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This article is about the city. For the hold, see Whiterun Hold.

Whiterun, in Whiterun Hold
(view on map) (lore page)
Shops and Services
Guilds and Temples

Whiterun is a major city in the center of Skyrim, and the capital of Whiterun Hold. Its central location makes it the province's major commercial hub, as well as a crucial strategic point in the Civil War between the Imperial Legion loyalists and Stormcloak rebels, as control of Whiterun Hold grants access to all surrounding lands. Whiterun is initially nominally aligned with the Empire, but Jarl Balgruuf the Greater seems to care more about the people of Whiterun than either side of the conflict, rendering the hold effectively neutral.

Whiterun comprises three districts arranged in tiers and connected by stairways. The Plains District is the lowest and contains the city's marketplace and shops, inns, a few homes, and the city gates. The Wind District is the main residential area; it features the Temple of Kynareth, Jorrvaskr, the ancient mead hall and headquarters of the Companions, and the Skyforge, worked by the greatest blacksmith in Skyrim, Eorlund Gray-Mane. The Cloud District is dominated by the government seat Dragonsreach and its dungeon, and is the highest point in Whiterun. Local businesses and services include the smithy and weapons shop Warmaiden's, the tavern and hunting supply store The Drunken Huntsman, Belethor's General Goods, the alchemy shop Arcadia's Cauldron, and The Bannered Mare inn. The jarl's court wizard Farengar Secret-Fire has spells and enchanting supplies for sale and can teach you the basics of enchanting.

For more information on Whiterun, see the lore article.

Whiterun People[edit]

Amren's House
Amren Trainer (Common)One-handed (Common)
Arcadia's Cauldron
Arcadia Apothecary Trainer (Expert)Alchemy (Expert)
The Bannered Mare
Hulda Innkeeper Food and Drink
Saadia Food and Drink
Battle-Born Farm
Belethor's General Goods
Belethor General Goods
Lydia Follower *
Carlotta Valentia's House
Carlotta Valentia Food and Drink
Mila Valentia
Chillfurrow Farm
Jarl Balgruuf the Greater
Farengar Secret-Fire Spells
Hjornskar Head-Smasher **
Legate Quentin Cipius ***
Proventus Avenicci Breezehome
The Drunken Huntsman
Anoriath Food and Drink
Elrindir Fletcher
Jenassa Follower
Nazeem ****
Guard Barracks
Commander Caius
Whiterun Guards
Guard Barracks
Whiterun Guards
Hall of the Dead
Heimskr's House
Honningbrew Meadery
Mallus Maccius Fence
Sabjorn Food and Drink
House Gray-Mane
Avulstein Gray-Mane
Eorlund Gray-Mane Blacksmith Trainer (Master)Smithing (Master)
Fralia Gray-Mane Jeweler
Olfina Gray-Mane
House of Clan Battle-Born
Alfhild Battle-Born
Bergritte Battle-Born
Idolaf Battle-Born
Jon Battle-Born
Lars Battle-Born
Olfrid Battle-Born
Aela the Huntress Follower Trainer (Expert)Archery (Expert)
Athis Follower Trainer (Expert)One-handed (Expert)
Farkas Follower Trainer (Master)Heavy Armor (Master)
Kodlak Whitemane
Njada Stonearm Follower Trainer (Expert)Block (Expert)
Ria Follower
Tilma the Haggard
Torvar Follower
Vignar Gray-Mane
Vilkas Follower Trainer (Master)Two-handed (Master)
Olava the Feeble's House
Olava the Feeble
Pelagia Farm
Severio Pelagia's House
Severio Pelagia
Temple of Kynareth
Acolyte Jenssen
Danica Pure-Spring Trainer (Master)Restoration (Master)
Maurice Jondrelle
Rulnik Wind-StriderCC
Uthgerd's House
Uthgerd the Unbroken Follower
Adrianne Avenicci Blacksmith
Ulfberth War-Bear Blacksmith
Whiterun Stables
Bjorlam Carriage Service
Lillith Maiden-Loom
Skulvar Sable-Hilt Hostler
Ysolda's House
Ysolda Innkeeper General Goods ††

* Only appears after Dragon Rising.
** Only appears after the Stormcloaks quest Battle for Whiterun.
*** Only appears after the Imperial Legion quest Message to Whiterun.
**** Owns Chillfurrow Farm but sleeps here.
† This person only sells goods at the market.

