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UESPWiki:Online Quest Project

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The Online Quest Project (ONQP) is a project to create pages for all quests in The Elder Scrolls Online.

Project Overview[edit]

Many of the quests in The Elder Scrolls Online have little to no documentation on this wiki, especially the newer Chapter and DLC quests. Generally, there's information on the quest stages and rewards, and a quick walkthrough, but not much else. Due to the staggering number of quests in the game, this undertaking will require a large contribution from the community in order to complete it.


Participating in the ONQP is simple. Firstly, you have to own ESO for the most part. The exception to this is quest IDs, which can be entered by anyone (as detailed below). If you wish to participate, add your name to the Project Members section below, also putting what you will be working on. We also have a project ribbon that you can put on your userpage; see below.

There are three different parts of the project:

  • Quick Summary: Writing the header and quick walkthrough for pages, as well as the footer if needed
  • Detailed Walkthrough: Writing the detailed walkthrough
  • Quest Stages: Adding the quest stages for the quest

Each of these parts needs to be both written and checked. If you want to write pages, look through the Categories section below to find the right category for your desired part of the project to work on, and find a quest that you want to work on. As mentioned below, it is recommended to record yourself playing through the quest in-game so that you can look at it later when you create the page. If you want, you can write all three parts of the project at once.

Note that, if you're having trouble deciding, it's probably better to work on the quick summaries before the detailed walkthrough and quest stages; but that's up to you.

If you want to check pages, look through the Categories section below to find the right category, and find a quest that you want to work on. The best way to check a quest is to simply play through it in-game, following the walkthrough and ensuring that all the information given in it is correct. Also, make sure to proof-read the page for any spelling or grammatical errors. Note that you can check all three parts of the project in one if you wish, if they've all been written. Checking pages can only be done in-game, since it needs to be ensured that all the information is up to date.

Project Header[edit]

The template {{ONQP Header}} has been created for this project. While this should soon be inserted at the top of all quest pages, if it is not there please add it. When you write or check a page, please add your name to the header as detailed in the template documentation. Note that currently many project pages have the OQP Header instead of the ONQP Header; this is because the project was renamed. If this is the case, you can rename the header to ONQP Header. Additionally, you'll have to delete the pre-existing parameters that are there (which are outdated) and instead add the ones on the ONQP Header template page.

Quick Summary Guidelines[edit]

Most of the guidelines for writing quest pages are outlined on Quest Layout page. However, some things differ for writing for ESO.


Firstly, the Online Quest Header template must be used. Details on that template can be found on the template page. Most of the parameters are quite self-explanatory, but some of them must be clarified:

  • description: This should be a simple description of what must be done in the quest, without spoiling anything. Keep this as just one sentence.
  • Obj: Make sure to only include this if the quest is required for the location objective. Some quests, despite being in the location, are not actually required to complete the location, and therefore this shouldn't be used.
  • Giver: Give the name of the quest-giver, linking to their NPC page (whether or not it exists), as well as their location.
  • Loc: This should contain all locations visited in the quest, with the exception of the quest-giver's. As a general rule, only give locations that are given names in-game; this includes both locations marked on the map and smaller locations like caves that still have names when you enter them. Again, link to these, even if the page doesn't exist.
  • Reward: Put these in the same order they are in-game, if there are multiple. For gold, use the {{ESO Gold}} template followed by "Gold". For items or collectibles, use the {{Item Link}} template. For skill points, simply enter these in as they are in-game. For achievements, type "Achievement: " followed by a link to the achievement's page. Make sure to insert a line break between all rewards.
  • XP: Simply use the {{ESO XP}} template for this. There's no need to add "XP" onto the end.
  • ID: This can only be done through the uespLog add-on output here. Search the name of the quest in the search bar, and note both the new ID and the old ID, with a line break between them.
  • image and imgdesc: If possible, include something unique to the quest; otherwise, put a picture of a major NPC or place.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

This section is very simple and easy. Simply describe the basic steps required to complete the quest, putting a # symbol before each line to number them. Make sure not to include spoilers in this section if possible. A good general rule to follow is to have one step here for each quest objective, although some objectives are too short to include here.

