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Quick Summary: written by Talyyn, not checked
Walkthrough: not written
Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked
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Vandacia and the Order of the Waking Flame seem to be determined to attack Gideon and capture the Ambitions. Governor Keshu promised to protect them, but wants to take them somewhere more defensible than the city. Somewhere such as Fort Redmane.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak with Keshu the Black Fin and Eveli Sharp-Arrow.
- Talk to Sombren in the Temple of Dibella.
- Recruit your allies from around Blackwood:
- Travel to Fort Redmane and talk to Eveli.
- Speak with Keshu and then follow Eveli in the fort.
- Defend the courtyard with Eveli and Captain Rian Liore.
- Enter the guardhouse and catch up with the Ambitions and help defend them.
- Reach the courtyard through the crumbling keep to confront Vandacia.
- Defeat Vandacia and listen to Mehrunes Dagon's words before he leaves.
- Leave Fort Redmane and talk to Sombren and Calia.
- Talk to Keshu and Eveli Sharp-Arrow.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
At the start of the quest Keshu the Black Fin will suggest you to summon any allies you've found in Blackwood & head over to Fort Redmane to help defend the Ambitions. The allies you can obtain include those done by completing the quests; A Keep's Ransom at Borderwatch, Shadows in the Swamp in Hutan-Tzel & The Rising Winds in Stonewastes.
The option to approach the optional allies for assistance is available only if their respective side quest was completed prior to starting Pyre of Ambition. Players missing these optional steps from their Quest journal may choose to abandon Pyre of Ambition, complete the optional side quests, and then re-start Pyre of Ambition at Gideon.
- If you've reached the point of optionally calling in your favors to recruit more help but haven't yet completed A Keep's Ransom so you can recruit Commander Axius, you can wait to continue Pyre of Ambition and instead do A Keep's Ransom and then recruit Commander Axius afterwards. At the time of writing, this did cause Commander Axius' dialogue during A Keep's Ransom to get sometimes confused with your recruiting him, but it doesn't stop A Keep's Ransom from progressing to conclusion. Upon completion of A Keep's Ransom it may be necessary to logout and log back in again to get Pyre of Ambition to then recognize recruiting Commander Axius as an optional step. Make sure Pyre of Ambition is selected and Axius is listed as an optional step while talking to him to recruit him. The dialogue mix-ups during A Keep's Random may mislead into thinking you've recruited him when you haven't.
- It hasn't been tested, but the approach in the preceding note may also work for Brigadine Lieutenant Viria and Elossi, the Sudden Gust. Worth a try.
- Black Fin Legion and Ivory Brigade generic NPCs seen at the camp outside the fort don't have nameplates.
- After Vandacia brings Mehrunes Dagon into the fort and finishes his dialogue, he disappears suddenly instead of using a portal. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
Pyre of Ambition |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I need to travel to Gideon and meet with Governor Keshu.
Objective: Talk to Keshu the Black Fin
I should discuss plans with Eveli before I go inform the Ambitions.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Before I head out to gather allies to defend Fort Redmane, I need to tell Sombren and the twins about our plans.
Objective: Talk to Sombren
I need to go to Leyawiin and see if Captain Rian is willing to send the Ivory Brigade to help defend Fort Redmane. In addition, if I know anyone else who can help, I should attempt to recruit them.
Objective: Talk to Captain Rian Liore
Optional Step: Recruit Commander Axius
Optional Step: Recruit Brigadine Lieutenant Viria
Optional Step: Recruit the Three Winds
I gathered allies from other parts of Blackwood. Time to speak to Eveli and see how our defense of Fort Redmane is shaping up.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
It seems we're ready to defend Fort Redmane and protect the Ambitions. I should report to Governor Keshu and see where she wants me for the coming battle.
Objective: Talk to Keshu the Black Fin
Governor Keshu asked me to guard the Ambitions and serve as the fort's last line of defense. I should head inside before Vandacia and his cultists arrive.
Objective: Enter Fort Redmane
As I entered the fort, Captain Rian and Eveli began discussing the current situation. I should listen in.
Objective: Listen to Captain Rian and Eveli
Vandacia's forces are opening portals to assault the courtyard, as expected. I need to support Captain Rian and the Ivory Brigade while Eveli escorts the Ambitions to the guardhouse.
Objective: Defend the Fort Courtyard
Now that the courtyard is secure, I should join Eveli and the Ambitions at the guardhouse.
Objective: Find Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Optional Step: Talk to Captain Rian Liore
Vandacia's forces have infiltrated the guardhouse! I must help Eveli defeat the invaders. But where are the Ambitions?
Objective: Clear the Guardhouse
Eveli and I cleared the guardhouse, but the Ambitions ran to the west. I should try to find them.
Objective: Listen to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I need to find Sombren and the twins. They ran west, deeper into the guardhouse. I should follow after them.
Objective: Find the Ambitions
Optional Step: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
I found the Ambitions in the inner bailey. I need to defend Sombren and the twins from any attack.
Objective: Defend the Ambitions
I need to defend Sombren and the twins from Vandacia's forces as we make our way through the inner bailey.
Objective: Defend the Ambitions
Vandacia killed Destron and used the released energy to begin to merge Fort Redmane with the Deadlands. Sombren and Calia fled into the fort's keep. I should follow them.
Objective: Go to the Keep
I followed Sombren and Calia into the keep, but it's already occupied by Vandacia's forces. We'll need to deal with them before we can proceed.
Objective: Secure the Keep
In her rage and grief, Calia just wiped out the cultists! She's close to losing control, but at least Eveli has caught up to us. Sombren's trying to calm her down. I should listen.
Objective: Listen to Sombren
Sombren thinks he can use Eveli's book to stop Vandacia and Mehrunes Dagon. He needs me to find Vandacia and keep him busy until he's ready. We think Vandacia went to the courtyard.
Objective: Reach the Courtyard
Optional Step: Talk to Sombren
Optional Step: Talk to Calia
Optional Step: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
We found Vandacia in the courtyard of Fort Redmane, along with his master, Mehrunes Dagon. I need to keep him busy until Sombren can drain his energy and we can actually defeat him.
Objective: Kill Vandacia
We defeated Vandacia and the realms are separating once more. I should listen to what Mehrunes Dagon has to say before he is pulled back into the Deadlands.
Objective: Listen to Mehrunes Dagon
We defeated Vandacia and saved Fort Redmane. I should follow Sombren and Calia outside, though I might want to talk to Eveli and Elam before I go.
Objective: Leave Fort Redmane
Optional Step: Talk to Elam Drals
Optional Step: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Now that the battle is over, I should check on Sombren and Calia.
Objective: Talk to Sombren
Objective: Talk to Calia
I made sure Sombren and Calia were all right. Now I should check in with Eveli and report to Governor Keshu.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Optional Step: Talk to Keshu the Black Fin
Finishes quest |
We defeated Vandacia and the Waking Flame, and we stopped Mehrunes Dagon from claiming a portion of Blackwood for the Deadlands. I should talk to Eveli about what comes next.
Objective: Talk to Eveli Sharp-Arrow
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.