approaching Thunder This loose book of papers was hidden on Housecarl Thorulf's shelf.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Vvardenfell Silk (?) A Business Proposition The rough bag is filled with high-quality Morrowind silk.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Batch of Glowflies (?) Problems Into Profit These are the glowflies that Odunn asked me to catch so they can be used as fishing bait.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Beating Heart Vernim Woods Dangerous Union The culled heart continues to beat dark energy instead of blood.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger-Nord.png Bloodstained Dagger (?) Approaching Thunder An ornate dagger, its blade stained with old blood.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Greatsword-Nord.png Bonebane (?) Approaching Thunder An old weapon that is apparently magical.
ON-icon-armor-Linen Hat-Breton.png Brimstone Cowl Blessed Crucible Fires of Battle
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Bucket of Water Riften, well In His Wake A bucket of water. Can be used near fires to douse them.
ON-icon-quest-Straw.png Bundle of Straw (?) Pulled Under A small clump of partly chewed hay, smelling faintly of horse. Perhaps it would be useful to investigate the stable outside the southeast gate.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Burial Stone (?) Tomb Beneath the Mountain The stone appears heavy, but it is surprisingly light.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Cage Key Lost Prospect Those She Devours This key opens the prisoner cages.
ON-icon-quest-Beak.png Cree the Falcon Northeastern section of The Lion's Den A Valuable Distraction Senior Scout Justal's hunting companion, a highly trained falcon, is quiet for now.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Crushed Nightshade Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A bag containing dried, crushed nightshade plants.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Dark Brotherhood Note Renna's House The Emperor's Secret This note is stamped with the black hand of the Dark Brotherhood.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Darkhammer's Amulet Shor's Stone Mine Unearthed Inscription reads: "Bron Darkhammer, shield of Ysgramor. Forever will his spirit keep the unwary from the tomb of Sinmur."
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Delver Notes (?) The Shackled Guardian Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear White.png Diamond (?) A Diamond in the Root A small diamond cut expertly.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Dwarven Puzzle Box Avanchnzel Dead Weight A puzzle box of this size would contain hundreds, if not thousands, of layers to unravel.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Dyta's Head Northwind Mine Breaking the Coven This is the Hagraven Dyta's head.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Empty Sack Geirmund's Hall Trial of the Mind A heavy, thick sack, lined with a skin of some kind.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Engling's Lute (?) Song of Awakening A simple lute of sturdy construction. Faint golden light plays across its strings.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Engraved Locket (?) River of Names This locket is engraved "Amifar."
ON-icon-misc-Monster Eyes.png Eyeballs Northwind Mine Breaking the Coven Fresh eyeballs collected from a corpse.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Fireheart's Medallion Shor's Stone Mine Unearthed Inscription reads: "Jalarma Fireheart, blade of the 500. Forever will her spirit keep the unwary from the tomb of Sinmur."
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Fjar's Interrogation Transcript (?) Prisoner Dilemma Use to read contents.
ON-icon-plant-Nirnroot 02.png Frostheart Blossom On the Seven-Thousand Steps, west of Ivarstead Where the Frostheart Grows A beautiful blue flower that grows only in snow-bound regions.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Glass Sphere (?) Concealed Weapons A dim white fire hangs inside the sphere. The fire grows each time the sphere is touched.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Glimmering Book (?) Guard the Knowledge The book shines with an inner light. Faint lines of power trace away from its cover.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Glowfly (?) Problems Into Profit These are the glowflies that Odunn asked me to catch so they can be used as fishing bait.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Glowing Orb Nimalten, Thane's Hall Concealed Weapons A dim white fire hangs inside the sphere. The fire grows each time it's touched.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Goharth Ironbelly's Key Riften Ratway The Coven Conspiracy A key that dropped from Goharth Ironbelly's corpse. Maybe it can open locked doors in the Ratway.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Gray Jar Lieutenant Belron, Vernim Woods Through the Shroud This jar contains a dark sludge of moist gray chunks.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Guard's Skeleton Key (?) Approaching Thunder A skeleton key procured off one of Fullhelm's soldiers through "charming" means.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm 02.png Hagraven Ward Northwind Mine, Prisoner Gnarled-Root Scouting the Mine This ward stuns Hagravens within Northwind Mine for a brief time.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm 02.png Hagraven Ward Northwind Mine Breaking the Coven This ward stuns Hagravens within Northwind Mine for a brief time.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Hakra Fragment (?) Tomb Beneath the Mountain The stone appears heavy, but it surprisingly light.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Hakra Shard (?) Tomb Beneath the Mountain This sliver of stone contains part of Hakra's essence.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Hald's Interrogation Transcript (?) Prisoner Dilemma Use to read contents.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Half-Rotten Salmon (?) Pulled Under The smashed, rotten remains of a salmon. The fishhook lodged in its jaw suggests a search of the Riften docks.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Handkerchief (?) River of Names This has the names "Svein" and "Viri" embroidered on it.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Healing Bandages (?) Soldier Down These bandages stink of Argonian herbs. They can be used to heal injured soldiers.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Hilka's Interrogation Transcript (?) Prisoner Dilemma Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Horn of the Companion (?) Shattered Hopes This horn will summon one of Ysgramor's legendary companions.