Quest Footer[edit]

The {{Quest Footer}} template should only be included in the pages for main quests, alliance story quests, or story quests for DLCs and Chapters. The "up" parameter should link to whatever page lists all the quests for that series; for example, Main Quest, Daggerfall Covenant, or Thieves Guild. Insert this at the very bottom of the page.

Detailed Walkthrough Guidelines[edit]

This should be the most detailed section of the page. It should describe everything that must be done to complete the quest in detail. It should firstly include the quest-giver's location, and then how to complete each step of the quest. It can contain as many spoilers as necessary. However, it should not include full walkthroughs for locations visited during the quest; these will be on the actual location pages instead. Use subsection headers (===Header===) if they are useful. Here are some more general guidelines to follow, which are based off those on the Quest Layout page:

  • Choices. The detailed walkthrough should detail any choices that can be made in the quest. In ESO, such choices are denoted either by red text on dialogue selections (implying that each selection has a different outcome) or a "Choose One" quest step. If you only know one outcome of the choice, insert the {{huh}} template with a description of which choice is missing. Make sure to detail what happens after the choice, and what different steps must be taken after each choice. Using subsection headers (===Header===) can be useful if each choice significantly changes the quest.
  • Dialogue. In ESO, there are generally a few paragraphs of dialogue that must be gone through to advance the quest. While there is often other optional dialogue that can be read afterwards, only the dialogue needed to advance the quest should be detailed. Generally, this is how the dialogue should be laid out:
:'''Player Dialogue Selection'''
:''"NPC dialogue, with line breaks as they are included in the game"''
:'''Player Dialogue Selection'''
:''"More NPC dialogue"''
  • Locations. Locations should not be the focus of a quest walkthrough. All that needs to be described is how to get through a location (using cardinal directions like east or west) as the quest requires, and how to get all quest-related items. The walkthrough should not include anything about types of enemies encountered (except for quest bosses), possible chest locations, provisioning containers, or anything else that is not related to the quest.
  • Persuasion/Intimidation. The walkthrough should include both what needs to be done if these dialogue options are not available (due to not having the passives) as well as what can be skipped by using the dialogue options.
  • Item Links. Whenever an item is picked up in a quest, make sure to link that item using the quest item linking method described on the {{Template:Item Link}} template page.
  • Images. If the detailed walkthrough is long, you may wish to add a few images. If you choose to do so, make sure to upload them according to the help page and add them as a thumbnail on the right side of the page. As mentioned above, it's best to take pictures of unique things specific to the quest, but you can also use images of the quest location, or important NPCs.
  • Notes and Bugs. These sections should only be included if there is anything that needs to be in them.

Quest Stages Guidelines[edit]

Thanks to the uespLog add-on which records all quest stages and objectives, documenting this part is mostly an easy task. It does not require you to manually type the whole entries, since you can copy all of the information from the log instead. For this, use the ESO Log Data Viewer and search for the quest you want to document. Then, look under the "View Steps" and "View Conditions" tabs. The first one contains the quest stages, and the second one contains the quest objectives.

Alternatively, though, you can simply play through the quest and take notes or screenshots on the quest stages and objectives, including hints, optional objectives or choices. The quest stages are always displayed as a second paragraph in your quest journal, followed by the objectives themselves. The first paragraph is a general quest description, which is not used here in the quest stages, but instead always added to the quest header template on top of the quest page.

For the documentation the {{Online Journal Entries}} template is used. Here are some guidelines on using the template. Firstly, each row in the template should correspond to one step or stage in the quest. Each of these steps begin with a quest stage description (remember, the second paragraph in your journal), and are followed by one or more objectives. The objectives are using the {{Online Quest Objective}} template. Sometimes a particular objective can be optional, hint, or choice. Optional objectives are seen in-game as "Optional: Quest Step". Hints are seen in-game as "Hint: Quest Hint". Choice objectives are seen in-game when two objectives are proceeded by "Choose one". These three types of objectives are documented by adding "optional", "hint", or "choice" to the template.

Some quests can have multiple starting points, and the latest start must be noted by adding "start", as detailed in the template documentation. Note that "start" is only being used when there is more than one way to start the quest. Additionally, you will also have to note the final stage which ends the quest. This last stage should be marked by adding "fin".

