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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Anvil

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AnvilFort TelodrachGarden QuarterGoldstoneLittle ArenthiaMarinaPort Quarter
Anvil (lore page)
Added by: Project Cyrodiil
Alignment: Kingdom of Anvil
Region: Strident Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:



Guild Guide:

The streets of Anvil
The Temple of Dibella Estetica
Fort Telodrach
The Bazaar of the Abecean and the Trident Exchange
Goldstone (right) looks over the city
"Anvil is the mightiest port city of the Abecean and the western gateway of Cyrodiil to the wider world. Its enormous harbor, bustling streets, and gleaming temples have made Anvil and its kingdom a destination for sailors, merchants, and pilgrims alike for centuries."Guide to Anvil

The metropolis of Anvil is Cyrodiil's largest port on the Abecean Sea and one of its largest cities. It serves as the capital of the Kingdom of Anvil as well as the location of their headquarters of Goldstone. Anvil's location at the terminus of the Gold Road has led to it becoming a major trade hub for the entire province of Cyrodiil, serving to connect the Imperial homeland to the myriad ports of the Empire's other provinces.

The city itself is divided into six quarters: Fort Telodrach, the Garden Quarter, Goldstone, Little Arenthia, the Marina, and the Port Quarter.


For the statistics of all people in Anvil, see People in Anvil.

Anvil is home to many noteworthy people. Some of the most notable include: regent of the Kingdom of Anvil, Queen Millona Conomorus; navarach of the West Navy, Tiledorus Cadmerius; master thief of the Thieves Guild's Abecean Ring, The Arenthian; master of the Fighters Guild's Anvil chapter, Palagrius Vinicius; and primate of the Great Faiths, Hiral Varollus.

For other notable people, see the pages for each quarter.

Getting There and Around[edit]

For those within Cyrodiil, the simplest and cheapest way to reach Anvil would be to walk; the city lies at the at the terminus of the Gold Road, so simply following the road east will eventually lead you to the city. That being said, travelers with gold to spare that are seeking a less arduous methods of transport still have many options available to them: caravaners in both Hal Sadek and Brina Cross can transport you outside Anvil's gates, while Rexus Serperian can transport you back should you wish; likewise, shipmasters in Archad, Thresvy, and Charach are able to bring you into Anvil's marina aboard their boats, with Saquerilla offering the return service; and finally, Yinassi at the local Guild of Mages is able to facilitate teleportation between the local guildhall and those in Brina Cross and Charach.

For those seeking to reach to Anvil from more distant lands, Cascus Daro in Skyrim's KarthwastenSHOTN and Titus Corilex in Morrowind's Ebonheart[nb1] can both be spoken with to procure room and board aboard a vessel headed to Anvil. Conversely, the Port Quarter's Annine Golden-Blade, near the Blue Raven, and Kaltan Doralis, near the Hearthrend, can arrange transport to Karthwasten and Ebonheart, respectively.

Navigation between Anvil's quarters is aided by four gondoliers found across the city, each of which being able transport you to any of the other three. They can be found outside the Saint Amiel Officers' Club in the Garden Quarter, next to the canal in Little Arenthia, on the Marina docks, and outside the Chapel of Tranquil Sky in the Port Quarter.

Places of Interest Around Anvil[edit]

Anvil is a gateway to the Abecean Sea, and the adventurous might find plenty in the archipelagos and reefs lying to the city's west. The old fort of Olomachus stands to the city's northwest, while a graveyard hugging the city's northern wall could provide reasonable riches to the unscrupulous. If an adventurer were to follow the Gold Road leading away from the city itself, they would quickly pass the old Ayleid ruins of Lindasael, which may hold treasures yet unpillaged.

Related Quests[edit]

For Kingdom of Anvil quests, see the faction page.

Substantial questlines exist for the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild, assorted Itinerant Priests and the Abecette Fight Pit, with the first quest of each line being listed below.

Outside of these questlines, many other quests can be found around the city:



More detailed maps can be found on the following pages:
  • Fort TelodrachMaps
  • Garden QuarterMaps
  • GoldstoneMaps
  • Little ArenthiaMaps
  • MarinaMaps
  • Port QuarterMaps
A map of Anvil


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