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Horn of the Pact (?) Securing the Pass This horn summons your chosen companion.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Jadwiga's Head Northwind Mine Breaking the Coven This is the Hagraven Jadwiga's head.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Josseline's Letter Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A letter written by Josseline Sidrey to a fellow cultist.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Kalodar's Letter (?) Kalodar's Farewell Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Kindling Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds Use these fallen branches as fuel for fires around Forelhost.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Kraig's Heart Vernim Woods Gift of the Worm A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coat the heart.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Raerana (?) Blood Upon the Soil Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Lost Notes (?) The Shackled Guardian This is a page of lost notes I recovered from the Worm Cult.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Lucrative Opportunity In Eastmarch Riften Ratway The Coven Conspiracy This flier describes a lucrative opportunity for workers in Eastmarch. Interested parties are directed to report to the Grinning Horker inn.
ON-icon-style material-Charcoal of Remorse.png Lump of Pig Iron (?) Pulled Under A lump of rust-colored pig iron. The closest source of pig iron is the Scorched Hammer smithy in Riften.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Lurcher Wards Boulderfall Paass Smoke on the Horizon These simple totemic symbols seem to cast a faint, dim light.
ON-icon-quest-Madman's Chalice.png Madman's Chalice The Lion's Den Madness in the Rift A pewter goblet engraved with faces in varying states of joy, sorrow, and despair.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Magical Wine Fort Greenwall Drink, Drink, and Be Merry This wine is clearly magically infused.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Northwind Mine Key Northwind Mine, Alona's Sanctum Scouting the Mine This is the key to open the door leading into Northwind Mine.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Note from Gullveig (?) Approaching Thunder This brief note, written in a bold, impatient hand, was found among the papers in Housecarl Thorulf's desk.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Odanach's Heart Vernim Woods Gift of the Worm A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Or Else (?) Pulled Under Use to read contents.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Ornate Globe Vernim Woods Dangerous Union This is a glass sphere with a strange liquid swirling inside.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Ornate Globe Vernim Woods Dangerous Union This is a glass sphere with a strange liquid inside.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Package for Sarisa Riften All's Fair A gift from the merchant Bar-Neeus.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Pendant.png Pact Amulet (?) Names of the Fallen This amulet is inscribed with the name of the fallen soldier.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Pale Dagger Vernim Woods Dangerous Union A polished white dagger. Runes are etched deeply into the blade.
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Pale Dagger Vernim Woods Dangerous Union A polished white dagger with symbols etched into the blade.
ON-icon-stolen-Stein.png Poisoned Mead Geirmund's Hall Trial of the Spirit This stein is filled with a darkly colored and aromatic mead.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Practical Necromancy Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A well-thumbed book of necromantic rituals. A cracked leather strap marks a page.
ON-icon-stolen-Teeth.png Prayer Beads Fallowstone Hall The Rise of Sage Svari A set of prayer beads used to honor past Companions at Fallowstone shrines.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Pure-Water Talisman Shor's Stone Beneath the Stone This small magical focus exudes a calming, cleansing aura.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Report on Training Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds Use to read contents.
ON-icon-furnishing-Meat Chunks 05.png Rift Mammoth Steaks Treva's Farm, Giant Camp Salty Meats Steaks this thick can only be acquired from the savage mammoths native to The Rift.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Rotting Heart Vernim Woods Gift of the Worm A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack Geirmund's Hall Trial of the Mind The mirror is inside this sack.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack Geirmund's Hall Trial of the Mind The sack now contains water. It is thick enough that the water does not leak out.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack Geirmund's Hall Trial of the Mind The map is inside this sack.
ON-icon-furnishing-Sack of Potatoes.png Sack of Salt East of Treva's Farm Salty Meats A heavy sack of curing salt.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Salvaged Goods (?) Aiding Sigunn The sack holds goods which belonged to Sigunn before the giants attacked him.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Sanctum Key Northwind Mine, Prisoner Tovisa Scouting the Mine This is the key that opens the door to Alona's sanctum.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Scent-of-Graves' Report Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Secret Door Key Shor's Stone Mine Unearthed Key to a hidden mining tunnel.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Shard of Wuuthrad Lost Prospect Those She Devours A shard of the ancient axe Wuuthrad, shattered by the Worm Cult.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Shroud Hearth Scroll Shroud Hearth Barrow Dragon Lore: Shroud Hearth An ancient scroll with techniques for fighting Dragons.
ON-icon-misc-Azura's Star.png Signet Ring (?) River of Names This signet ring is engraved with the name "Hadriss."
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Treva's Mammoth Horn Treva's Farm The Farmer's Champion This ancient horn is slightly cracked but supposedly will stun a mammoth.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Unsent Letter (?) River of Names This letter is addressed to "Zakhal of Mara."
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Uracaile's Heart (?) Gift of the Worm A wet, pulpy knot of thorns coats the heart.
ON-icon-quest-Argonian Vessel.png White Moon Tea (?) Pulled Under This soothing tea from Elsweyr may calm Yiri's nerves.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Breton.png Winter's Bite (?) Returning Winter's Bite An ancient relic of the Companions.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Maul-Dark Elf.png Winter's Hammer (?) Finding Winter's Hammer An ancient relic of the Companions.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Wuuthrad Shard Forelhost A Walk Above the Clouds A shard of Wuuthrad, the famed axe of Ysgramor.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Wuuthrad Shard (?) The Thunder Breaks A shard of Wuuthrad, the famed axe of Nord hero Ysgramor.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Breton.png Wuuthrad's Haft (?) Shattered Hopes The haft of the legendary axe, Wuuthrad.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-quest-Vertebrate Small Heart.png Alit's Heart (?) Shadowfen Smorgasbord This foul-smelling lump of knotted muscle is heavy in your hands.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Ancient Book (?) The Tree-Minder's Fate This book's pages are burnt and torn, but they tell the story of a peaceful Argonian hamlet untouched by the terrors of war.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Ancient Sword Loriasel Vigil's End This shattered iron sword, forged long ago, is unnaturally cold.
