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Online:Keshu the Black Fin

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Keshu the Black Fin
(lore page)
Home Settlement Gideon
Location Gideon Courthouse
Wretched SpireThe Deadlands
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Black Fin Legion
Ebonheart Pact (formerly)
Keshu the Black Fin

Keshu the Black Fin is an Argonian and the current governor of Gideon in Blackwood. She has had a storied life, forming and leading the mercenary group the Black Fin Legion and being instrumental in the formation of the Ebonheart Pact.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Governor Keshu

A Deadly Secret[edit]

Your search for the missing Councilor Jirich will lead to a race against time to find and warn other councilors before they are also murdered for old secrets. After your failure at Fort Blueblood, you will need to head to Gideon to warn Vandacia in time. When you enter the Gideon Courthouse, you will find Councilor Vandacia still alive and in conversation with Keshu:

Councilor Vandacia: "I was attacked in the streets of our fair city, Keshu! I demand you deal with the criminal post haste!"
Keshu the Black Fin: "Your guards did their job, Councilor Vandacia. The prisoner is secure."
<Councilor Vandacia notices you and turns around>
Councilor Vandacia: "And what's this? More assassins? Explain yourself, immediately!"

You can then speak with Keshu and ask her some questions:

"Why is this the first I am hearing of a threat against the former members of the Elder Council? I should have been alerted to this the moment it came to light.
The Chamber of Legates and the Ivory Brigade are usually quicker to share information."
Councilor Lovidicus and Captain Rian sent me to warn Vandacia and get him to go to Leyawiin Castle.
"A prudent precaution. Leyawiin Castle can be better defended than anything we have here in Gideon.
Still, without accurate intelligence, my Black Fin Legion is like the watchman patrolling at night without a lantern—enthusiastic but ineffective."
Who are you exactly?
"I am Keshu, called the Black Fin. The people of Gideon elected me as their governor. It is my honor to serve them.
Prior to this, I traveled the world as a mercenary and helped establish the Ebonheart Pact. I even fought in the war for a time."
So Gideon is part of the Ebonheart Pact?
"Not at all. I gave up my commission. I seek to build an advanced Saxhleel society, a more inviting and vibrant culture that embraces our past glory while retaining our current outlook on the world.
Gideon is the beginning of that experiment."
But Gideon isn't an Argonian city.
"I learned the benefits of an integrated society during my travels. Gideon is open to anyone who wants to live in peace and contribute to my dream. All are welcome here.
Someday, Gideon will serve as the gateway to Black Marsh."
"My dream is that Gideon will one day connect all of the isolated Argonian settlements with the larger world. A center of learning, diplomacy, and culture. We have a long way to go and many hurdles to overcome, but we will get there.
Black Fin Legion?
"The legion I commanded, both when I was a mercenary and when I fought for the Ebonheart Pact.
When I retired, a contingent of my soldiers came with me. Now they protect Gideon from bandits, hostile Argonian tribes, and other threats."
Why haven't you questioned the prisoner yet?
"I only locked the prisoner in the cell a few moments ago. I was trying to get more details out of Councilor Vandacia when you entered the courthouse.
Since you're working for Captain Rian, I will allow you to interrogate the prisoner."
What can you tell me about the prisoner?
"Not much. Vandacia and his guards brought him in. It was unusual, though. The man was calm, confident. Completely at ease. Not a hint of worry or concern. Like the rabbit that knows it is faster than the wolf.
I suggest you be careful with that one."

When you go downstairs to the holding cell, you will find the guards lying on the ground and the cell door open. Keshu and Vandacia will arrive after you:

Keshu the Black Fin: "The cell door is open? What happened here?"
Legionnaire Drahee: "Poured something on the lock … hit me and escaped …."

Speaking to Keshu before examining the lock:

"I knew the prisoner seemed too calm given the severity of the situation. Examine the lock and see what you can determine."

Some acid will still be dripping from the lock, puddles of it can also be seen on the floor:

Keshu the Black Fin: "Some sort of acid. Ate right through the lock. Look, there's more of it on the floor."

