Online:Deshaan Quest Items

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Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Alit Grease (?) The Mournhold Underground A slick grease that coats the scales of an alit.
ON-icon-misc-Harpy Wing.png Aloe Leaves (?) Search and Rescue Aloe plants are used in a variety of alchemical potions and salves.
ON-icon-quest-Tablet 01.png Ancestor Ward (?) Ancestor Wards in Deshaan A carved and painted idol with spidery script at the base. It smells faintly of incense.
ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Dragonbone.png Ancient Dragonguard Breastplate The Corpse Garden Digging Up the Garden Though this venerable breastplate's straps are rotten beyond use, the plate itself is in good condition and bears a masterful design.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Anonymous Journal (?) For Their Own Protection A journal written by an uncredited author.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Appraising-Spine's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste This key belonged to an ill-fated Argonian merchant.
ON-icon-weapon-Dwarven Steel Battle Axe-Nord.png Axe of Halmer Stormhand (?) The Naked Nord This axe belongs to Evigna. It looks like a family heirloom.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Kwama Eggs (?) You Have to Break a Few A bag full of kwama eggs found in Lady Llarel's Shelter.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Rats (?) Ratting Them Out This bag is full of rats from the streets of Narsis.
ON-icon-misc-Rat.png Bog Rat (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake This plump critter is a favorite treat of snakes.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Book of Excellent Teachings (?) School Daze A Shad Astula text book.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Burning Torch (?) A Bitter Pill A torch from Garil's camp, covered in accelerant.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Burning Torch (?) Burning Revenge This lit torch would be perfect for burning something.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Cage Key (?) The Soldier's Alibi This key should open Saryvn's cage.
ON-icon-quest-Ceremonial Cheese Knife.png Ceremonial Cheese Knife (?) Madness in Deshaan A cheese knife doesn't usually need serrations and a blood gutter, does it?
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Dungeon Delvers Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Dungeon Delvers This device created by Raynor Valos somehow interacts with Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-weapon-Maple Staff-Dark Elf.png Control Rod (?) The Light Fantastic Raynor Vanos created this device to control Dwarven Spiders.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Covert Note (?) Fighting Back Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Critter Sack (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake A sturdy stitched bag that can hold quite a few rodents or other small creatures.
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Daedric Artifact (?) A Fair Warning This ancient pot or urn from Knife Ear Grotto might be worth something to the right buyer.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Daedric Tome (?) The Soldier's Alibi This ancient Daedric tome is written in scrawling script that makes your eyes water.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Dark Elf Skull (?) Ritual of Anguish This skull obviously belonged to a Dark Elf.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Deed to Darkshade (?) Mine All Mine The deed to the Darkshade mine.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Delicate Dwarven Parts (?) The Dungeon Delvers This bag contains delicate Dwarven mechanisms collected by the spider following you.
ON-icon-mushroom-Violet Coprinus 02.png Dragon Scale Mushrooms (?) Quest for the Cure Exotic mushrooms known for their magical essence.
ON-icon-stolen-Drum.png Drums (?) Quest for the Cure An out-of-tune musical instrument.
ON-icon-food-Ham.png Dunmer "Relic" (?) Cultural Exchange This appears to be an ordinary loaf of stale bread.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Dunmer Book (?) Cultural Exchange This is a book of Dunmer culture and customs.
ON-icon-stolen-Clothing.png Dunmer Clothes (?) Cultural Exchange This stylish Dunmer armor comes in a variety of garish colors.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Dwarven Harmonic Tuner (?) The Light Fantastic This ancient Dwarven relic of unknown purpose appears to be broken.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Dwarven Key (?) The Light Fantastic This old Dwarven key probably opens a nearby Dwarven chest.
ON-icon-quest-Dynamo Core.png Dynamo Core (?) The Seal of Three The fist-sized glowing sphere is suspended at the center of a metallic framework. The sphere constantly rotates.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Engine Control Rod (?) What Was Lost The rod corresponds to the Engine.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Forged Mournhold Shipping Manifest (?) Death Trap A rather convincing shipping manifest authorizing shipment into Mournhold.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Fragrant Herbs (?) Quest for the Cure Tightly wrapped herbs with a strong and pungent odor.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Frahjan's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste This key was the property of a stalwart Nord. Unfortunately, he is now deceased.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Full Critter Sack (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake A sturdy stitched bag that is holding quite a few rodents or other small creatures.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Fury Concoction (?) Strange Guard Beasts Use this concoction on the tree outside of Churasu's alchemy lab.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Garnet and Pearl Amulet (?) Search and Rescue This amulet is inscribed: "To Edrasa on our wedding day."