†† Backup innkeeper for Hulda; also backup merchant for Belethor.

Related Quests[edit]

Quests Starting Here[edit]

Main Quest[edit]



Side Quests[edit]

Creation Club[edit]

Miscellaneous Quests[edit]

Quest Giver Giver Location Quest Objective(s) Requirement
Adrianne Avenicci Warmaiden's Greatsword for a Great Man: Adrianne asks you to deliver a sword to Proventus Avenicci, her father.
  • Deliver the sword to Proventus Avenicci
Amren Amren's House Dungeon Delving: Do a favor by retrieving an item from a bandit hideout. (radiant)
  • Find Amren's Family Sword inside <Alias=Dungeon>
  • Return Amren's Family Sword to Amren
Andurs Hall of the Dead Andurs' Arkay Amulet: Retrieve Andurs' Amulet of Arkay from the catacombs.
  • Recover Andurs' Amulet of Arkay
  • Return the amulet to Andurs
Brenuin The Bannered Mare Argonian Ale Extraction: Brenuin longs for the taste of Argonian Ale. Can you steal some for him?
  • Steal the Argonian Ale
  • Give the Argonian Ale to Brenuin
Carlotta Valentia Carlotta Valentia's House A Few Words with You: Do a favor by talking to someone about a problem. (radiant)
  • Talk to Mikael about Carlotta
  • Tell Carlotta that Mikael is taken care of
Farengar Secret-Fire Dragonsreach Salt for Arcadia: Farengar asks you to deliver some frost salts to Arcadia.
  • Give the Frost Salts to Arcadia
Lars Battle-Born Whiterun Bullying Braith: Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars.
  • Convince Braith to stop bullying Lars
Vignar Gray-Mane Jorrvaskr Thane of Whiterun: Gain the title of Thane of Whiterun. (radiant)
  • Purchase a house in Whiterun
  • Return to Vignar
Battle for Whiterun
Ysolda Ysolda's House Rare Gifts: Do a favor by finding a rare item. (radiant)
  • Bring one Mammoth Tusk to Ysolda


  • Breezehome is a house available for purchase after completion of the quest Bleak Falls Barrow. It may be purchased from Proventus Avenicci for 5,000 gold, as a reward for retrieving the Dragonstone for Jarl Balgruuf's court mage, Farengar Secret-Fire. If it is not purchased at this point, and Whiterun is conquered by the Stormcloaks, it may be purchased from Brill as a reward for helping the Stormcloaks conquer Whiterun.
  • Unused data in the game files indicates at least six buildings were removed from Whiterun: Maiden-Loom Manor, Pathway Guard Tower, Shrine of Talos, Ulfberth's House, Whiterun Jail, and Wintersand Manor.
  • Approximately 220 alchemy ingredients are freely available in Whiterun, with a respawn time of 30 days. These include 71 purple mountain flower, 41 blue mountain flower, 30 lavender, 23 tundra cotton, and 22 red mountain flower found throughout the city, as well as 14 nightshade in the graveyard outside the Hall of the Dead and 7 nordic barnacle and 1 bone meal in the pool outside Dragonsreach.
  • Whiterun also appears in Arena.


  • If you sprint as soon as you fast travel to Whiterun, the game may freeze.
  • If the Stormcloaks take Whiterun, two guards will spawn on the left side of the main gate instead of one on either side.
  • You can leave the city without using the main gate by jumping on a barrel and over a wall near the gate.


Map of Whiterun
Cloud District
  1. Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters
  2. Dragonsreach Dungeon
  3. Dragonsreach
    Wind District
  4. Hall of the Dead
  5. House of Clan Battle-Born
  6. Skyforge
  7. Temple of Kynareth
  8. Amren's House
  9. Jorrvaskr
  10. Carlotta Valentia's House
  11. Uthgerd's House
  12. House Gray-Mane
  13. Heimskr's House
    Plains District
  14. Guard Barracks
  15. The Drunken Huntsman
  16. Severio Pelagia's House
  17. The Bannered Mare
  18. Skyrim
  19. Warmaiden's
  20. Breezehome
  21. Belethor's General Goods
  22. Arcadia's Cauldron
  23. Olava the Feeble's House
  24. Ysolda's House
  • Each white dot corresponds directly to a door. All doors are numbered and relate to a Key on the side of the map.