Keshu will ask you to give chase:

"The prisoner used some sort of acid to disable the lock. And look, drops of acid lead toward the basement door.
Follow the trail while I alert the Black Fin Legion. The assassin cannot be allowed to escape."

Following the trail into Twyllbek Ruins you will eventually find a hidden chamber where the assassin Elam Drals will decide to talk to you before making his escape. You can bring the Letter from Astara back to Vandacia, who will say Keshu has left to attend to other business.

A Hidden Vault[edit]

After the attack on Leyawiin Castle and betrayal of Councilor Vandacia, the only lead you have is the word "Ojel-Bak" which Beragon managed to decode from the documents before they were taken during the attack. Eveli Sharp-Arrow suggests that you travel to Gideon and as Keshu about it. When you enter Keshu's office in the courthouse, Eveli is already in discussion with her:

Keshu the Black-Fin: "Vandacia, a cultist? Gideon will help in any way we can."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Thank you, governor. Ah, here's my partner now."

You can then ask Keshu what she knows about the phrase and if she has an idea what it is about:

"Councilor Vandacia … a traitor and a Daedric cultist … I can't believe he had us all fooled for so many years.
But that's a matter for another time. Eveli tells me you have a lead for finding these so-called Ambitions."
A deciphered document claims the vault is in the ojel-bak. Do you know where that is?
"Councilor Lovidicus was right to send you to me. In Argonian, ojel-bak roughly translates as pit of the outsider. There is a natural formation to the south that bears the name. Unfortunately, it lies in territory claimed by the Sul-Xan tribe."
The Sul-Xan tribe? Are they going to be a problem?
"The Sul-Xan are a savage people, Nagas who revere the forces of death and chaos. You must traverse their land to reach the pit of the outsider.
The Nagas recognize no authority other than themselves and their leaders. They do not welcome visitors."
We understand. Where is this pit of the outsider?
"South of Stonewastes, in the heart of Sul-Xan territory. I suggest caution and stealth. Try to avoid starting a war with the tribe if you can at all help it.
Bring whatever you find back here. Gideon will keep it safe, I assure you."
Eveli and I will head out immediately.

After learning of the location, you can ask Keshu some questions about herself:

"Ojel-bak, the pit of the outsider. It's a natural formation located south of Stonewastes. Just proceed carefully, as it lies in the heart of Sul-Xan territory.
I suggest you meet Eveli on the outskirts of their territory and go from there."
How long have you been the governor of Gideon?
"After many years of fighting, including my time as the commander of the Pact forces in the Three Banners War, I decided I had enough. Shortly after I arrived in Gideon, the governorship became available.
It is my honor to serve this city."
So is Gideon part of the Ebonheart Pact?
"No. Blackwood and the Topal Bay region remain independent entities. We have a trade agreement with Leyawiin, but otherwise we're on our own. We hope the war stays to the north and west. Moreover, we hope it ends quickly."
You had no idea Vandacia was the leader of a Daedric cult?
"No. He served the Longhouse Emperors from the day they seized the Ruby Throne, eventually becoming a member of the Elder Council. Since the collapse of the Empire, he has been a trusted advisor, both here and in Leyawiin.
This news is a shock."
Do you know anything about the Order of the Waking Flame?
"Only what young Eveli was telling me before you arrived. I never heard of them before today.
I will, however, get my best Black Fin Legionnaires to investigate them. Vandacia has lived in Gideon a long time. Someone here must know something."
What else can you tell us about the Sul-Xan?
"The Sul-Xan are brutal. They sacrifice their enemies to the dark forces they serve and their thirst for blood knows no bounds. That is why I urge caution as you make your way through their territory. They will show you neither kindness nor mercy."
Tell me more about yourself.
"Forgive me if this sounds like bragging ….
I was raised in a tiny village far to the south, but I was never satisfied with provincial life. I longed to learn about the ancient Argonians. To bring some of that civilization back to my people."
Ancient Argonians?
"You must have seen the stone structures in the swamp. The xanmeers? In the ancient past, my people created great wonders. A great civilization. Then, for some reason, they abandoned it for a simpler, less complicated life."
How did you wind up in Gideon?
"My explorations showed me the plight of my people. I fought Dark Elf slavers. Raised the Black Fin Legion. Battled Akaviri invaders. I helped form the Ebonheart Pact and fought in the Alliance War.
Now I only seek to govern Gideon in peace."

