Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/By Right of Blood

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Plots and poisoned wine mark a change in allegiance.
Quest Giver: Micella Marin
Location(s): Anvil, Abecean Trading Company: Upper Floors
Next Quest: Destabilization
Concurrent Quest: Mergers and Acquisitions
Reward: Ebonweave Helm
Disposition: +10 (Herrius Thimistrel)
ID: PC_m1_K1_HT1


Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. During Mergers and Acquisitions, speak to Micella Marin about the acquisition.
  2. Hear out her counteroffer and...
    • Refuse to help (ends quest).
    • Agree to help.
  3. (Optional) Warn Sonkha of Hagoket during her meeting with Micella (ends quest).
  4. Break into Sonkha's office and use the Quality Damage Health Potion on the Half-Empty Bottle of Wine.
  5. Speak to Micella once more.
  6. Go to Thimistrel Manor in the Garden Quarter and talk to Herrius Thimistrel about the Kingdom of Anvil.
  7. Either:

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

The chairwoman of the Abecean Trading Company, Micella Marin, is a friend of Herrius Thimistrel and a supporter of his interests. During Mergers and Acquisitions you may choose to speak to her about the acquisition that Queen Millona Conomorus seneschal, Solvus Orrich, is so keen to prevent. Micella wants the acquisition to go through, and - though aware that you are acting for the crown - will outline a counteroffer for you. Hear her out, and she will propose that you join Herrius' cause and aid her in removing a troublesome obstacle - fellow board member of the company, Sonkha of Hagoket.

You can refuse, in which case Mergers and Acquisitions will play out as normal.

If you accept however, Micella will give you a Quality Damage Health Potion and will tell you to put it into Sonkha's wine while the Imga is called up for a meeting. You'll likely encounter Sonkha walking up to this meeting as you leave Micella's office. Sonkha has secured her own office (on the floor below Micella's), with a level 80 lock barring the way. There's no key, so you'll need to unlock the door with a lockpick or spell. Once inside, look to the shelves that are on your right as you enter. A Half-Empty Bottle of Wine stands on them. Activate to receive the option of poisoning the wine.

Note that you will be unable to warn Sonkha once you have actually poisoned the wine, so doing so marks a point of no return. You can decide not to poison it, in which case go and warn Sonkha to continue with the quest Mergers and Acquisitions instead.

Once the wine is poisoned, speak to Micella once more. She recommends that you head out to Thimistrel Manor to speak to Herrius Thimistrel, so do so. His manor is in the southeastern corner of the city. Once in his office, speak to him about the Kingdom of Anvil topic. He has grand plans for it, and names Queen Millona a pretender. He'll reward you with an Ebonweave Helm for your efforts so far, and will vow further ones to come. He'll then ask for your opinion of Queen Millona. Your response to this has no effect other than to modify his disposition towards you (with a -10 hit for expressing support for Millona, and a +5 bonus for critiquing her rule so far).

Herrius then reveals his own claim to the throne, revealing himself to be the last of the Shore-Kings that once ruled Anvil, and having stayed alive by turning to vampirism. As he puts it:

"My true name is Urac Vernitus. I am the last of the Shore-Kings, and the crown is mine by right of blood."

Now he asks you to make a decision on whether you will support him or not. Refuse, and he will dismiss you. You will then need to return to a somewhat baffled Solvus Orrich at Goldstone - you cannot return to completing Mergers and Acquisitions at this point, but future duties from Queen Millona will become available once you are of Seneschal rank in the Kingdom of Anvil.

Join Herrius however and he will annoint you as a "steadfast defender of the crown". New duties are now open to you, all aimed at putting Herrius - or his puppet - upon the throne. Future duties from Queen Millona are locked off with this decision.


  • Completion of this quest increases the value of shares in both the White Scarab Company and the Abecean Trading Company, by a base of 11 and 10 respectively.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

By Right of Blood (PC_m1_K1_HT1)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 When I spoke to her about the Abecean Trading Company's acquisition of the White Scarab Company, Micella Marin made me a counteroffer. She said that Herrius Thimistrel would reward me greatly for making sure that the deal goes through and entrust me with further duties. She then instructed me to sneak into Sonkha of Hagoket's office and poison her wine in order to prevent any votes against the acquisition.
20 I poisoned Sonkha of Hagoket's wine so that she could not vote against the acquisition.
30 Herrius Thimistrel thanked me for ensuring that the acquisition went through and rewarded me with an ebonweave helm. He then told me about his grievances with Queen Millona's leadership, and shared a secret of his -- that he is Urac Vernitus, the last Shore-King, who survived the Thrassian Plague by joining the Vampyrum Order. He claimed that the throne of Anvil is rightfully his, and asked for my help in taking it back.
100 Finishes quest☑ I agreed to help Herrius Thimistrel overthrow Queen Millona.
110 Finishes quest☑ Herrius Thimistrel was disappointed that I refused to help him overthrow Queen Millona, and said that I had picked the wrong side.
115 Finishes quest☑ I interrupted the meeting between Sonkha of Hagoket and Micella Marin and told Sonkha about Micella's plans to kill her. She was furious and shocked to hear of this, but did not think that it could be used to stop the acquisition, as the other board members would not believe my story. She thanked me for the warning and suggested that we move quickly to sway the rest of the board.
120 Finishes quest☑ Micella Marin angrily dismissed me for killing a board member.
130 Finishes quest☑ As Micella Marin is dead, I no longer need to help her with her counteroffer.
140 Finishes quest☑ Instead of assisting Micella Marin with her plans, I helped Sonkha of Hagoket ensure the acquisition cannot go through.