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Antique Inkwell Under-Root Bank A Mother's Obsession This porcelain inkwell bears markings from the College of Sapiarchs, but its make is oddly amateurish for High Elven crafts.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Argonian Dancing Leathers Stormhold Reeling in Recruits The decorative stitching and bead-craft on this garment make it a true work of art.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Argonian Egg Hatching Pools, beneath the Hist Tree Keepers of the Shell Its slick surface pulses with the rhythm of life.
ON-icon-furnishing-Argonian Relic 01.png Argonian Nightmare Idol Chid-Moska Ruins Ruthless Competition The ancient statue appears to be hollow. Something was removed from inside the idol.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Argonian Remains Loriasel The Swamp's Embrace This is the lamia's "trophy." It's a hunk of Argonian flesh.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Ayleid Key Listens-to-Water's Hut Getting to the Truth This key taken from Listens-to-Water's home unlocks an entrance to some Ayleid ruins.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Ayleid relic Temple of Sul Captured Time This relic is warm to the touch and hums with latent energy.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Bellael Keystone Loriasel The Dream of the Hist This is a shard of a Keystone from White Rose Prison. It somehow manifested within the Hist's dream.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Blackguard Map Stormhold The Cursed Skull The complete map shows the location of the Blackguards' transport.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Blessed Vessel Deep Graves Broken Apart This elaborate vessel is cold to the touch. It vibrates with energy.
ON-icon-misc-Animus Stone.png Blue Puzzle Stone Sunscale Strand Buried in the Past This pale, blue stone has an inscription: a white snowflake surrounded by a corona of energy.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Necklace.png Broken Gold Necklace Camp Crystal Abattoir Missing Son This carved medallion is affixed to twisted gold links. It bears the name "Wideem-Voh."
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Argonian.png Broken Haft Forsaken Hamlet The Tree-Minder's Fate The haft of this staff was formed from the branch of a Hist tree.
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Bulging Purse Cold-Blood Cavern The Missing Prophecy Glittering gold coins spill out of this purse like water from a fountain. A pity they're all cursed.
ON-icon-quest-Argonian Vessel.png Ceremonial Sap Bowl Atanaz Ruins Give and Take in Shadowfen A well-worn but beautifully crafted wooden bowl. Painted scenes of Argonian life cover the sides.
ON-icon-quest-Colored Glass.png Colored Glass Zuuk King of Dust This simple piece of colored glass can be embedded in Drillk's crown in place of a gem.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Crystal Phial Atanaz Ruins Strength of the Father The phial is filled with a clear liquid that slowly replenishes when emptied.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Crystallized Fire Salts Murkwater Scales of Retribution These fire salts have grown additional crystals due to Shadowfen's humid environment.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Daedric Urn Broken Tusk Will of the Broken The surface of this Daedric urn is cool to the touch.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Dominion Bedroll Camp Silken Snare Saving the Relics This is a stained bedroll from the Dominion camp in Bogmother.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Crown.png Drillk's Crown Zuuk King of Dust This simple crown was pieced together from discarded materials.
ON-icon-quest-Hammer.png Drillk's Hammer Zuuk King of Dust This smithing hammer is quite plain, but obviously functional.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Enchanted Container (?) A Poisoned Heart This container is made from a wasp husk and vibrates with magical energy.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Enchanted Container (?) A Poisoned Heart This container was constructed from a wasp husk.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Enchanted Container North of Hissmir A Poisoned Heart Dangerous poison swirls within the container.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Energized Daedric Soul Totem Odious Chapel The Thin Ones This totem is now energized: it will protect its wielder from the Daedric energy of the Soul Gem Array.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Engraved Locket East of Camp Crystal Abattoir A Life of Privilege Several names are engraved into the metal. They look Dunmer in origin.
ON-icon-stolen-Lute.png Erranenen's Lute West of Alten Corimont Threefold Folly This is a exquisitely crafted lute belonging to Erranenen.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Erranza's Remains White Rose Prison Dungeon The Ones Left Behind This sack holds Erranza's remains along with a small heart-shaped locket which opens to reveal a small painting of her children.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Eyes of the Queen Only Ten-Maur-Wolk Hushed Whispers Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Fang of Sithis (?) Pull the Last Fang This relic does not, at first glance, look like a fang, but when you stare at its smooth, egg-like shape, an incongruent sharpness becomes evident.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Fang of Sithis (?) Pull the Last Fang This Fang of Sithis is identical to the first one, but the energy inside its egg shape is more apparent.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 01.png Fenlord Icon Given to you by Zahra in the Gandranen Ruins if you intimidate her Riches Beyond Measure Tiny lines crisscross its surface. Close inspection reveals minute writing in an unknown script.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Fire Salts (?) Scales of Retribution This saline deposit is highly flammable.
