Capital | Solitude (map) | |
Jarl's Residence | Blue Palace | |
Military Fort | Fort Hraggstad | |
Initial Affiliation | Imperial | |
Imperial Government | ||
Jarl | Elisif the Fair | |
Steward | Falk Firebeard | |
Housecarl | Bolgeir Bearclaw | |
Stormcloaks Government | ||
Jarl | Elisif the Fair | |
Steward | Falk Firebeard | |
Housecarl | Bolgeir Bearclaw | |
Location | ||
Northwest part of Skyrim |
Haafingar is a relatively small hold in northwest Skyrim, containing the provincial capital Solitude. As the home of the provincial capital, Haafingar is the center of Imperial rule in Skyrim. It only becomes Stormcloak-run if you join the Stormcloaks and complete the entire questline, including both The Battle for Fort Hraggstad and the Battle for Solitude.
Haafingar is dominated by a large ridge that runs the length of the hold. Pine forests and meadows cover the southern slopes down to the Karth River, while the north side is colder, and dominated by mountains and frozen coastline. Solitude itself sits on a massive natural archway that extends over the mouth of the Karth from the eastern spur of the ridge.
Flora and Fauna[edit]
Haafingar's coastline is ideal for the growth of nordic barnacles and clams in the water and canis root and spiky grass on land. Near Solitude, fishing can be enjoyed around Solitude Sawmill where dragonflies play over the water. A fair amount of nightshade plants grow inside the capital. Mora tapinella, mountain flowers, and thistles can be found in the lower parts of the hold while only snowberries and sporadic mountain flowers can be found in the snow-covered tail of the Druadach Mountains.
All locations in Haafingar with individual map markers are listed. There are a few places without map markers listed for their significance.
Hold Capital[edit]
Solitude — A major city on the northwest coast of Skyrim, and the capital of both Haafingar and the entire province. (map)
- Bards College — A musical school in Solitude. (map)
Blue Palace — The current seat of power for Solitude, Haafingar, and Skyrim; and home to the High King of Skyrim. (map)
- Castle Dour — A large fortress in Solitude which acts as the headquarters of the Imperial Legion and residence of the Emperor in Skyrim. (map)
East Empire Company Warehouse — A warehouse on the Solitude docks immediately southeast of the city. (map)
- Solitude Stables — The stable serving the city of Solitude. (map)
Farms, Towns, and Settlements including Orc Strongholds and Inns[edit]
Dragon Bridge — A milling town in southern Haafingar. (map)
- Dragon Bridge Lumber Camp — A sawmill and lumber camp in the southwestern part of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Ironback Hideout — A dilapidated house to the northwest of Solitude, a short distance east of The Steed Stone. (map)
Katla's Farm — A small farm and stable along the Karth River, outside of Solitude. (map)
- Lylvieve Family's House — A small farmhouse on the northwestern side of Dragon Bridge, located next to Horgeir's House. (map)
Solitude Sawmill — A wood mill southwest of Solitude. (map)
Thalmor Embassy — The Aldmeri Dominion's diplomatic mission to Skyrim northwest of Solitude. (map)
Camps, including Giant Camps and Military Camps[edit]
Dragon Bridge Overlook — A small Forsworn camp south of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Haafingar Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp in Haafingar, located northeast of Dragon Bridge and south of the Statue to Meridia. (map)
Solitude Military Camp — A Stormcloak camp set up west of Katla's Farm for the attack on Solitude. (map)
Brinewater Grotto — A small cave north of Solitude containing horkers or bandits. (map)
Broken Oar Grotto — A small cave north of Solitude containing the Blackblood Marauders and their leader Captain Hargar. (map)
- *
Lost Echo Cave — A small cave west of Solitude containing Falmer and chaurus. (map)
Lower Steepfall Burrow — A small cave northwest of Dragon Bridge containing frost trolls and ice wolves. (map)
Pinemoon Cave — A small cave located to the northwest of Dragon Bridge and east of Volskygge which is inhabited by vampires and wolves. (map)
Ravenscar Hollow — A small cave inhabited by hagravens west of the Thalmor Embassy and due east of the Steed Stone. (map)
Rimerock Burrow — A small cave northwest of Dragon Bridge containing an atronach and the powerful conjurer Sebastian Lort. (map)
Shadowgreen Cavern — A small cave northwest of Solitude containing leveled spriggans and animals. (map)
Steepfall Burrow — A small cave northwest of Dragon Bridge containing frost trolls and ice wolves. (map)
Wolfskull Cave — A medium-sized cave west of Solitude filled with necromancers or bandits. (map)
* Though located well within Haafingar's borders, the location is marked as belonging to Falkreath Hold.
