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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Cassandra Verach

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Cassandra Verach (PC_m1_CassandraVerach)
Home City Anvil
Location Temple of Dibella Estetica: Auditorium
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 11 Class Priest
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker
Gold 300 Mercantile Apprentice (16)
Sells Books, Ingredients, Potions
Spells Alteration SpellsDestruction SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 82 Magicka 108
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great Faiths 5(Disciple)
Cassandra Verach

Cassandra Verach is an Imperial Priest found in the Auditorium of the grandiose Temple of Dibella Estetica, in Anvil. She offers services to those who have done the Temple a great service, and will open hers up to you on completion of the quest Meat-Cute.

The Order of Dibella Estetica to which Cassandra belongs is somewhat disunified of late, having split into two philosophical leanings known as ascetism and hedonism. Cassandra is a hedonist, and of their ranks is the one who most thoroughly explains what that means:

"We believe in the Dibellan commandment to open our hearts to the noble secrets of love, and to seek joy and inspiration in its mysteries. Beauty and joy are the ideals of our goddess, and indeed, Anvil's many joyful and indulgent establishments were founded under her patronage." - Cassandra, on hedonist

Her hedonism has its limits however, as becomes apparent in The Naked 'Nard when Andren Baldris - who has very much indulged on drink - barges into her chamber and demands to see her best girls. As she puts it: "this is a place of worship, not a brothel".

Cassandra is also one of the people that The Arenthian will send you to in order to secure her investment in the made-up Black Isle Company - although Cassandra is convinced of its profitability at the time.

Related Quests[edit]

Cyrodiil Thieves Guild[edit]


Order of Itinerant Priests[edit]

  • Meat-Cute: Prepare Dibellan rites for a Bosmer duo.