In the middle of Ojel-Bak you will find the Doomvault Capraxus. Inside, you and Eveli will discover two of the Ambitions, the Rams—who are also known as Destron and Calia. After rescuing them from the cultists who wanted to claim them, Eveli will bring the back to Gideon and Keshu, who offers to look out for them:

Keshu the Black Fin: "It sounds like these two have been through a lot, Eveli. I will personally see to it that they are well protected within Gideon's walls."[verification needed — see talk page]

You can then talk to Keshu:

"You did well to bring these twins to Gideon. I will make sure that they are well protected.
Is it true, though? What Eveli told me? These are the Ambitions you sought?"
We believe so. The cultists certainly seemed to think so. And Destron demonstrated great power.
"Yes, Eveli was telling me about that. Daedric weapons in the guise of Imperial hatchlings. Interesting."
What will you do with the twins?
"Feed them, provide them with a place to rest. We'll keep them safe.
But what about you? Do you have any ideas on how to find the remaining Ambitions? Or what to do about Vandacia and his cult?"
I'm not sure.
"I suggest you discuss your options with Eveli. For someone so recently out of her egg, she has remarkable instincts. And a good heart."

After you have spoken with Eveli and completed the quest, you can ask Keshu for some more advice:

You must have some opinion on what we should do next.
"Anything I can offer would be a guess. You and Eveli are much more familiar with the situation than I am.
For my part, I will gather the Black Fin Legion and make sure the twins are comfortable and safe. On that, you have my word."
Anything else before we go?
"As I told Eveli, a courier arrived shortly ahead of you. After you and your partner finalize your plans, make sure to talk to them.
They were quite insistent that they be allowed to deliver their message directly to you."

Keshu will assure Eveli about the twin's safety:

Keshu the Black Fin: "These two will be safe here in Gideon, Eveli. You have my word."
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Thank you, governor."

A Mysterious Event[edit]

After bringing the twins to Gideon and Keshu, you and Eveli will follow up a lead given to you by Courier Leona. It will lead you to crashing an exclusive event held by Vandacia in Deadlands Keep. There you will find and rescue Sombren from being sacrificed, once you have introduced him to Calia and Destron you can head to the Governor's Mansion where Eveli will be finishing her report to Keshu in her office. If you haven't started the quest yet and you're still in the building, you can speak to Keshu:

"The twins will be safe in Gideon while you and Eveli continue your search. The Black Fin Legion will see to that."

Speaking to Keshu before Eveli:

"Eveli tells me your mission went well, mercenary. That you recovered a third Ambition. Another dryskin male.
The Temple of Dibella has never had so many prestigious guests before. I will owe the priests for this favor."

Weapons of Destruction[edit]

After you have finished A Mysterious Event, Keshu will want a word with you:

Keshu the Black Fin: "You have done well so far, mercenary. Now we must speak."

If you approach her later, you may hear her ambiant dialogue, "Mercenary, we have much to discuss."

Despite understanding the necessity, Keshu will still have concerns for her city:

"Every stone tossed into a pond causes ripples. The stones you have thrown have caused waves.
As much as I wish to assist you, I need to think of Gideon and its safety."
What do you mean, governor?
"My spymaster tells me that Councilor Vandacia still has eyes in the city. That even now we fear he is aware that we harbor the Ambitions. That he gathers his cultists to assault Gideon.
The presence of the Ambitions puts my people at risk."
What do you want me to do?
"Keep the Ambitions safe, but we need to find a better place to hide them.
Talk to the Ambitions. Perhaps the third one you rescued. Sombren, was it? Eveli said he wasn't locked in a vault when the cult found him. Maybe he knows more than the twins."
I'll go talk to the Ambitions.