Ruins including Dwarven and Nordic[edit]
Volskygge — A medium-sized Nordic ruin west of Solitude containing bandits, draugr, frostbite spiders, and the dragon priest Volsung. (map)
Towers and Forts[edit]
Castle VolkiharDG — A large castle on an island far northwest of Solitude connected to Volkihar Keep. (map)
Fort Hraggstad — A medium-sized fort west of Solitude initially occupied by bandits. (map)
Northwatch Keep — A small fort northwest of Dragon Bridge containing Thalmor. (map)
Pinefrost Tower — A small ruined tower northwest of Dragon Bridge containing leveled animals. (map)
Widow's Watch Ruins — A small ruined tower west-northwest of Solitude containing a hag. (map)
Standing Stones and Daedric Shrines[edit]
Statue to Meridia — The shrine to the Daedric Prince Meridia. (map)
The Steed Stone — One of the thirteen Standing Stones scattered across Skyrim. (map)
Landmarks, including Bodies of Water, Clearings, Ships and Shipwrecks[edit]
Clearpine Pond — A pond with a small island, located west-southwest of Solitude, just to the northeast of Pinemoon Cave. (map)
Dainty Sload — A ship docked north of Solitude. (map)
Forgotten ValeDG — An isolated region in northwestern Skyrim once inhabited by the Snow Elves worshipping the god Auri-El. (map)
Icewater JettyDG — A small isolated dock far west of Solitude and northwest of Northwatch Keep. (map)
- Karth River — A river flowing from Markarth to Solitude. (map)
The Katariah — The personal transport vessel of the Emperor, Titus Mede II. (map)
Orphan's Tear — A shipwreck west of Ravenscar Hollow on the northern coast. (map)
- Sea of Ghosts — A vast ocean to the north of Skyrim. (map)
Solitude Lighthouse — A stone building on the northern coast of Skyrim that helps to guide ships into Solitude harbor. (map)
Haafingar Quests[edit]
All the quests that are started in or are related to Haafingar (except for radiant quests begun in other holds) are listed here:
Main Quest[edit]
- Diplomatic Immunity: Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy.
- Season Unending: Enforce a ceasefire to secure Dragonsreach.
Imperial Legion Civil War Quests[edit]
- Joining the Legion: Prove yourself worthy to join the Imperial Legion.
- The Jagged Crown: Find the Jagged Crown for the Imperials.
- Message to Whiterun: Deliver the message that will decide Whiterun's allegiance.
- Reunification of Skyrim: Reunite Skyrim under the leadership of the Empire. (radiant)
- A False Front: Find and deliver some forged documents to the Stormcloaks.
- Rescue from Fort Kastav: Take Fort Kastav for the Imperials and rescue the prisoners within. (radiant)
- The Battle for Fort Dunstad: Take Fort Dunstad for the Imperials. (radiant)
- The Battle for Fort Greenwall: Take Fort Greenwall for the Imperials. (radiant)
Stormcloaks Civil War Quests[edit]
- Liberation of Skyrim: Drive the Imperials from Skyrim. (radiant)
- The Battle for Fort Hraggstad: Prepare for the final assault on Solitude by taking this fort for the Stormcloaks.
- Battle for Solitude: Conquer the Imperial capital and free Skyrim from the Empire! (radiant)
Daedric Quests[edit]
- The Mind of Madness: Gain access to and solve the mystery of the Pelagius Wing.
- A Daedra's Best Friend: Help Barbas reunite with his master.
- The Break of Dawn: Find Meridia's Beacon and use its light to cleanse her temple of undead.
Dark Brotherhood[edit]
- Bound Until Death: Assassinate Vittoria Vici at her own wedding.
- Breaching Security: Kill and frame the son of a high-ranking Imperial guard.
- To Kill an Empire: Attempt to assassinate the Emperor while disguised as the Gourmet.
- Hail Sithis!: One of the biggest contracts in Brotherhood history is yours to fulfill.
- Kill Safia: Kill a pirate captain on her own ship.
Thieves Guild[edit]
- Scoundrel's Folly: Squeeze a reluctant informer for information.
- No Stone Unturned: Find the 24 gems to restore the Crown of Barenziah.
- The Dainty Sload: Frame a ship's captain to get revenge for a jilted merchant.
Bards College[edit]
- Tending the Flames: Unveil the truth about a deceitful King and become a member of the Bards College.
- Finn's Lute: Return an invaluable lute to Inge Six Fingers.
- Pantea's Flute: Find a missing flute for Pantea.
- Rjorn's Drum: Retrieve a drum for Giraud Gemane.
Side Quests[edit]
- The Man Who Cried Wolf: Investigate reports of strange happenings in Wolfskull Cave.
- The Wolf Queen Awakened: Potema must be stopped.
- Lights Out!: Help run a cargo ship aground.
- Missing In Action: Rescue a missing Stormcloak supporter from the Thalmor.
Dawnguard Quests[edit]
- BloodlineDG: Choose your side!
- Prophet (Dawnguard)DG: Find and rescue a Moth Priest from the vampires.
- Prophet (Vampire)DG: The time of prophecy has arrived! Locate a Moth Priest for the vampires.
- Touching the SkyDG: Find and retrieve Auriel's Bow.
- Kindred JudgmentDG: Confront Lord Harkon.
Creation Club Quests[edit]
- Brothers in IronsCC: Investigate a wanted criminal.
- Gift of KynarethCC: Recover a legendary Legion artifact and obtain the blessing of Kynareth.
- The Gray Cowl of NocturnalCC: Investigate the legend of the Gray Fox.
- More Than You Can ChewCC: Obtain the secrets of crafting with netch leather from a tribe of rieklings.
- Night HunterCC: Claim the belongings of a Haafingar vampire hunter.
- Over the EdgeCC: A criminal has sensed his past catching up with him.
- The RestlessCC: Search for an ancient pirate ship.
- Restoring OrderCC: Put an end to the melding of planes under Solitude.
In addition, many miscellaneous quests, such as favors, are located in Haafingar. They are listed here.