If you miss one or two journal entries or objectives, make sure to use the {{huh}} template on any missing stage or objective.

Lastly, make sure to include the {{Online Quest Stages Notes}} template underneath the journal entries if it is not already there. Often, the two templates (Online Journal Entries and Online Quest Stages Notes) are already in place.


There are multiple categories that have been created for the project.



  • Summaries not checked — These pages have the summaries written, but not checked.
  • Summaries checked — These pages have the summaries written and checked.
  • Walkthroughs not checked — These pages have the walkthroughs written, but not checked.
  • Walkthroughs checked — These pages have the walkthroughs written and checked.
  • Stages not checked — These pages have the stages written, but not checked.
  • Stages checked — These pages have the stages written and checked.
  • Final review — These pages require final review. Once the project is mostly complete, these will be checked; for now, they'll be left alone as they're nearly done.

Project Members[edit]

If you are participating in the project, please add your name here in alphabetical order (keep Project Leaders at the top). Next to your name, provide some information on what types of tasks you are working on or would like to work on.

  • AlphaAbsol — Project Leader, writing and checking pages
  • Aegithalos — Walkthroughs (detailed and quick), quest stages
  • AllHailPinwheel — Hoping to write detailed walkthroughs
  • Antimoany — Intending to update pages missing info as I play through the game.
  • ArchivistAndalor — Hoping to help write walkthroughs.
  • AvaAelius — Working on things as I come across them
  • Avron the S'wit — Writing quest/journal stages, to start
  • Coolerdogs — Detailed walkthroughs and adding misc. info as I progress thru game.
  • CrynwrDrwg — Adding dialogue and images as I play the game.
  • FolkPunkDruid — Hoping to update any missing info as I encounter it, mostly side quests
  • Fullerton — Writing pages (once in a while)
  • Ingura — Checking pages (side quest-oriented); may contribute writing/images/etc. if needs be.
  • Kalindria — Minor edits (grammar/spelling), IDs, verification of quest steps.
  • Kallykat — Checking pages while I quest, adding or writing whatever is missing, proofreading
  • Kazouha — Quest Stages and missing templates, minor edits
  • Kills-Death-Itself — Detailed walkthroughs by cross-checking informations (NPCs, Places, Quick Walkthrough).
  • Kirala — Filling in missing infos, filling dialogs, minor edits as discovered.
  • Legoless — Writing, checking, images
  • Likelolwhat — Writing walkthroughs
  • LurgratzTheOrc — Writing walkthroughs
  • MolagBallet — Detailed walkthroughs, screenshots, and missing info.
  • NightwindArcher26 — Summaries, detailed walkthroughs, and anything else I can help with.
  • Olympias — Detailed walkthroughs, minor edits.
  • OneSkyGod — Filling missing info, minor edits, Working on better quest objectives walkthroughs.
  • OriwaK — Detailed walkthroughs, checking, and IDs.
  • Punkfairie — Filling in missing details and dialogue, checking for accuracy, minor edits.
  • Rahnaix — Filling in missing questlines and dialog, minor edits and findings as discovered.
  • Retroambassador — Filling in missing dialog, minor edits, other things as needed.
  • RhadigarTV — Adding images, filling in missing questlines and dialog, minor edits and findings as discovered.
  • RubyDark — Uploading missing images, writing quest walkthroughs, adding dialogue. Post Elsweyr-content focused.
  • Solomon1972 — When I start a quest, I check and update the related quest page and the map.
  • Synthsolacer — Adding relevant quest info for murkmire quests
  • Talyyn — Writing stages and quick walkthroughs. Also uploads quest images if available.
  • Tatanko — Concentrating on Cyrodiil and the Imperial City
  • Tib — Doing just about everything
  • VikMorroHun — Writing walkthroughs, filling missing infos.
  • WolfeofMoonlight — Detailed walkthroughs
  • Wormprince950 — Detailed walkthroughs, minor edits
  • Xuakeeus — Mainly adding images and proofreading dialogue
  • Zoidsberg — Writing whats missing as I do quests. Proofreading.
  • Isander — Will be writing all parts as I do the quests, hopefully also take screenshots.

Project Ribbon[edit]

Anyone taking an active part in the project may use the project ribbon:


This user performed with distinction in the Online Quest Project