ON-icon-quest-Pumpkin 01.png Food Scraps (?) Schism Use this unpleasant mixture of rotting vegetables, bread, and meat to distract Goblins.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Fragmented Stopper (?) A Stranger Uninvited This fragmented stopper pulses with power.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Fragmented Urn (?) A Stranger Uninvited This ancient urn pulses with power.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Gathotar's Amulet (?) Catch the Lightning This hunk of dark stone was fashioned into a simple amulet.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Gathotar's Amulet (?) Catch the Lightning The amulet crackles with wamasu lightning energy.
ON-icon-quest-Egg 03.png Giant Wasp Larva Wasp Nests across the Hatching Pools Outside Interference This slippery, fist-sized egg quivers slightly at your touch.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Primal.png Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem (?) Schism This totem's central staff is covered in bones and feathers.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Primal.png Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem (?) Schism The totem's central staff is covered in bones and feathers.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Primal.png Gnaw-Root Goblin Totem (?) Schism Use the totem to get the Goblin's attention by planting it in the ground before them.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Gordag's journal Atanaz Ruins Strength of the Father Use to read contents.
ON-icon-trait material-Chysolite.png Green Puzzle Stone (?) Buried in the Past This greenish stone is inscribed with a hieroglyph shaped like a serpent's fang dripping with poison.
ON-icon-quest-Crow Charm.png Gristly-Boned Fetish Atanaz Ruins Give and Take in Shadowfen A totem crafted from dried bone, feathers, and sinew. Despite its age, the fetish has bits of fresh gristle worked into its weaving.
ON-icon-food-Berry 03.png Guar Berries (?) Unbridled Wealth Sweet-smelling berries beloved by Wades-In-Muck.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Hidden-Hands' Journal (?) Of Dubious Value This dirty, folded journal recounts the trials and tribulations of someone named Hidden-Hands. A recent entry claims a High Elf pilgrim refused to purchase stolen Hissmir relics.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Hideout Key (?) Last One Standing This small, bronze key has a patina from age and seawater.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Hissmir Relics (?) Of Dubious Value These relics belong to the Root Stewards of Hissmir.
ON-icon-gem-Amber 02.png Hist Amber (?) Dreams From the Hist This is a piece of amber created from Hist sap. It's inscribed with ancient Argonian symbols.
ON-icon-trait material-Chysolite.png Hist Amber (?) Dreams From the Hist This chunk of Hist amber displays carved runes, but time has blurred their edges.
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Hist Key (?) The Fangs of Sithis Though formed by the mingling of three colors, this ancient stone appears translucent.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Hold Key (?) Pull the Last Fang This large key features a crudely carved skull. It should fit in a large lock.
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Indistinct Idol Atanaz Ruins Give and Take in Shadowfen An unsettling idol covered in an oily sheen. It is unnaturally cool to the touch.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Iron-Kettle Runestone (?) A Last Reminder A simple but well made stone covered in Nord runes and bearing the name Hodmar Iron-Kettle.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Jewelry Box (?) A Life of Privilege The box holds several loose gemstones and earrings.
ON-icon-food-Drumsticks.png Kagouti Ribs (?) Shadowfen Smorgasbord The strong ribs of the kagouti are attached to some tender meat.
ON-icon-armor-Iron Shield-Imperial.png Knight's Shield Loriasel Vigil's End This battered, rusted shield was once used by an Ayleid knight.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Battle Axe-Orc.png Kothringi Axe (?) Trials of the Burnished Scales This is a painted wooden replica of a Kothringi axe.
ON-icon-quest-Mushroom 02.png lanceata pholiota Mushroom Cave, Percolating Mire Clarity This large mushroom is used in Argonian rituals.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Leather-Bound Tome Lair of the Skin-Stealer The Skin-Stealer's Lair The book is heavy and cold, as if it were made of lead. Use to read contents.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png List of Argonians Stormhold The Cursed Skull A list containing the names of the local Argonians that Jee-Lar suggested I interview.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png List of Instructions Dominion Camps at the Hatching Pools, in a cart next to a Strange Device Outside Interference This list of instructions is signed "Alchemist Ruuvitar."
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png List of Names Stormhold Guild Hall, Fighters Guild Three Tender Souls This list contains the names of the relatives of murder victims: Dendras Indalor, Gethis Omobar, and Tiiril Alor.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Lost Key (?) The Tree-Minder's Fate This key belonged to the Tree-Minder. It unlocks something in the hamlet.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Maldur's Heart (?) Cold-Blooded Revenge This still-warm heart belonged to the Dominion leader who slaughtered the hamlet's Argonians.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Medical Supplies White Rose Prison And Throw Away The Key This sack bulges with dozens of clean bandages, jars of salve, and a saw.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Metal Band (?) King of Dust This band of metal is flexible enough to be bent into a circlet.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Mortuary Key Riverside Markets smithy, Stormhold Three Tender Souls Gethis Omobar provided this key to Stormhold's mortuary. If I'm able to examine the bodies, he hopes I'll find clues leading to the killer.
ON-icon-food-Aged Meat.png Mudcrab Claw Meat (?) Shadowfen Smorgasbord The uncooked claw meat of the mudcrab smells sweet.
ON-icon-weapon-Beech Bow-Argonian.png Nimble-Knuckles' bow (?) Missing in the Mire This is Nimble-Knuckles' bow, a battle-scarred but serviceable weapon.