After you agree to chat with the Ambitions:

"I would never turn away anyone in need. We will protect the Ambitions for as long as we can, yet I fear my legionnaires will not be able to hold off Vandacia's forces should they attack.
Go to the Temple of Dibella when you're ready to talk to them."
Why are you suddenly worried about Vandacia's forces?
"My spymaster reports a flurry of activity that is troublesome. And Gideon is not the fortress it once was. Even so, my Black Fin Legion will give as good as it gets. Better even.
What most concerns me is the possibility of treachery."
"Vandacia's family is powerful and has deep roots in Blackwood. His spies and political allies fill Gideon like wine fills a goblet. And not all of them are cultists, at least not openly.
I fear the enemy we cannot see more than the one we can."

Meeting with the Ambitions, you will witness that the twin's powers are getting stronger and are becoming uncontrollable. Sombren suggests they meet with his mentor who showed him how to control his own powers. This becomes a journey to the Ashen Forest in the Deadlands, where you learn more about the twin's past and the nature of the Ambitions. After an act of betrayal you make it back to Gideon where you can report back to Keshu who will be with Eveli in her office.

While you were gone, the Waking Flames forces have been gathering outside Gideon. Speak with Keshu to complete the quest:

"You return at a grim moment, mercenary. While you were gone, word reached us that the Waking Flame is gathering an army. I fear it will soon march on Gideon.
But Eveli said you took the Ambitions to learn about their powers. Did you succeed?"
Sort of. We know more about the Ambitions, but they're still in danger.
"We are all in danger. At least you kept the Ambitions safe. I thank you for that.
Concerning the cult, Eveli and I have made plans. But first, I want you to have this. Compensation for the work you have done up to this point on Blackwood's behalf."

Pyre of Ambition[edit]

Whoever you begin the quest with, Keshu will say the following as you enter the office:

Keshu the Black Fin: "Gideon is not the ground on which we conduct this fight. There is a better place to defend the Ambitions."
"The Order of the Waking Flame has cast a net around Gideon. Vandacia is gathering an army, including guards from the garrison who were loyal to him all along. He knows the Ambitions were here.
And that they have now returned."
Have you changed your mind about making a stand in Gideon?
"No. The city is no place for a battle. When foes surround you, it is wise to put your back spines to a tree.
We will move the Ambitions to Fort Redmane. The Imperials abandoned it years ago, but my Black Fin Legion has been restoring its defenses."
Should I take the Ambitions to Fort Redmane?
"No, I have another task for you. Summon what allies you can to Fort Redmane to help defend the Ambitions. I sent my legion ahead, but I fear we will need more warriors.
Before you go, tell the Ambitions what we are doing and why. They trust you."
I'll speak to the Ambitions and then find allies to defend Fort Redmane.

After you agree to Keshu's plan you can continue to talk to her before speaking with Eveli and the Ambitions:

"Tell the Ambitions we will defend them with our lives. Just not here, where so many civilians could be endangered. Let us use Fort Redmane as the tree against our backs. Eveli will see the Ambitions safely to the fort. Talk to her before you go."
Where should I go to look for allies?
"I leave the specifics up to you. Consider who you have helped throughout Blackwood. Eveli might have some ideas.
Remember, this is not a mission for just any courier or messenger. The cult has made the roads of Blackwood especially dangerous."
Remind me about the Black Fin Legion.
"They are my brothers and sisters in arms. The finest Argonian warriors to ever emerge from Black Marsh.
It started as a mercenary band and was tempered in the Akaviri and alliance wars. Now they protect Gideon. And they will protect the Ambitions."

Speaking to Keshu after Eveli:

"I do not relish leaving Gideon so lightly defended, but this is the best way to safeguard the Ambitions. If we fail to protect them, then what happens here will not matter much."

You can then proceed to speak with the Ambitions, gather your allies and talk to Captain Rian in Leyawiin before heading the military camp gathered outside Fort Redmane. Keshu will be at one of the tents with the Ambitions. You talk to her before Eveli:

"Eveli has been anxiously awaiting your return.
She's over by the command tent when you're ready to talk to her."

