Morrowind Mod:Categorical Function List
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
See Also: Alphabetical Function List
- AIActivate
- AIEscort
- AIEscortCell
- AIFollow
- AIFollowCell
- AITravel
- AIWander
- GetAIPackageDone
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetDetected
- BecomeWerewolf Bloodmoon
- GetPCInJail Bloodmoon
- GetPCTraveling Bloodmoon
- GetWerewolfKills Bloodmoon
- IsWerewolf Bloodmoon
- PCWerewolf Global, Bloodmoon
- PlaceAtMe Bloodmoon
- SetWerewolfAcrobatics Bloodmoon
- StayOutside Variable, Bloodmoon
- TurnMoonRed Bloodmoon
- TurnMoonWhite Bloodmoon
- UndoWerewolf Bloodmoon
- EnableBirthMenu Undocumented
- EnableClassMenu Undocumented
- EnableNameMenu Undocumented
- EnableRaceMenu Undocumented
- EnableStatReviewMenu Undocumented
- GetCollidingActor Tribunal
- GetCollidingPC Tribunal
- HurtCollidingActor Tribunal
- HurtStandingActor
- BetaComment (BC)
- CenterOnCell (COC)
- CenterOnExterior (COE)
- FillJournal
- FillMap
- FixMe
- Help
- MenuTest
- MoveOneToOne (MOTO)
- OutputObjCounts Undocumented
- OutputRefCounts Undocumented
- OutputRefInfo (ORI) Undocumented
- PurgeTextures (PT) Undocumented
- ResetActors (RA)
- ShowAnim (SA)
- ShowGroup (SG)
- ShowScenegraph (SSG)
- ShowTargets (ST)
- ShowVars (SV)
- StopCellTest (SCT)
- TestCells
- TestInteriorCells
- TestModels (T3D)
- TestThreadCells Undocumented
- ToggleAI (TAI)
- ToggleBorders (TB)
- ToggleCollision (TCL)
- ToggleCollisionBoxes (TCB)
- ToggleCollisionGrid (TCG)
- ToggleCombatStats (TCS)
- ToggleDebugText (TDT)
- ToggleDialogueStats (TDS)
- ToggleFogOfWar (TFOW)
- ToggleFullHelp (TFH)
- ToggleGodMode (TGM)
- ToggleGrid (TG)
- ToggleKillStats (TKS)
- ToggleLights (TL)
- ToggleLoadFade (TLF)
- ToggleMagicStats (TMS)
- ToggleMenus (TM)
- TogglePathGrid (TPG)
- ToggleScriptOutput (TSO)
- ToggleScripts
- ToggleSky (TS)
- ToggleStats (TST)
- ToggleTextureString (TTS)
- ToggleVanityMode (TVM)
- ToggleWater (TWA)
- ToggleWireframe (TWF)
- ToggleWorld (TW)
- UsedOnMe
- DisablePlayerControls
- DisablePlayerFighting
- DisablePlayerJumping
- DisablePlayerLooking
- DisablePlayerMagic
- DisablePlayerViewSwitch
- DisableVanityMode
- EnableInventoryMenu Undocumented
- EnableLevelupMenu Undocumented
- EnableMagicMenu Undocumented
- EnableMapMenu Undocumented
- EnablePlayerControls
- EnablePlayerFighting
- EnablePlayerJumping
- EnablePlayerLooking
- EnablePlayerMagic
- EnablePlayerViewSwitch
- EnableRest
- EnableStatsMenu Undocumented
- EnableVanityMode
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerFightingDisabled
- GetPlayerJumpingDisabled
- GetPlayerLookingDisabled
- GetPlayerMagicDisabled
- GetPlayerViewSwitch Broken
- GetVanityModeDisabled
- PCForce1stPerson
- PCForce3rdPerson
- PCGet3rdPerson
- ShowRestMenu
- GetFactionReaction
- GetPCFacRep
- GetPCRank
- GetRace
- LowerRank
- ModFactionReaction
- ModPCFacRep
- PCClearExpelled
- PCExpell
- PCExpelled
- PCJoinFaction
- PCLowerRank
- PCRaiseRank
- RaiseRank
- SameFaction
- SetFactionReaction