ON-icon-quest-Hand 01.png Namira's Hand (?) Deep Disturbance This corrupted artifact was placed near the Hist Tree to corrupt it.
ON-icon-quest-Hand 01.png Namira's Hand (?) Deep Disturbance Use this relic to interrupt Namira's minions at the high ritual site.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Neelo's Notes East of the Stormhold Wayshrine Of Knives and Long Shadows This damp, leatherbound bundle contains all of Neelo's notes on the Daedric artifact.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Nuzal's Remains White Rose Prison Dungeon The Ones Left Behind This sack holds various small bones together with a burnt leather bracelet enbossed [sic] with the letter "N."
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Ornate Ceremonial Dagger (?) A Life of Privilege This small knife is decorated in the style of the Houses of Morrowind.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Phial of Hist Sap Hatching Pools Outside Interference A small amount of viscous fluid in a stoppered phial.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Poultice Hatching Pools Outside Interference This linen bandage has a medicinal smell to it.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Rabeen-Eii's Letter (?) Lost to the Mire This letter is stained with mud and ink spots.
ON-icon-furnishing-Paper Stack 01.png Recruitment Handbill Stormhold Wayshrine Reeling in Recruits A stack of handbills calling adventurers to explore the wonders of Murkmire.
ON-icon-trait material-Almandine.png Red Puzzle Stone (?) Buried in the Past This red puzzle stone is pitted and charred, as if by flame. The sigil inscribed on it looks like a beating heart.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Relleis Lor Keystone (?) The Dream of the Hist This is a shard of the Keystone from Murkwater. It somehow manifested within the Hist's dream.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Relleis Lor keystone (?) Scales of Retribution This powerful Ayleid relic can allegedly tap into the power of Loriasel's ruins.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Ritual Potion (?) Deep Disturbance This mixture contains the blood sacs and venom of creatures from Xal Ithix's bog. They've been mixed with herbs and other simples.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Root Rot Poison (?) Trials of the Burnished Scales This poison slowly damages whoever drinks it. Its effects eventually dissipate.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Sanguine's Goblet (?) Foreign Vintage An ornate drinking vessel.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Sanguine's Reserve (?) Life of the Party A viscous red wine.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Scrap of Red Cloth (?) Of Dubious Value This torn scrap of fabric came from the cart that carried the Root Stewards' artifacts. It might be from the thief's clothing.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Scroll of Release (?) King of Dust This scroll is freshly scribed and tied with a ribbon in the colors of the Aldmeri flag.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Sedormis Keystone (?) The Dream of the Hist This is a shard of the Keystone from Zuuk somehow manifested within the Hist's dream.
ON-icon-potion-Restore Stamina 04.png Seriweed Elixir Atanaz Ruins Strength of the Father This antidote is made from the broad, green leaves of the seriweed bush.
ON-icon-hat-Colovian Filigreed Hood.png Shadow Cowl Cold-Blood Cavern The Missing Prophecy A thick satin cowl, dyed black as midnight. Putting it on would be unwise.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Shadowscale's Journal (?) Three Tender Souls Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Shadowscale's Whistle (?) Scales of Retribution This whistle is carved from a humanoid metacarpal bone.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Shol Relic Bogmother Saving the Relics This relic bears a cryptic design. Though the carving has mostly worn away, a claw reaching toward the stone's edge is still recognizable.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Shrine Key (?) The Thin Ones This key opens the door to the Daedric ruin under the hill behind Stillrise Village.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Signal Scent (?) The Swamp's Embrace Use this near any Argonian body within the lamia caves in Loriasel. It will alert Akeenus to its location.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Silverslip's Journal Shrine of the Black Maw Cold Blood, Old Pain A well-used journal with worn edges and ink-drenched pages.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Soiled Blackguard Map Piece Gandranen Ruins The Cursed Skull This mud-caked scrap of paper found beside a dead Blackguard appears to be part of a map.
ON-icon-quest-Varla Stone.png Soul Gem Array (?) The Bargain's End This powerful collection of Soul Gems holds the life energies of Stillrise Village in eternal stasis.
ON-icon-quest-Spinning Brooch.png Spinning Brooch Cold-Blood Cavern The Missing Prophecy A glistening ruby pin. The inlaid jewel whirls menacingly on a silver spindle. Only a great fool would handle it for long.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Stoppered Urn (?) A Stranger Uninvited The power in this ancient urn seems contained by the stopper.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Stoppered Vial Alten Corimont Warm Welcome This is One-Eye's "reward" for information on the Khajiit pirate in Alten Corimont. It's wrapped in sticky rags and smells sweet, like honey.
