Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Mergers and Acquisitions

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Sway a vote on a company merger.
Quest Giver: Solvus Orrich
Location(s): Goldstone, Great Hall
Prerequisite Quest: Foreign Aid
Reward: Imperial Royal Silver Longsword, option to purchase Goldenrod House
Disposition: +15 (Solvus Orrich)
Reputation Gain: +10 (Kingdom of Anvil)
ID: PC_m1_K1_MC6


  • This quest contains an opportunity to switch your allegiances through speaking to Micella Marin, opening up a new questline while blocking another.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Solvus Orrich about duties and acquisition.
  2. Go to the Abecean Trading Company building in Anvil.
  3. (Optional) Speak to Micella Marin to hear her counteroffer.
  4. Talk to Sonkha of Hagoket about the acquisition.
  5. Ask Sonkha about board members to get her thoughts on Halysandarel, Lya and Visarius Cartius, and how to sway them.
  6. Do two of the following:
  7. Return to Solvus Orrich.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Controversial Merger[edit]

Solvus Orrich has new duties for you. He has heard news that the Abecean Trading Company's board are meeting to vote on whether or not to go ahead with the acquisition of another corporation - the White Scarab Company. As the Abecean Trading Company is owned by Herrius Thimistrel, an individual whom Solvus believes has designs on the Kingdom of Anvil, he wants you to stop the merger.

Solvus asks that you be the Queen's persuasive envoy, there to convince the assorted board members of the company to drop the acquisition idea. He refers you to Sonkha of Hagoket, a board member known to be against the merger who has offered to help the Queen's court in preventing its go-ahead.

Go to the Abecean Trading Company building in Anvil's Port Quarter and speak to Sonkha on the Upper Floors. She doesn't think things look good, but notes that if you're able to convince just two board members (asides from the chairwoman Micella Marin) to change their minds, the vote to acquire the White Scarab Company will fail.

The three board members currently voting in favor of the merger are Halysandarel, Lya and Visarius Cartius. Ask Sonkha about each in turn to get her suggestions on how to change their mind.

Micella Marin's Counteroffer[edit]

At any point before the vote, you can hear out Micella Marin's thoughts on the acquisition - and her counteroffer. Accepting this counteroffer marks an opportunity to switch allegiances from Queen Millona's court to crown-hopeful Herrius Thimistrel, unlocking his questline, while blocking off Millona's - see By Right of Blood for more details.

Convincing the Board[edit]

You only need to convince two of the three board members.


Sonkha finds Halysanderal to be soft, and suggests that you might be able to change his vote by providing proof of the White Scarab Company's less than savory connections to the Kali Mes. She suspects that you'll find such evidence in the White Scarab Company Lodgings on the east side of Little Arenthia. Her instincts are correct - you'll find a Shady Notice on a table on the upper floor that'll be enough to dismay Halysanderal.

You'll find the High Elf on the Abecean Trading Company's Upper Floors, just by the entrance to this area. Speak to him about the acquisition with the Shady Notice in your inventory in order to convince him.


Sonkha considers Lya to be concerned about the company's future relationship with their salt exporters in Hammerfell, and suggests that an analysis of the merger's effects from the So-Mitana Company in Charach might throw up something that could convince Lya to vote against the acquisition.

Travel to Charach on Stirk Isle. You'll find the So-Mitana Company building on the west side of town. Speak to Harrold inside. He'll give you a Financial Analysis document free of charge. You only need bring this to Lya in the Abecean Trading Company's board room to convince her that the acquisition isn't something she can support.

Visarius Cartius[edit]

Visarius can be found in the board room of the company building, and is the easiest of the three board members to sway in that he can be convinced to vote against the acquisition if his disposition is raised to 80 or higher.

The Vote is In[edit]

With at least two of the board members swayed, this is your last chance to hear out Micella's counteroffer and do as she suggests - joining Herrius Thimistrel's cause in the process.

Otherwise, if you're set on siding with Queen Millona, return to Goldstone and speak to Solvus Orrich to complete the quest. The motion to acquire the White Scarab Company will be defeated.


  • Completion of this quest unlocks the option to buy a property in Anvil - see Goldenrod House.
  • Quest completion will also slightly reduce the value of White Scarab Company shares by a base of 5.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Solvus Orrich needs me to prevent the acquisition of the White Scarab Company by the Abecean Trading Company. I am to go to the ATC's offices in the Port Quarter and convince the company's board to vote against the deal. Solvus also mentioned that Sonkha of Hagoket, the only board member who currently opposes the acquisition, has offered her assistance in convincing the rest of the board.
20 A majority of the Abecean Trading Company's board opposes the acquisition.
25 One of the Abecean Trading Company's board members is dead.
100 Finishes quest☑ Solvus Orrich was extremely pleased to hear of my success. As thanks, he gave me a sword from the royal armory.
101 Finishes quest☑ When I told Solvus Orrich about the events at the Abecean Trading Company building, he became enraged and demanded that I leave Goldstone.
Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6H)
10 Sonkha said Halysandarel could be convinced to oppose the acquisition if he knew more about the White Scarab Company's seedy underbelly -- specifically, some of its members' connections to the Kali Mes. She suggested I might find proof of such a connection in the White Scarab Company lodgings in the middle of Little Arenthia.
20 I convinced Halysandarel to oppose the acquisition.
Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6L)
10 Sonkha suggested that I could get Lya to oppose the acquisition by reinforcing her fears of a trade deficit for Hammerfell. Sonkha's recommendation was that I ask for a consultation from the Hammerfell-based So-Mitana Company's branch in Charach. If they agree with Lya, Sonkha believes that would be enough for Lya to oppose the acquisition.
20 I received a financial analysis from the So-Mitana Company on the topic of the White Scarab Company's acquisition. They agreed with Lya that it would harm Hammerfell and strongly advised against it.
30 I convinced Lya to oppose the acquisition.
Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6M)
10 Micella Marin is a close friend of Herrius Thimistrel, and her position as chairwoman relies on his support. Herrius is pushing for the acquisition to go through, so Sonkha doubts it will be possible to get Micella to oppose it.
20 Sonkha noted that since Micella Marin tried to have her killed, she is unlikely to ever oppose the acquisition.
Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6S)
10 Sonkha of Hagoket informed me that for the deal to fail, a majority of the board needs to vote against it. As she is already opposed, that means I would need to convince two other board members. She said she had ideas for each of them except Micella Marin.
Mergers and Acquisitions (PC_m1_K1_MC6V)
10 Sonkha thinks that, as an outsider, I might be able to convince Visarius Cartius to speak up against the acquisition if he likes me enough.
20 I convinced Visarius Cartius to oppose the acquisition.