Online:Vigil's End
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Examine the mysterious sword inside Loriasel.
- Recover the other pieces of the sword from Ancient Warriors inside the ruins.
- Find the shield.
- Find the knight's grave and speak to his spirit.
- Find the Enchanter.
- Speak to both the Enchanter and the spirit and help to end the Enchanter's threat.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
While exploring the western wing of Loriasel, you will stumble upon a skeleton with a strangely glowing sword pierced through its body. Examine the sword closer and a dialogue window opens, telling you,
- <This shimmering sword was long ago driven through a skeleton into the stone floor. A thin rime of frost coats the bones near the sword's final thrust.>
- <Examine the sword.>
- <This sword is very old, possibly Ayleid in origin. Its time-worn blade is missing fragments, rendering it useless as a weapon. With a little effort, you could remove it from the stone.>
- <Remove the sword.>
When you remove the sword, you'll hear the voice of a knight: "My shield, lost... my blade, shattered! What bears a knight with missing means? Only despair …." The quest will now begin.
You must now collect the knight's shield and the five missing shards of his sword. Continue north through a long hallway, killing any undead you encounter along the way; you can find and loot the missing sword shards from their bodies. The shield can be found upon a table, just past two left turns that leave you headed south. Once you've collected all of the knight's equipment, you'll again hear his voice: "My sword and shield, in another's hands? A theft unparalleled! Honor demands satisfaction, in the name of my liege!"
To return the knight's items to him, you must find his tomb. Facing south from where you found the shield, the tomb is directly ahead, at a short dead-end. Depending on your timing, you may actually be able to sneak past the undead in this hallway even if you don't have any cloaking or invisibility skills: you can dart down a length of hallway and past the undead, and then crouch right as you catch their attention.
Once you approach the tomb, the Ayleid Knight's ghost will appear. Speak to him:
- "A slave in such finery? Purloined, no doubt! Grovel suitably for your crimes and I may behead you apace."
- No.
- "What madness! I, bereft of weapons and arms, and a slave dares speak? Be you a dream-spirit sent by the Enchanter to test my resolve?
- Very well, foul wind. We away to my liege! I'll waver not from duty, despite the Enchanter's ploy!"
- All right.
The Ayleid Knight's spirit will disappear, and the spirits of several Ayleids will appear throughout the halls. These spirits aren't hostile, but the other undead in the halls still are. Fight past them and enter the Tomb of the Liege Lord, where you will find the Enchanter alone. (If for some reason you leave the tomb at this point, you will fail the objective. Re-enter the Tomb of the Liege Lord to resume the quest from this point.)
Speak to the Enchanter:
- "You bear the implements of my thralls, yet skin and sinew drape your bones.
- You're more than a wandering collection of ritual components. But what, precisely?"
Soon after you exit conversation, the Ayleid Knight will appear in the room. Speak to him:
- "What treachery? The Enchanter claims my liege lord's chambers! How could this ....
- By Meridia's light, I recollect it. The Enchanter decreed us slay our liege lord. We gave chase, our blades flickering like fading Varla stones, and ...."
- Why would you kill your liege lord?
- "Though the Enchanter overthrew my liege lord with trickery, my oath binds me true. I must obey him as my new liege lord.
- You awaken a truth long since dead. Leave me to my misery, slave."
- Oath? What oath?
- "I swore a sacred pact to bulwark my liege lord from every menace. Yet the Enchanter twisted our oath. When he commanded, a profane compulsion forced us against our liege lord.
- I wept freely as I struck her down."
- How did the Enchanter compel you?
- "I don't profess to know the Enchanter's ways. But my oath compels me to protect the Phylactery above all. Of this, I doubt not."
- [Persuade] You swore to protect your liege lord, not old pottery.
- Did you swear an oath to your liege lord, or the Enchanter?(?)
- You sound more like a slave than a knight.
- "Still your tongue, lowborn! Think not to abscond with the Enchanter's phylactery, nor any other treasure within these walls!
- Or so my oath compels me to say.
- A Phylactery? What is that?
- Did you swear an oath to your liege lord, or the Enchanter?(?)
If you persuade the knight, he'll reply:
- "Then why do the Enchanter and the Phylactery seem one and the same to me? I cannot serve two masters. It goes against my oath!
- Were you not beneath my station I'd embrace you, slave! You've revealed the falsity underpinning my oath!"
The knight will then approach the Enchanter, who will snap at him, "How dare you stand in my presence! Show deference to your new liege lord!" The knight will reply, "I deny your claim upon me. Begone, foul trickster!" before drawing a dagger and stabbing the Enchanter, banishing its spirit. Speak to the knight again:
- "I sense the Enchanter banished, but only for a trice. He shall return to mete out weighty punishment.
- I cannot destroy the phylactery, but I beseech you do so. End the source of the Enchanter's hold upon us!"
- What will happen when I destroy it?
- "If Meridia favors me, Enchanter shall perish with the source of his power. Your thievery must be held account, but leniency is in order. Perhaps a finger of your choice?
- Slave, tell me true. Do I seem vigorous and lively? The world seems … indistinct."
- No. You died centuries ago.
- "Then you are no slave, and I am no longer a knight.
- But I discharged my oath in spirit, as in flesh. What knight can hope for such fortune? Meridia guide your hand true upon the Phylactery."
- I'll destroy the Phylactery.
- [Lie] Yes. You're hale and hearty, as a knight should be.
- "Superlative. This haze must pass with the Enchanter. Then I shall locate a new liege lord whom to serve.
- And for the Phylactery's destruction, I bequeath amnesty for your inceptive theft and manumission from your service. Carry on!"
- I'll destroy the Phylactery.
Approach the Phylactery—a small urn resting on a table in front a statue—and interact with it to complete the quest:
- <The vessel is coated in frost, like the knight's sword you found earlier. Tiny cracks radiate across its surface.>
The Phylactery will explode in a cloud of dust.
Quest Stages[edit]
Vigil's End | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
The spirit's voice spoke of missing relics connected to its knighthood. Perhaps if I uncover these relics, the spirit will find rest.
Objective: Recover the Sword Shards: 0/5
Objective: Find the Knight's Shield
Upon collecting the missing pieces of the spirit's sword and shield, it accused me of graverobbing. Perhaps if I find its resting place I can return them.
Objective: Find the Ayleid Knight
The spirit appeared before me at its tomb. I should find out why it has taken an interest in me.
Objective: Talk to the Ayleid Knight
The spirit left to find its liege lord. Perhaps if I locate the liege lord myself, I can put the spirit to rest.
Objective: Find the Enchanter
I found the tomb the [sic] spirit's liege lord. I should explore it to see if I can find a way to put the spirit to rest.
Objective: Investigate the Tomb
Objective Hint: Talk to the Enchanter
Objective Hint: Talk to the Ayleid Knight
The spirit drive away the ghost of the Enchanter, who had murdered the spirit's liege lord. It asked me to destroy the Enchanter's phylactery. The spirit believes doing so will end the Enchanter's threat.
Objective: Talk to the Ayleid Knight
I should destroy the urn before the Enchanter returns.
Objective: Destroy the Phylactery
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.