ON-icon-style material-Desecrated Grave Soil.png Swamp Mud (?) A Life of Privilege This is a steaming handful of warm, viscous mud.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Sword Shard Loriasel Vigil's End This is a small piece of a shattered sword's blade.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Teegya's Ruby (?) Unbridled Wealth This ruby is unusually large but somewhat cloudy.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png The Eidar Scrolls: The Merethic Cheeses, Vol 2 (?) Madness in Shadowfen A sealed treatise on the creation and consumption of eldritch cheeses and ingredients.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png The Temple of Sul (?) Captured Time This book describes the Temple of Sul. It also explains how to activate the Ayleid devices within it.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Torn Blackguard Map Piece Slaver Camp The Cursed Skull This torn scrap of paper found beside a Blackguard corpse contains a piece of a map.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Torn Red Shirt (?) Of Dubious Value The lower edge of this shirt is torn. Its freshly frayed edges indicate the damage occurred recently.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Argonian.png Tree-Minder's Staff (?) The Tree-Minder's Fate Use the Tree-Minder's staff to subdue weakened Argonian spirits.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Argonian.png Tree-Minder's Staff (?) The Tree-Minder's Fate The restored Tree-Minder's staff looks grown rather than carved. You feel it brimming with strange energy.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Tsith Relic Bogmother Saving the Relics This stone relic's edges have been blurred by time.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Umoj Relic Bogmother Saving the Relics This relic has a pattern in faded blue paint, visible mainly in the stone's pores. It forms the outline of a bird thrust upon a stake.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Vacant Daedric Soul Totem (?) The Thin Ones This totem must be energized before it can protect its wielder from the Daedric energy of the Soul Gem Array.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Vial of Hist Sap (?) Trials of the Burnished Scales This small vial of sticky fluid represents Hist sap.
ON-icon-food-Kwama Eggs.png Wasp Eggs (?) Shadowfen Smorgasbord These strange, mottled eggs seem to be buzzing with life.
ON-icon-quest-Wasp Husk.png Wasp Husk West of Deep Graves A Poisoned Heart This is the outer shell of a large wasp, it's very durable.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 02.png Xaloc Relic Bogmother Saving the Relics This carved stone shard features an Argonian holding a stylized tree branch.
ON-icon-potion-Vitality 03.png Xthari Elixir Atanaz Ruins Strength of the Father This antidote is made from the orange petals of the xthari flower.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Zaht Stone Gems (?) Trials of the Burnished Scales These painted, colorful rocks resemble smooth oblong gems.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Zarukhari's Remains White Rose Prison Dungeon The Ones Left Behind This sack holds various small bones together, along with a broken locket engraved with the letter "Z" and a torn cloth doll.


Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Alchemical Draught (?) From the Wastes This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Alchemical Draughts (?) From the Wastes This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Argonian Egg Given by Sings-With-Reed at the Dagger's Point Invasion Camp The Coral Heart These eggs are the spawn of an Argonian named Sings-With-Reed.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Argonian Talisman (?) Through the Aftermath This necklace of bone and feathers glimmers with an inner light.
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Plant 01.png Ash Basil Leaf Vivec's Antlers Bug Off! Taking a whiff of this strong-smelling leaf makes your nostrils sting and your eyes water.
ON-icon-misc-Vine 01.png Ashreeds Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter The Sapling This small bundle of stiff, inflexible reeds could be woven together to protect one's head (or a Hist sapling) from the elements.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Awakening the Dead (?) Quieting a Heart A bag filled with dust, bits of bone, dried blood, and other strange reagents.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Bag of Lavender Oil (?) From the Wastes This pouch of medicinal oil is used as an antiseptic.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Balmora Blue Wine (?) Waylaid Wine Merchant This wine bottle bears the seal of the Balmora Blue vineyards.
ON-icon-lure-Guts.png Bleiger's Tentacle (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed tentacle of the vicious netch, Bleiger. There might be a reward for killing him.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Blessed Oil Dagger's Point Invasion Camp Cleansing the Past With these blessed oils from Priestess Brela, you can consecrate the skeletal remains throughout Vivec's Antlers.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Blessed Torch Ebonheart Night of the Soul A flaming torch, blessed for use in Tribunal rituals.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Bottle of Alto Wine Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears This is a terrible, terrible wine. Only the most desperate drinkers would swill it.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Bottle of Fake Wine Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears This Tears of Amaya bottle is filled with something that smells like Alto Wine.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Caalorne's Potions (?) Darkvale Brews The potions in the container have a soft green color, and smell earthy and bitter, with a hint of citrus.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Candle Fort Virak Evening the Odds Use this candle to light Serien's books of necromancy on fire.
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Ancient Elf 02.png Captain Adrana's Sacred Dagger (?) Through the Aftermath This ornate dagger is stained with its owner's blood.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png Captain Adrana's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath This skull is plated with small pieces of ornately carved copper.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Captain Rysari's Charm (?) Through the Aftermath This carved symbol is a rough depiction of some nameless Chimer house-god.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png Captain Rysari's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath Her skull is wired together with fine strands of silver wire.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png Caught Lizard Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter Taking the Tower Use this lizard to create a distraction.
ON-icon-misc-Rat.png Caught Wharf Rat Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears Use this rat to create a distraction.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Charred Notes Crow's Wood A Son's Promise These are Rulantaril's notes about Crow's Wood, but some of them have been charred from a fire.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Closing Performance Notes House Dres Crypts, Kragenmoor This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Consecrated Ashes Tormented Spire Climbing the Spire These are the ashes Tanval Indoril collected. Use them to summon the Daedric gatekeeper of Tormented Spire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Coral Heart Coral Heart Chamber The Coral Heart This artifact has a barely visible piece of metal gleaming between layers of coral.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Daedra Heart Looted from scamps and clannfear at Ash Mountain Restoring the Guardians This is the grisly heart culled from an Ash Mountain Daedra.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Daedric Key Tormented Spire Sadal's Final Defeat This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, lowers the final ward restraining the Brother of Strife.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger-Primal.png Dagger Daen Seeth Dolmen The Fate of a Friend This dagger was found on the body of Stands-In-Still-Water. It bears his sigil.
