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Online:Northern Elsweyr Antiquities

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This is a list of all of the Antiquities that are found in the Northern Elsweyr .

ON-icon-furnishing-Northern Elsweyr 02.png Name Antique Map of Northern Elsweyr Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
Ah! Hard to mistake this map, given the recent troubles in the region. It's Anequina sure enough. Northern Elsweyr, I mean.
Verita Numida
Hmm. It's clearly quite old, but the cartographer didn't include the boundaries of Elsweyr's sixteen kingdoms. I suppose the artist rendered it shortly after the northern half of the province consolidated under the Anequine banner.
Reginus Buca
Yes, this clearly depicts the region just after the Thrassian Plague. It's quite odd to see a fully rendered map of the province. Travel in Elsweyr leans heavily upon word of mouth—mostly to keep Baandari caravaners employed.
Type Furniture
Difficulty Simple

ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Name Faded Khajiit Claw Value 250
Reginus Buca
If you look close, you can tell this is a fabrication. A real claw would have faded over time. This looks made out of some kind of stone, and though the inscription is faded, there's definitely something written on it.
Verita Numida
When Elsweyr was divided, Anequina had a reputation for being a land of warriors. But Pellitine had money, and they could hire the muscle they needed. This may have been a calling card of sorts.
Could this be a famed killing claw of Vashrjo the Killer? He was a famed Pellitine assassin that was rumored to have killed high ranking officials in Anequina. Apparently he'd leave a fake claw by the body so they knew who committed the deed.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Simple
  • Accessible by default

ON-icon-stolen-Full Mask.png Name Khajiit Plague Mask Value 1,000
Reginus Buca
Interesting design here, it's made for a Khajiit face certainly but it doesn't look all that well constructed. There are inadequacies there that can't be attributed to just time.
Ugron gro-Thumog
The Thrassian Plague came down along trade routes in Elsweyr. It's likely they didn't have any means to combat it, and even once they started, by then it was already too late. This may have been an early attempt at protection.
Verita Numida
In the earliest days of the Thrassian Plague, Khajiit healers started with simple masks like these to prevent the spread of infection. It quickly became evident that they were not sufficient, however, so they were abandoned and never iterated on.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Intermediate

ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Name Khajiit Prayer Cloth Value 5,000
While I'm sure this would be a controversial opinion, I feel in my gut that this cloth belonged to Queen Anequina Sharp-Tongue. It's widely agreed upon that the queen spent time meditating in the temple of Jode's Light during her time. Many times her story is overshadowed by Khunzar-ri, but she was an equal force, one that is awe-inspiring even today! If the stories are to be believed, this cloth holds the tears of the queen, when she returned to her temple after Khunzar-ri's death.
Type Treasure
Difficulty Advanced

ON-icon-furnishing-Khajiiti Water Vessel, Large.png Name Khajiiti Water Vessel, Large Value N/A
An antique, but one still used today. These massive vessels serve to holdfast what little water falls in the arid region of Elsweyr.
Verita Numida
This brushed metal is coated with an alloy that keeps it from pitting or allowing disease to flourish. An ingenious usage of materials, and one used for centuries in that part of the world.
Gabrielle Benele
We've seen similar vessels in the Hammerfell region. But other techniques, like rain-catchers, supplement the base vessels. I'd imagine originally this had some kind of awning or cover as well.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Advanced
‎‎Lead Northern Elsweyr:
  • Treasure Chests
  • Thieves Troves

ON-icon-furnishing-Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl.png Name Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl Value N/A
Gabrielle Benele
I've seen one of these before. In the stacks, back in the Imperial City. The Moth Priests used it for ritual washing, or something. I assume clean hands are preferred when handling an Elder Scroll!
Verita Numida
Yes, I met several Moth Priests during my years in university. The older priests made a point of washing their hands before, after, and sometimes during a reading. This residue in the bowl is interesting. Some kind of cleaning agent, perhaps?
Sure, keeping the scrolls clean makes sense. But have you considered the possibility that they were scrubbing off something from the scrolls? Some aetherial residue that could deaden their fingers like the scrolls deaden the eyes? Think about it!
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Advanced
‎‎Lead Imperial City Districts and Sewers:
  • Treasure Chests
  • Overland mobs
  • Any Boss

ON-icon-furnishing-Stained Glass of Lunar Phases.png Name Stained Glass of Lunar Phases Value N/A
Reginus Buca
A fully intact stained glass window? Simply remarkable! Someone clearly packed it away with great care. One can't help but wonder why they squirreled such a masterpiece away. I've never seen a window like this in the Khajiiti temples I've visited.
Verita Numida
That's because the Khajiit never placed this window in one of their ancestral temples. See the similarities to Imperial glasswork? Clearly, Khajiiti glassworkers made this for a converted temple. Perhaps the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin.
Ugron gro-Thumog
Makes sense. Bruk'ra wander-kings all but annexed the city after Darloc Brae's conquests. It's possible that the Imperials finished construction on the Chapel of Zenithar by then. But if the Khajiit did convert it, Imperial histories would never admit it.
Type Furniture (view furnishing)
Difficulty Ultimate