Once you have spoken to Eveli you can report to Keshu:

"Like a storm drawing near, Vandacia's forces come. Time to take our places.
I will command the outer defenses. Captain Rian and his brigadines will protect the gate. We will do our best to keep the cultists from getting past us and into the fort."
Where do you want me?
"I want you inside the fort, near the guardhouse. That's where we'll place the Ambitions for safekeeping.
It will be up to you to deal with any cultists that get past us until we can send soldiers to assist you. And remember, they have portal magic."
Do you think we need to defend the gates? Shouldn't we just prepare for them to portal inside?
"I expect a two-pronged assault. The bulk of Vandacia's forces will attack the gate, while a smaller group uses portals to get inside. Portal magic is difficult. They could never move an entire army that way. Hence, we must defend from all directions."

Once you have spoken with Governor Keshu, the plan to protect the Ambitions will begin. Captain Rian Liore will begin to give orders:

Captain Rian Liore: "Brigadines, take your positions! The enemy could arrive at any time. Eveli, take the Ambitions to the guardhouse!"
<Eveli leads the ambitions into the fort The brigadines form up in front of him.>
Keshu the Black Fin: "Black Fin Legion, to me!"
<The Black Fin Legionnaires line up in front of her.>

Speaking with Keshu before entering the fort:

"Into the fort, mercenary. Stay with the Ambitions until you are needed. If Vandacia's army attacks, we will do all we can to stop them out here. But if Vandacia sneaks anyone past us, you must serve as the final line of defense.
Good luck!"

While Keshu and the Black Fin Legion defend from the Waking Flame cultists outside, you will have to find and protect the Ambitions as you head through the keep. Eventually you will encounter Vandacia who kills Destron and uses the power he gained to summon Mehrunes Dagon to Fort Redmane. Eveli will then hand over the Mysterium Xarxes to Sombren who will use it to weaken Vandacia when you catch up with him as Dagon destroys the fort. Once Vandacia is killed, Mehrunes Dagon will speak to your group before he is drawn back to Oblivion. You can then make your way outside to the camp. Keshu will have survived and suggests you speak with Calia and Destron first:

"Victory is ours, mercenary, thanks to you.
I think you should talk to Sombren and Calia. Then we can discuss what has happened."

After speaking with the Ambitions:

"The people of the Blackwood owe you their gratitude, mercenary. You and Eveli both.
If not for your courage, Vandacia and his Waking Flame cult would have unleashed unthinkable destruction. The losses would have been devastating."
Speaking of losses, how did the Black Fin Legion and the Ivory Brigade fare in the battle?
"It could have been worse. We did well against the cultists. They were not trained soldiers. And when Mehrunes Dagon appeared, we faded into the mud and grass. Dagon did more damage to his own minions then he inflicted on our forces."
Your combined forces helped save Sombren and Calia.
"When a fire rages, my neighbor's hut is my own. That is Argonian wisdom. We defend ourselves by defending our friends.
Those who died today died well. We do not mourn them. We will celebrate their sacrifice and cherish our victory back in Gideon."

Once you have spoken with her but before speaking with Eveli:

"I believe that Eveli wants a word with you, mercenary."

Speaking Keshu after completing the quest:

"As soon as my legionnaires make one more sweep of the area, we'll be returning to Gideon. You should join us there.
A victory such as this deserves accolades."

Heroes of Blackwood[edit]

Before you head to the celebration in Gideon, you will be asked to find Sombren and Calia. You will find them at some ruins north of the city as they prepare to leave for the Deadlands. It is the last place anyone would look for them and the best place to drain Calia's power as she gets control over them. Once they have gone, you can meet with Keshu in the garden behind her mansion. Various guests have gathered and Keshu can be heard talking to a certain Dark Brotherhood assassin when you arrive:

Keshu the Black Fin: "That sounds delicious, assassin! You must leave me a copy of the recipe."