- SetPCFacRep
- Day Global
- DaysPassed Global, Tribunal
- GameHour Global
- Month Global
- PCRace Global
- PCVampire Global
- PCWerewolf Global, Bloodmoon
- Year Global
Levelled List[edit]
- AddToLevCreature Tribunal
- AddToLevItem Tribunal
- RemoveFromLevCreature Tribunal
- RemoveFromLevItem Tribunal
- AddSoulGem
- AddSpell
- Cast
- DropSoulGem
- ExplodeSpell Tribunal
- GetEffect
- GetSpellEffects
- GetSpellReadied Tribunal
- HasSoulGem
- RemoveEffects
- RemoveSoulGem
- RemoveSpell
- RemoveSpellEffects
- CreateMaps
- Disable
- DontSaveObject
- Enable
- FadeIn
- FadeOut
- FadeTo
- GetButtonPressed
- GetDisabled
- GetInterior Undocumented
- GetMasserPhase
- GetPCCell
- GetPCCrimeLevel
- GetPCInJail Bloodmoon
- GetPCSleep
- GetPCTraveling Bloodmoon
- GetSecundaPhase
- GetSquareRoot Tribunal
- GetStandingActor
- GetStandingPC
- GoToJail
- Lock
- MenuMode
- MessageBox
- PayFine
- PayFineThief
- PCRace Global
- PCVampire Global
- Random
- Resurrect
- ShowMap
- Unlock
- WakeUpPC
- Xbox
- CellChanged
- CellUpdate
- ClearForceJump Tribunal
- ClearForceMoveJump Tribunal
- ClearForceRun Tribunal
- ClearForceSneak
- DisableLevitation Undocumented
- DisableTeleporting
- EnableLevitation Undocumented
- EnableTeleporting
- ForceJump Tribunal
- ForceMoveJump Tribunal
- ForceRun Tribunal
- ForceSneak
- GetAngle
- GetDistance
- GetForceJump Tribunal
- GetForceMoveJump Tribunal
- GetForceRun Tribunal
- GetForceSneak
- GetLineOfSight (GetLOS)
- GetPCJumping Tribunal
- GetPCRunning Tribunal
- GetPCSneaking Tribunal
- GetPos
- GetStartingAngle
- GetStartingPos
- Move
- MoveWorld
- Position
- PositionCell
- Rotate
- RotateWorld
- SetAngle
- SetAtStart
- SetPos
- SetScale
- Activate
- AddItem
- Drop
- Equip
- GetItemCount
- GetWeaponDrawn Tribunal
- GetWeaponType Tribunal
- HasItemEquipped Tribunal
- OnActivate
- OnPCAdd Variable
- OnPCDrop Variable
- OnPCEquip Variable
- OnPCHitMe Variable
- OnPCRepair Variable
- OnPCSoulGemUse Variable
- OnRepair Variable
- PCSkipEquip Variable
- PlaceAtMe Bloodmoon
- PlaceAtPC
- PlaceItem Tribunal
- PlaceItemCell Tribunal
- RemoveItem
- RepairedOnMe
- SetDelete Tribunal
- StayOutside Variable, Bloodmoon
- GetSoundPlaying
- PlayLoopSound3D
- PlayLoopSound3DVP
- PlaySound
- PlaySound3D
- PlaySound3DVP
- PlaySoundVP
- Say
- SayDone
- StopSound
- StreamMusic
- GetAcrobatics
- GetAgility
- GetAlarm
- GetAlchemy
- GetAlteration
- GetArmorBonus
- GetArmorer
- GetArmorType
- GetAthletics
- GetAttackBonus
- GetAttacked
- GetAxe
- GetBlightDisease
- GetBlindness
- GetBlock
- GetBluntWeapon
- GetCastPenalty
- GetChameleon
- GetCommonDisease
- GetConjuration
- GetDeadCount
- GetDefendBonus
- GetDestruction
- GetDisposition
- GetEnchant
- GetEndurance
- GetFatigue
- GetFight
- GetFlee
- GetFlying
- GetHandToHand
- GetHealth
- GetHealthGetRatio Undocumented
- GetHeavyArmor
- GetHello
- GetIllusion
- GetIntelligence
- GetInvisible
- GetLevel
- GetLightArmor
- GetLocked
- GetLongBlade
- GetLuck
- GetMagicka
- GetMarksman
- GetMediumArmor