ON-icon-food-Stock.png Dark Orange Potion Lukiul Uxith Enlightenment Needs Salt This potion smells sour.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Dazzling Pin From Breda Lava Foot Stomp A tiny pin worn by those participating in the Lava Foot Stomp.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Drelden's Whistle Senie Percussive Ranching Use this whistle near a beaten, friendly kwama to order it to return home to Drelden.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Drelden's Whistle Senie Percussive Ranching Use this whistle near a beaten kwama to order it home to Drelden.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Dwarven Relic Inner Sea Armature Dwarven Relics of Stonefalls Either an obscure Dwarven relic that could provide information about a long lost society, or a useless piece of junk.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Edvilda's Log Book Above Steamfont Cavern A Mother's Obsession Edvilda's travel log from her trip to Steamfont.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Empty Potion Bottle (?) Restoring Order According to the label, an apothecary in Wayrest brewed this.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Essence of Fire (?) The Brothers Will Rise This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, furiously trying to escape.
ON-icon-head-Wraith.png Essence of Wrath (?) The Brothers Will Rise This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, desperately trying to escape.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Etheric Totem (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This mystical totem wards off the effects of Heimlyn Keep's curse.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Faryon's Ashes (?) Divine Favor This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Faryon's cremated remains.
ON-icon-food-Fried Meat 02.png Fertilizer (?) The Sapling This small gobbet of mudcrab meat is wrapped in ashreeds.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Fetish Statue Buying the Religious Fetish Statue from Zahshur. The Fetish This obscene obsidian figurine is of uncertain origin.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Firesap Gel (?) Desperate Souls This container of thick red gel emanates heat.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Flash Powder (?) Taking the Tower Throw this powder into an open fire to create a noisy display.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Flasks of Blinding Light (?) The Venom of Ahknara Use these flasks of blinding light to reveal assassins in Fort Arand.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Focus of Binding Tormented Spire Opening the Portal This focus stone is of Daedric origin. It hums quietly with energy.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Focus of Flame Tormented Spire, south side of the caldera Opening the Portal This focus stone is obviously of Daedric origin. It's sheathed in an aura of fire.
ON-icon-stolen-Waterstone.png Focus of Wrath Tormented Spire Opening the Portal This focus stone is of Daedric origin. Air warps around the edges of the stone.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Follow-Up Performance Notes (?) This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png General Radrathren's Necklace (?) Through the Aftermath This ancient necklace is made up of metal plates deftly woven together.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png General Radrathren's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath This skull has likely only survived because of the fine gold plates ornamentally bolted to its surface.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png General Serien's Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Glitter Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival A prank kit that includes a book fixed to burst with glitter when opened.
ON-icon-mushroom-Entoloma Cap 02.png Graven Caps Othrenis Quieting a Heart This mushroom smells strangely sweet.
ON-icon-stolen-Wound Rope.png Guar Harness Othrenis Recovering the Guar These heavy leather straps and yokes are used to attach a mine cart to a guar for towing.
ON-icon-quest-Guar Prod.png Guar Prod (?) A Gathering of Guar Use this prod on tame guar to send it back to the guar herder.
ON-icon-style material-Bone.png Gurlisk's Head (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed head of the savage clannfear known as Gurlisk. There might be a reward for killing it.
ON-icon-gem-Sardonyx 01.png Heartstone (?) Window on the Past This stone is humming with power. Heat sizzles across its surface.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Hedranna's Artifact (?) Undermined Use this artifact in the presence of Ziddak's Ashlanders. An Ashlander wise woman named Hedranna Kaliki provided it.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Herbal Antidote (?) Peril at the Pools This is a small bottle of foul-smelling liquid. The Covenant captain claimed it would cure the poison he used on Saalu.
ON-icon-quest-Torn Scarf.png Homemade Scarf Above Steamfont Cavern A Mother's Obsession A colorful yarn scarf, several knitting errors that add a certain charm to its construction.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Dres Spire Key (?) Sadal's Final Defeat This key, marked by a House Dres insignia, lowers the wards protecting Tormented Spire.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Telvanni Spire Key (?) Climbing the Spire This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, will open the final ward containing the Brother of Strife.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) An Unwanted Twin This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) An Unwanted Twin This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) Shattering Mirror This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) Shattering Mirror This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Khajiit Idol (?) Shattering Mirror This carved amalgam of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon was chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Kwama Cap (?) Giving for the Greater Good This is a small sample of kwama cap, a rare mushroom.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Kwama-Grease Candle (?) Rending Flames This is a simple white candle rendered from the fat of a subterranean insect.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Vahara (?) A Story Told in Footprints "Should this find you, know that J'kur never suffered in this place. Only his flesh knew pain. His mind was curled under our tree with you."
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Mota Fang (?) A Storm Broken This bone knife is extremely sharp.
ON-icon-food-Apples.png Mudcrab Apples (?) A Noble Guest A bag of small, smelly apples that not many people would consider appetizing.
ON-icon-stolen-Ear.png Mudcrab Meat (?) The Sapling This small chunk of white, fishy-smelling mudcrab flesh would be the perfect fertilizer for a growing sapling.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Mug of Mead (?) A Bit of Sport This unusually powerful Nord mead is brewed in the town of Riften.