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Gems (?) Nothing Left to Waste This chest contains an assortment of valuable gems.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png General Gavryn's Signet Ring (?) What Lies Beneath This rank insignia for a House Redoran general belonged to Gavryn Redoran.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png General's Key (?) Rules and Regulations This key should open any locked furniture in the General's quarters.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Giron's Key (?) Hiding in Plain Sight This key must open a locked door somewhere within the ruins.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Golden Trinkets (?) Nothing Left to Waste This assortment of golden trinkets looks valuable.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Healing Supplies (?) Supply Run Various bandages, poultices, and dried herbs used by Selfora's healer.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Hist Branch (?) The Ravaged Village This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and thrums faintly with power.
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Hist Branch (?) The Saving of Silent Mire This strange, gnarled stick is covered in moss and faintly thrumming with power.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Hlaalu Cargo Manifest (?) That Which Matters Most This scroll details the contents of the Hlaalu trade caravan.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Restless Spirits A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Rescue and Revenge A vessel containing holy water that can extinguish magical fire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Holy Water Decanter (?) Rescue and Revenge A vessel that can contain spiritual energy.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png House Dres Key (?) A Favor Returned The sigil of House Dres decorates this ornate key.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png House Dres Wine Bottle (?) A Favor Returned This wine bottle bears the House Dres seal and was part of a larger order.
ON-icon-food-Flour.png Illusion Dust (?) Vision Quest A natural byproduct of illusory monsters.
ON-icon-head-Hag.png Impostor's Head (?) What Lies Beneath This severed head belonged to the Dremora Kynreeve that was impersonating General Gavryn.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Improved Wand of Finding (?) Vision Quest A wand used to scorch the hide of scamps, shadow clucks, and other nasty poultry.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Key to Secret Meeting (?) Fighting Back This oddly shaped key might unlock any door within Narsis.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png King Kurog's Promise (?) Intruders in Deshaan Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Kinhouse Armory Key (?) A Timely Matter This small key opens weapon crates in the kinhouse.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Kwama Cuttle (?) Carving Cuttle This waxy growth is from the beak of a mature kwama.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Kyne's Heart Healing Herbs (?) Quest for the Cure These herbs are highly valued for their medicinal properties.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Letter from Gorvyn (?) A Letter for Deshaan Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Letter to Artisans Craftworks (?) Mournhold Market Misery A letter from Blivisi Beleth to her brother in Mournhold.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Evis Marys (?) For Their Own Protection A letter describing a botched shipment that sounds suspicious.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Lit Torch (?) Cold-Blooded Vengeance This is a burning lump of cloth and pitch atop a rough branch.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Lost Amulet (?) School Daze An amulet that an Academy instructor misplaced.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Maulborn Curative (?) Proprietary Formula A bottle of the Maulborn elixir that can supposedly cure the Llodos plague.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Merdyndril's Orders (?) Unwanted Guests Orders from the Maulborn commander to forces at Lake Narsis.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Axe-Dark Elf.png Narsis Axe (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Battle Axe-Dark Elf.png Narsis Battle Axe (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Oak Bow-Dark Elf.png Narsis Bow (?) A Timely Matter A military issued bow.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Greatsword-Dark Elf.png Narsis Claymore (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Dagger-Dark Elf.png Narsis Dagger (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Mace-Dark Elf.png Narsis Mace (?) A Timely Matter A military issued cudgel.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Maul-Dark Elf.png Narsis Maul (?) A Timely Matter A military issued cudgel.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Narsis Ruins Key (?) Hiding in Plain Sight This key opens the door to the ruins of Narsis, located west of the city.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Sword-Dark Elf.png Narsis Sword (?) A Timely Matter A military issued blade.
ON-icon-misc-Crate.png Narsis Weapons (?) A Timely Matter Military issued weapons taken from the barracks in Narsis.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Nilyne's Potion (?) Quest for the Cure A small vile of potion you created using Alchemist Nilyne's formula.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Nord Clothes (?) Cultural Exchange This is a collection of Nord cultural garb, made from some kind of mammoth fur. It smells faintly of Nord sweat.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nord Relic (?) Cultural Exchange This Nord religious relic appears to be the preserved heart of a goat.
