Online:Party Planning
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Rigurt the Brash.
- Collect the three items Rigurt needs.
- Return to Rigurt in Windhelm.
- Meet Rigurt at the docks.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Rigurt the Brash waits just inside the gates of Windhelm for another project. Talk to him to see what his problems are this time.
- "I returned triumphantly from glorious mission to Dark Elf lands and Thane Mera put me in charge of Skald-King's big party
"You like a good party," she says. "Of course!" I say. "No one parties like Rigurt!" Turns out whole thing is mammoth dung." - What do you mean?
- "The pickled fish from Lower Yorgrim and the mead from Voljar's have not yet arrived. Worse, my Dark Elf assistant never returned with my fancy Dunmer clothing from Mournhold.
Everything goes wrong, and I am stuck here doing organizing things." - I can check on things for you.
You can collect the three items in any order. Rigurt will not acknowledge them until you have returned with all three.
Pickled Fish[edit]
Lower Yorgrim is the small town just southeast of Windhelm. Addald Cold Eye is the fishermonger waiting on the docks. Simply talk to him to get the Pickled Fish. You do not need to do the quest Giant Problems to get the fish from him.
Voljar Spiced Mead[edit]
Voljar's Meadery is due west of Windhelm. Jafrera Snowpeak is waiting inside the southernmost house at the meadery and will give you the Voljar Spiced Mead when you talk to her. She apologizes for the delay and sends you off with the sample, promising to send the rest when she can. Again, the quest A Friend in Mead does not need to be done to complete this quest.
Dunmer Cultural Garb[edit]
This item is the easiest to find, as it's directly in town. Follow the quest marker north to find Del Seleth digging through a haystack in a barn near the bank. You can talk to him if you want, but he tells you that he has hidden Rigurt's clothes to avoid embarrassing himself in front of the dignitaries. You can ask him where they are, but he only says that you'll never find them as he has hidden them too well. Unfortunately for him, he picked the most obvious hiding spot with a quest marker, so collect the Dunmer Cultural Garb from the haystack and return to Rigurt.
Meeting the Dignitaries[edit]
Once you have all three items, return to Rigurt.
- "Welcome back, my most excellent friend! How goes the hunt?"
- I picked up the mead and the fish, and I found your cultural garb.
- "Excellent! And just in time too.
We must welcome most important foreign dignitaries to Windhelm. Here. A set of cultural garb just for you. Please put these on."
He excitedly changes into the garish Dunmer clothes and runs to the docks, leaving you to catch up to him.
- Rigurt the Brash: "I am ready to receive ambassadors in style! Ladies can't resist cultural garb! Get dressed and meet me by the docks."
At the docks on the eastern side of town, Rigurt shows that he couldn't wait for the dignitaries to drink the entire bottle of mead. He drunkenly introduces himself to General Yeveth Noramil and Eyes-of-Steel, who fortunately take his manner in stride. Rigurt's meeting with the other ambassadors:
- Rigurt the Brash: "Welcome to the bustling city of Windhelm for King Jorunn's amazing Corn-un-licker celebration. We greet the ambassadors of the glorious Dark Elf and Argonian nations with stinky arms and open fish."
- Rigurt the Brash: "Let Rigurt be the first to welcome... one moment please. Let me check my notes... Ambassador Flies-of-Steel and Ambassador Normal! Ha!"
- General Yeveth Noramil: "How amusing! King Jorunn sent his court jester to receive us. Bravo! Bravo I say!"
- Eyes-Of-Steel: "What an... interesting form of greeting. I may never truly learn to understand the dry skins. Perhaps we should head to the inn, Yeveth?"
- General Yeveth Noramil: "Yes. Cracking suggestion. Perhaps they'll have something other than... what's that awful Nord beverage... ah, yes. Mead."
Speaking to Rigurt to end the quest:
- "That went amazingly well. I think."
- I'm not so sure.
- "Nonsense. You worry too much, my friend. This is going to be the best Corn-loon-licker ever!
- Now please take this. It's a gift for all your hard work. Rigurt insists!"
- The Dunmer Cultural Garb is not a Quest Item and ends up in your inventory from the moment you pick it up. Be sure you have enough space to accept it, and be careful not to discard it prematurely.
- The quest can still be completed if you choose not to wear the gaudy cultural garb to meet the dignitaries.
Quest Stages[edit]
Party Planning | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Objective: Collect Pickled Fish from Lower Yorgrim
Objective: Collect Mead from Voljar's Meadery
Objective: Recover Dunmer Cultural Garb
Optional Step: Talk to Del Seleth
Objective: Bring Party Items to Rigurt
Objective: Meet Rigurt Near the Docks
Objective Hint: Wear Dunmer Cultural Garb
Objective: Greet the Pact Dignitaries
Objective: Talk to Rigurt
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.