ON-icon-quest-Hand 01.png Necrotic Hand (?) Breaking Fort Virak The soldier's hand is covered in necrotic patches, having rotted for several days.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nedic Heart (?) The Brothers Will Rise This is the still-beating heart of your enemy.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Nerathren's Ashes (?) Divine Favor This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Nerathren's cremated remains.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Non-Standard Techniques (?) The Truth about Spiders Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Note from Captain Dunveril (?) Aggressive Negotiations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Obsidian Husk Fungal Grotto II Lighting the Shadows This unwieldy stone is warm to the touch.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Old Bandages (?) Breaking Fort Virak The bandages, found on the mortal wounds of a Covenant soldier, are caked with blood that has been dried for days.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Opening Performance Notes (?) This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Ornskar's Heart (?) The Brothers Will Rise This is the still-beating heart of General Ornskar.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Mace-Nord.png Pickaxe (?) Close the Scamp Caves Use this pickaxe to destroy the column bracing the scamp cave entrances.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Axe-Argonian.png Pickaxe (?) Undermined Use this pickaxe to destroy the support beams bracing the Ashlanders' tunnel.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Poppy Extract (?) From the Wastes This pouch of floral oil is used to dull the pain of wounds.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Pouch (?) Rending Flames This pouch is filled with tiny silver stones.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Pouch of Aloe Extract (?) From the Wastes This pouch of ointment is used to soothe burns.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Eyes.png Putrid Eye (?) Breaking Fort Virak This eye, rotting for days, fell out while examining a dead Covenant soldier.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Repellent Candle Davon's Watch Bug Off! A pungent odor surrounds this sturdy dreugh wax candle.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Roland's Tears Disciple Sildras at the Tribunal Temple Night of the Soul This is an extremely rare variety of the common gold kanet flowers of Morrowind. Roland's tears are sacred to the Almsivi.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Serien's Additional Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Serien's Further Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Shalk Chitin (?) Proving Trust This husk is from a giant beetle. It's reputed by Argonians to be of medicinal value.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Shalk Poultices (?) Proving Trust A stack of poultices made from ground shalk chitin and a variety of pungent Argonian herbal remedies.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Silver Arrowhead (?) Decree of the Court This sharp, pointed arrowhead is tipped with silver.
ON-icon-quest-Silver Buckle.png Silver Buckle (?) Decree of the Court This belt buckle has a silvery gleam.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Silver Dagger (?) Decree of the Court This is a monster hunter's silver dagger. It's far too damaged to be of any use.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Silver Ring (?) Decree of the Court This ring is a simple silver band.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Skull (?) Rending Flames This humanoid skull was painted a dark shade of red.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Skull of Nam Indoril House Indoril Crypt Legacy of the Ancestors This ancient skull has been engraved with numerous runes.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Slime Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival A kit made by Soars-in-Laughter that is fixed to unleash a flood of slime when activated.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Smoky Pendant (?) Through the Aftermath This pendant seems to have a dark cloud swirling within it.
ON-icon-head-Wraith.png Spectral Essence (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This ectoplasm was harvested from a slain specter's remains.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Spider-Venom Wine Mephala's Nest Getting the Band Together A thick, poisonous vintage fermented in the Spiral Skein.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Storm Talisman Given by Walks-in-Ash at the Daedric ruins on the northeastern side of Ash Mountain The Death of Balreth Use this talisman to weaken Balreth in Ash Mountain.
ON-icon-temper-Dwarven Oil.png Strange Elixir (?) Enlightenment Needs Salt This vial is filled with an odorless, bland liquid.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Stinkpot Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival This kit made by Soars-in-Laughter is fixed to release a smelly cloud when activated.
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Superior Dreugh Wax Vivec's Antlers, The Matron's Clutch Bug Off! A natural dreugh secretion, this wax is known for making hardy candles.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Tainted Heart (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This dead heart was harvested from a corpse.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Tears of Amaya (?) Exquisite Tears This wine is one of the finest vintages in Vvardenfell. It's made from grapes that only grow along the shores of Lake Amaya.
ON-icon-quest-The Nightlight.png The Nightlight Crow's Wood Madness in Stonefalls This lamp glows in darkness without any flame or fuel. The shadows it casts cavort and dance in unsettling patterns.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Tower Key (?) A Son's Promise This key opens a locked tower in Crow's Wood.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Transformation Potion (?) Breaking Fort Virak Use this potion to step into the "otherworld."
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Valdam's Spellbook (?) The Wizard's Tome This is Valdam Andoren's stolen spellbook. The tome quietly radiates power. Opening it might be risky.
ON-icon-head-Wasp.png Varnag's Head (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed head of the vicious nix hound known as Varnag. There might be a reward for killing him.
ON-icon-potion-Increase Armor 01.png Vial of Grub Grass (?) Enlightenment Needs Salt This putrid plant has liquified inside a vial.
ON-icon-misc-Torch.png Walks-in-Ash's Signal (?) Proving Trust Walks-in-Ash was vague about what this signal does, but setting it off should summon her.
ON-icon-head-Scamp.png War Chief's Head (?) Kings of the Grotto You're carrying the severed head of a war chief.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png White-Gold Tower (?) Taking the Tower This light white wine is known for its crisp taste and fragrant bouquet.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Worm Tome (?) Wayward Son This tome details the occult rituals and dark concoctions used by the acolytes of the Worm Cult.