Online:Dwarven Sphere

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Dwarven Sphere
(lore page)
Location Dwemer Ruins
Species Dwarven Sphere
Health 60,370
Reaction Varies
Dwarven Gear, Dwermer Scrap, leveled Potion, Perfectly Balanced Gyro, a Dwemer furnishing plan (rarely to extremely rarely depending on the plan's rarity).
Dwarven Sphere

Dwarven Spheres are hostile automatons that can be found in Dwemer ruins. They may be seen as round balls moving around, but they will unfold into an upright position to attack.

When destroyed, they have a chance to drop Dwermer Scrap, which can be refined into a Dwarven Frame.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

The sphere slashes at their target using their blade as a basic melee attack.
The sphere shoots their crossbow as a basic ranged attack.
The sphere winds up their blade before performing a multi-hitting spinning strike, dealing moderate physical damage. This can be blocked to set them off-balance.
The sphere jumps up and slams itself on the ground, dealing moderate physical damage in a radius around it as indicated by a red circle.
Electric Wave
When at range, the sphere shoots an empowered bolt that causes tremors that travel forward, indicated by a moving circle, dealing moderate physical damage. This can be interrupted to set the sphere off-balance. (On some dwarven spheres only)
During Seht's Flywheel stage in Maelstrom Arena, the shockwaves sent are charged with lightning, inflicting additional shock damage.Orsinium
Ricochet Wave
The sphere charges up and releases a shockwave in front of itself, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate flame damage. This can be interrupted to set the sphere off-balance. (On some dwarven spheres only) Dungeon-specific?
If charged when destroyed, the sphere will explode, dealing moderate shock damage to all targets around it as indicated by a red circle. This only occurs if the sphere has been charged by a dwarven spider. (blue textures on their framing)

Unique Dwarven Spheres[edit]

A sphere rolled up


Generic Dwarven Spheres[edit]

Generic, unnamed Dwarven Spheres can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These spheres have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of Dwarven Spheres, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Unzoned (during The Dangerous Past) Mzeneldt ON-misc-Boss 1.png 175,900 Rounded
Darkshade Caverns I Rkugamz Normal52,831Veteran(?)
Darkshade Caverns II Rkugamz Normal58,940Veteran191,386
Volenfell The section of ruin beyond the Hidden Passage,
after Quintus Verres's defeat
Craglorn Mtharnaz 119,725
Craglorn Rkhardahrk, with the Last Sentinel 27,500
Dragonstar Arena Round 8: Steamworks Normal51,768Veteran287,899
Rkundzelft Delve occupants 119,725
Summoned by Mzeklok 17,400
WrothgarOrsinium Nyzchaleft Falls ON-misc-Boss 1.png 86,300 rounded
Maelstrom Arena Orsinium Stage 2: Seht's Balcony Normal13,973Veteran(?)
Stage 4: Seht's Flywheel ON-misc-Boss 1.png Normal35,827Veteran(?)
VvardenfellMorrowind Nchuleft 31,364
MzanchendMorrowind Outside 60,370
Inside 39,959
FrostvaultWrathstone Summoned during the fight against the Vault Protector in Warlord Tzogvin's Lair Normal103,144Veteran(?)
Colossus Charging StationGreymoor Summoned by Dismantler the Dwarven Colossus ON-misc-Boss 1.png 39,500
Bthar-Zel VaultsMarkarth Summoned by the Dwarven Dynastor 30,800
Nchuand-Zel Vaults, Reachwind DepthsMarkarth Summoned by the Dwarven Carrier, Summoned by the Dwarven Dynastor 23,900
Sentinel PointMarkarth Summoned by the Dwarven Dynastor Supreme 808,775
Infinite Archive Archive Wings Varies