- GetMercantile
- GetMysticism
- GetParalysis
- GetPCVisionBonus Undocumented
- GetPersonality
- GetReputation
- GetResistBlight
- GetResistCorprus
- GetResistDisease
- GetResistFire
- GetResistFrost
- GetResistMagicka
- GetResistNormalWeapons
- GetResistParalysis
- GetResistPoison
- GetResistShock
- GetRestoration
- GetScale Tribunal
- GetSecurity
- GetShortBlade
- GetSilence
- GetSneak
- GetSpear
- GetSpeechcraft
- GetSpeed
- GetSpell
- GetStrength
- GetSuperJump
- GetSwimSpeed
- GetUnarmored
- GetWaterBreathing
- GetWaterLevel Tribunal
- GetWaterWalking
- GetWillpower
- ModAcrobatics
- ModAgility
- ModAlarm
- ModAlchemy
- ModAlteration
- ModArmorBonus
- ModArmorer
- ModAthletics
- ModAttackBonus
- ModAxe
- ModBlindness
- ModBlock
- ModBluntWeapon
- ModCastPenalty
- ModChameleon
- ModConjuration
- ModCurrentFatigue
- ModCurrentHealth
- ModCurrentMagicka
- ModDefendBonus
- ModDestruction
- ModDisposition
- ModEnchant
- ModEndurance
- ModFatigue
- ModFight
- ModFlee
- ModFlying
- ModHandToHand
- ModHealth
- ModHeavyArmor
- ModHello
- ModIllusion
- ModIntelligence
- ModInvisible
- ModLightArmor
- ModLongBlade
- ModLuck
- ModMagicka
- ModMarksman
- ModMediumArmor
- ModMercantile
- ModMysticism
- ModParalysis
- ModPCCrimeLevel
- ModPCVisionBonus
- ModPersonality
- ModReputation
- ModResistBlight
- ModResistCorprus
- ModResistDisease
- ModResistFire
- ModResistFrost
- ModResistMagicka
- ModResistNormalWeapons
- ModResistParalysis
- ModResistPoison
- ModResistShock
- ModRestoration
- ModScale Tribunal
- ModSecurity
- ModShortBlade
- ModSilence
- ModSneak
- ModSpear
- ModSpeechcraft
- ModSpeed
- ModStrength
- ModSuperJump
- ModSwimSpeed
- ModUnarmored
- ModWaterBreathing
- ModWaterLevel Tribunal
- ModWaterWalking
- ModWillpower
- SetAcrobatics
- SetAgility
- SetAlarm
- SetAlchemy
- SetAlteration
- SetArmorBonus
- SetArmorer
- SetAthletics
- SetAttackBonus
- SetAxe
- SetBlindness
- SetBlock
- SetBluntWeapon
- SetCastPenalty
- SetChameleon
- SetConjuration
- SetDefendBonus
- SetDestruction
- SetDisposition
- SetEnchant
- SetEndurance
- SetFatigue
- SetFight
- SetFlee
- SetFlying
- SetHandToHand
- SetHealth
- SetHeavyArmor
- SetHello
- SetIllusion
- SetIntelligence
- SetInvisible
- SetLevel
- SetLightArmor
- SetLongBlade
- SetLuck
- SetMagicka
- SetMarksman
- SetMediumArmor
- SetMercantile
- SetMysticism
- SetParalysis
- SetPCCrimeLevel
- SetPCVisionBonus
- SetPersonality
- SetReputation
- SetResistBlight
- SetResistCorprus
- SetResistDisease
- SetResistFire
- SetResistFrost
- SetResistMagicka
- SetResistNormalWeapons
- SetResistParalysis
- SetResistPoison
- SetResistShock
- SetRestoration
- SetScale Tribunal
- SetSecurity
- SetShortBlade
- SetSilence
- SetSneak
- SetSpear
- SetSpeechcraft
- SetSpeed
- SetStrength
- SetSuperJump
- SetSwimSpeed
- SetUnarmored
- SetWaterBreathing
- SetWaterLevel Tribunal
- SetWaterWalking
- SetWillpower
- Begin
- Else
- ElseIf
- End
- EndIf
- EndWhile
- Float
- If
- Long
- Operators Includes ->, +, -, etc.