When you are ready to begin you can speak with Keshu:

"Welcome to the celebration, mercenary! There are many here who wish to thank you and share a drink or two.
But where are Sombren and Calia? I expected you to bring them with you."
Sombren took Calia somewhere to teach her how to control her power where they won't endanger others.
"Choosing exile to spare others from danger is a noble decision. I wish them well, even as I worry about Sombren and Calia out there on their own.
Everyone else has gathered. Eat, drink. Talk to your friends. In time, I shall address the crowd."
Who should I talk to?
"Anyone you like. They have all come to show you their appreciation. And do not leave too swiftly. I intend to boast of your accomplishments soon!
I see Eveli has arrived. Perhaps you should begin with her?"

You can mingle and speak with other guests but when you are ready to continue you can talk to Eveli to complete the quest. Once you have done so, Keshu will address the crowd:

Keshu the Black Fin: "Welcome, people of Blackwood and honored friends! We have weathered a terrible storm, so now we celebrate!"
Keshu the Black Fin: "Many had a hand in this victory, including those who gave their lives for our cause. But I want to honor the two heroes beside me. Without them, all would have been lost!"
Keshu the Black Fin: "So stand tall and raise your cups to the sky! Remember those who fell and praise the deeds of those who lived. To victory!"

After this, you can speak with Keshu about the future:

"We defeated the traitor Vandacia's plot and saved Blackwood. And we couldn't have accomplished any of that without the help of you and Eveli.
Hold your head high, friend. This day is yours."
What next for Blackwood, Governor Keshu?
"We must continue to remain vigilant. As long as the war rages to the north, there is always a danger it will spill into our territory.
Beyond that, I plan to continue the work I started. There is still so much to be done!"
The work you started? / Tell me about the work you started.
"The work to build a place where Saxhleel and dryskins can learn from each other in peace. Where all people can prosper while maintaining their own cultures.
And I want to continue to study the ancient Argonians. To learn what they can teach us."
What about your relationship with Leyawiin?
"Leyawiin has stood with Gideon more times than I can count. We will continue to work together to keep Blackwood secure.
Captain Rian and I were even discussing joint patrols. Imagine, brigadines and legionnaires walking side-by-side. It's inspiring!"
Appears only with The Deadlands

Ambition's End[edit]

As you near the final confrontation with Mehrunes Dagon, Lyranth will gather a number of your allies you encountered in Blackwood. Keshu the Black Fin be among the troops:

"I have found that the fight for the nest sometimes begins at the border of the swamp. But this is certainly the farthest I have traveled to defend my home.
I am ready to fight at your side again."
How are things in Gideon?
"Gideon fares well. Many of those who secretly served Vandacia tried to creep back into their burrows after Fort Redmane. But my Black Fins are good at digging up mudcrabs of the two-legged sort.
They cannot escape justice by hiding."
Thank you for coming.
"The leader who would stand in front of her people must be ready to share their dangers. Where else do I belong, if not here? When do I stand and fight, if not now?"

At Destruction's Solace, Keshu will be there to fight by your side:

"Strike now! We will not get another chance!"

At Fort Sundercliff after defeating the waves of Dagon's forces, She will arrive from a portal and secure a defensive perimeter with Arox and Captain Rian.

After defeating Mehrunes Dagon, she'll be at Wretched Spire:

"I have fought many battles, friend. In some I recognized victory before the first blow was struck. In others I saw no hope of winning until the last enemy fell.
Today was one of the latter."

Hope Springs Eternal[edit]

After speaking to Eveli, you can speak to Keshu again:

"Twice now you have saved the people of Blackwood—and perhaps all of Tamriel—from the devastation of Mehrunes Dagon.
Forgive me if I say that I hope we do not meet this way again."

Join the celebration at Leyawiin Castle:

"Twice now you have saved the people of Blackwood—and perhaps all of Tamriel—from the devastation of Mehrunes Dagon.
Forgive me if I say that I hope we do not meet this way again."
What's next for you, Governor Keshu?
"Blackwood is at peace. I can lay down my sword for a time and spend my days building something new instead of fighting to save what is already here.
Although I think I will begin by building better walls in Gideon. Just in case."


  • During Pyre of Ambition there is stage where you have to speak with both Keshu and Eveli. If you talk to Eveli first you are automatically progressed to the next stage and locked out of Keshu's previous dialogue. ?