The official map of Tamriel
This is a general hub page for all relevant maps related to The Elder Scrolls Online. Individual locations can be found through the places page.
When you open up the Map menu in-game, passing players will see you looking at a map of Cyrodiil.
General Maps[edit]
- Interactive ESO Map
- Tamriel — A map more clearly colored by Alliance
- Regions — All regions from before the launch of Tamriel Unlimited, labeled
- Regions and Sub-Regions — All launch regions and sub-regions, labeled
- Zones — A map showing the current regional divisions
- Aurbis — A cartographical representation of the currently-accessible regions on a universal scale
- Vvardenfell — The map of Vvardenfell that came with the Morrowind Collector's Edition
- Summerset — The map of Summerset that came with the Summerset Collector's Edition
Detailed Maps[edit]
A player looking at their Map
More detailed maps of specific locations are provided throughout the site on the appropriate articles. Specifically:
- Each zone and many cities have a map on their respective articles.
- Every individual cave, ruin and dungeon has maps provided in its article. See Places for a list.
- Cyrodiil Unmarked Locations — A map showing the unmarked locations and area names within Cyrodiil.
On the compass and map, icons for locations first appear when you get near to that place, or if you have been previously told about it. Once "Discovered", the icon will always be shown. White icons are places that you have "Cleared" or "Completed", while black icons indicate locations that are "Incomplete". Some locations cannot be completed, and these turn white as soon as they are discovered.
These are the icons used on the in-game map.