ON-icon-misc-Empty Bucket.png Old Bucket (?) Quest for the Cure This old bucket is full of holes.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Old Graveyard Key (?) Bad Medicine The key to the old graveyard gate at Serkamora.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Orc Orders (?) Intruders in Deshaan This dirty parchment declares the Orcs should kill Dark Elves and collect their skulls.
ON-icon-armor-Homespun Breeches-Nord.png Pants (?) The Naked Nord Mead stains cover these worn pants.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Pirate Key (?) The Saving of Silent Mire This simple iron key opens the shackles that bind the Argonian captives.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Poison Gas Antidote (?) Search and Rescue This cloudy potion seems to ward off the effects of noxious fumes in the mine.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Rat Catcher (?) Ratting Them Out It's pretty much a sack.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Earring.png Redoran Battle Medallion (?) A Service for the Dead An inscribed medallion that proves the death of a powerful house warrior.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Redweed (?) Search and Rescue These reddish plants grow in the shade beneath rocks and cliffs.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Reliquary Pendant (?) A Saint Asunder Pendant of a hammer, part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Reliquary Spire (?) A Saint Asunder The uppermost part of the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-quest-Runestone 03.png Reliquary Stone (?) A Saint Asunder A stone block from the Reliquary of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Reminder: Don't Drink the Water (?) Unwanted Guests A note from the Maulborn commander.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Resonator (?) Dissonant Commands This bell-shaped object somehow interacts with the controlling device.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Retainer Dispatch (?) Rules and Regulations This letter was written to the retainer appointed by the General, Durel Gilveni.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png Risa's Amulet (?) Remembering Risa A beautifully crafted amulet engraved with the letter R.
ON-icon-book-Generic 141.png Risa's Journal (?) Remembering Risa Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack of Dremora Hearts (?) Healing Hearts This sticky, blood-soaked sack contains several Dremora hearts.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Sacred Stone (?) The Ravaged Village This smooth, polished rock is warm to the touch and painted with Saxhleel pictograms.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Bird Amulet.png Saint Veloth Medallion (?) The Medallions of Saint Veloth This small, gold medallion bears the symbol of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Pelt.png Scorched Scamp Hide (?) Vision Quest The crispy epidermis of a scamp.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Shad Astula Invitation (?) By Invitation Only An invitation to the prestigious Academy of Magic. It says to report to the registrar when you reach the island.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Shipment Note (?) For Their Own Protection This faded parchment is barely legible. It indicates that more vials of an unknown substance are needed for some ominous plan.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Skull of Saint Veloth (?) A Saint Asunder A holy relic once kept in the reliquary at the Shrine of Saint Veloth.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Snake Totem (?) The Trial of the Ghost Snake This snake-shaped totem was crafted by the Mabrigash Farseer.
ON-icon-food-Covered Pot.png Sour Milk Tea (?) Quest for the Cure A drink popular with the Dark Elves. Good on its own or mixed with liqueur or medicinal elixirs.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Gear.png Spinning Gears (?) The Seal of Three Despite their delicate appearance, these gears have a reassuring heft to them.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Steel Whistle (?) A Timely Matter This small whistle emits a high-pitched noise when blown.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Stolen Hlaalu Cargo (?) That Which Matters Most The crates are battered, but the cargo within is wrapped very well.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Strange Relics (?) Nothing Left to Waste This chest contains a collection of valuable relics from various races.
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Student (?) School Daze A student transformed by an improperly cast spell.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Blue.png Tear of Saint Veloth (?) Honor Bound This sacred ancient relic emanates healing power.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png The Art of Love and Swordplay Obtained from Adras Sarethi at Shad Astula Cultural Exchange This is a Nord book of bawdy poems and heroic exploits.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Town Hall Key (?) Rescue and Revenge A key to unlock Selfora's town hall.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Treated Kindlepitch (?) Oath Breaker This tar-like substance is extremely flammable.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Treated Kindlepitch (?) Oath Breaker This tar-like substance is very flammable.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Valyia's Chest Key (?) Nothing Left to Waste The Dark Elf who possessed this key met with a terrible end.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Wand of Finding (?) School Daze A wand used to find lost items eaten by shadow clucks and other naughty poultry.
ON-icon-food-Sweetmeats.png Wasp Gizzard Dropped by Giant Wasps at Silent Mire Strange Guard Beasts This organ was harvested from a giant wasp.