- Return
- Set
- Short
- While
- Day Global
- DaysPassed Global, Tribunal
- GameHour Global
- GetCurrentTime
- GetSecondsPassed
- Month Global
- Year Global
- AddToLevCreature Tribunal
- AddToLevItem Tribunal
- ClearForceJump Tribunal
- ClearForceMoveJump Tribunal
- ClearForceRun Tribunal
- DaysPassed Global, Tribunal
- ExplodeSpell Tribunal
- ForceJump Tribunal
- ForceMoveJump Tribunal
- ForceRun Tribunal
- GetCollidingActor Tribunal
- GetCollidingPC Tribunal
- GetForceJump Tribunal
- GetForceMoveJump Tribunal
- GetForceRun Tribunal
- GetPCJumping Tribunal
- GetPCRunning Tribunal
- GetPCSneaking Tribunal
- GetScale Tribunal
- GetSpellReadied Tribunal
- GetSquareRoot Tribunal
- GetWaterLevel Tribunal
- GetWeaponDrawn Tribunal
- GetWeaponType Tribunal
- HasItemEquipped Tribunal
- ModScale Tribunal
- ModWaterLevel Tribunal
- PlaceItem Tribunal
- PlaceItemCell Tribunal
- RemoveFromLevCreature Tribunal
- RemoveFromLevItem Tribunal
- SetDelete Tribunal
- SetScale Tribunal
- SetWaterLevel Tribunal
- Companion Variable, Undocumented
- DisableLevitation Undocumented
- EnableBirthMenu Undocumented
- EnableClassMenu Undocumented
- EnableInventoryMenu Undocumented
- EnableLevelupMenu Undocumented
- EnableLevitation Undocumented
- EnableMagicMenu Undocumented
- EnableMapMenu Undocumented
- EnableNameMenu Undocumented
- EnableRaceMenu Undocumented
- EnableStatReviewMenu Undocumented
- EnableStatsMenu Undocumented
- Face Undocumented
- Fall Undocumented
- GetHealthGetRatio Undocumented
- GetInterior Undocumented
- GetPCVisionBonus Undocumented
- GetWindSpeed Undocumented
- OutputObjCounts Undocumented
- OutputRefCounts Undocumented
- OutputRefInfo (ORI) Undocumented
- PurgeTextures (PT) Undocumented
- Show Undocumented
- TestThreadCells Undocumented
- Companion Variable, Undocumented
- OnPCAdd Variable
- OnPCDrop Variable
- OnPCEquip Variable
- OnPCHitMe Variable
- OnPCRepair Variable
- OnPCSoulGemUse Variable
- OnRepair Variable
- PCSkipEquip Variable
- StayOutside Variable, Bloodmoon
- ChangeWeather
- GetCurrentWeather
- GetWindSpeed Undocumented
- ModRegion
- BecomeWerewolf Bloodmoon
- GetWerewolfKills Bloodmoon
- IsWerewolf Bloodmoon
- PCWerewolf Global, Bloodmoon
- SetWerewolfAcrobatics Bloodmoon
- TurnMoonRed Bloodmoon
- TurnMoonWhite Bloodmoon
- UndoWerewolf Bloodmoon
- WereWolfClawMult Global, Bloodmoon