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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found on Stros M'Kai.
Name |
Ancestral Orc: Axes |
13 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Time nearly disintegrated this book. I'm surprised the contents are still legible. We should handle this with care, the binding won't last much longer unless we take precautions.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral Orc Style) |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Hunding Sextant |
250 |
- Reginus Buca
- A bit rusty, but still in good condition. Late First-Era by the look of it. These appear to be modeled after the designs of the Dwemer observatory found on Stros M'kai. The Hunding name is inscribed, but this device is far younger than that bloodline.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Frandar Hunding was a master navigator. He'd have to be to guide a fleet the size of the first Ra Gada to undiscovered lands without losing any ships. It may bear his name in honor of his legacy, even if he had nothing to do with its creation.
- Verita Numida
- I wouldn't be too quick to rule out Frandar's influence. The Yokudans were advanced enough to have their own navigational devices prior to encountering the observatory. It's entirely possible that Frandar was the first to adopt this design.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Ancestral Orc: Helmets |
13 |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- This is in great condition. Someone took great efforts to preserve this book. It looks as though there was a bit of restoration done to the inside binding but otherwise, this has all the original material.
Type |
Motif Chapter (Ancestral Orc Style) |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Goblin Steam Mill |
1000 |
- Amalien
- It resembles a tiny waterwheel made from iron and the flexible bark of tropical trees. It would have crumbled to dust long ago if not for a thick grease smeared over everything. It looks just the right size to fit on the end of a Dwemer steam pipe!
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- It does appear to be Goblin in make, though the markings are different from the Dogeater tribe who currently reside here. Goblins were likely the only inhabitants of these isles between the Dwemer's disappearance and the Redguard colonization.
- Gabrielle Benele
- I was skeptical, but I decided to test Amalien's theory and sure enough the wheel fit over the end of a broken steam pipe. It's a bit unstable, but the moving parts whir around at a surprising speed. This mechanism could easily power a number of tools.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
Worn Dwarven Gears |
N/A |
- Amalien
- Given the size, these gears belong to something smaller than a Dwarven Centurion, but bigger than a Dwarven Sphere. How exciting! An as-yet unknown animunculus just waiting for assembly!
Type |
Mount Fragment (Ebon Dwarven Wolf) |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
- Mobs inside Bthzark or outside near the entrance
Name |
Dwarven Puzzle Box |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- What a fascinating bauble! Dwarven-make, obviously. But what does it do? Those circular elements at the center of each facet might fit into some secondary device. I've never see a Dwarven key that actually looks like a key!
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- No. Look at the seams and gears. This thing comes apart somehow, guaranteed. I'd bet my left tusk that it's a coffer of some kind. No idea what we might find inside, though. Maybe a specialized dynamo? A gem of some kind?
- Amalien
- A coffer? Come on! The Dwarves would never use a device like this for something so prosaic! This is a testing device--a puzzle. And judging by the number of pinions, cylinders, and junction-points, I'd say it's a test none of us are likely to pass.
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
- Safeboxes, Treasure Chests and Thieves Troves
- Overland mobs
- Bosses
- Fishing
Name |
Dwemer Astrological Charts |
5000 |
- Amalien
- I first thought all the divots on these Dwarven metal plates to be more of their typically abstract art or the result of some sort of projectile testing, but I finally figured it out! They're plots of stars in the night sky! I was thrown off by the sheer volume of points on each plate compared to what I can observe by the naked eye. Perhaps their observatory is powerful enough to peer through to Aetherius itself? Could it have guided the Dwemer there and that's why they left Tamriel behind?
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Buoyant Steel |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- Was there any metal in Thras? If not, I'm curious how this metal came into their possession. It's not as if they had a flourishing trade relationship with the peoples of Tamriel.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- They likely gathered it from the bottom of the sea—from shipwrecks and the like. Maormer that strayed too close. Maybe even Yokudans or Lefthanded Elves. Even so, this metal feels lighter than most. Buoyant even.
- Amalien
- Ha! I've got it! Frog-Metal! Syrabane discovered an alchemical alloy in the mid-First Era to provide armor for early Elven marines. It prevented them from sinking to the bottom if they fell overboard. The Sload would take a keen interest in such a thing!
Type |
Mythic Item (Thrassian Stranglers) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Dwemer Star Chart |
N/A |
- Gabrielle Benele
- A Dwarven star chart! Marvelous! I think Guildmaster Vanus has one like this in his private study, but I doubt he has any clear idea of what it actually depicts. The key constellations appear on one of the discs, obviously. Beyond that? I'm not sure.
- Amalien
- Open your eyes, Gabrielle! This is a treasure trove of Dwarven astronomical scholarship! The three orbiting spheres could be guardian equation-bodies, but we should at least consider the possibility that they are Dwemeric Aetherbell beacons. Right?
- Reginus Buca
- Aetherbells? You mean Dwarven vessels that "dive" through the realms of Aetherius and Oblivion? Honestly, Amalien, do you have even a shred of evidence to support the idea that those even exist? These are clearly constellation markers. Nothing more.
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
- Treasure Chests
- Overland mobs
- Mobs inside Bthzark
Aldmeri Dominion |
Daggerfall Covenant |
Ebonheart Pact |
Neutral |
DLC Areas |