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Online:Daedric Ruins
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This page lists all the Daedric ruins in Elder Scrolls Online.
Aldmeri Dominion[edit]
Heretic's Summons — A Daedric ruin located in central Auridon, north of the city of Skywatch. (map)
Mehrunes' Spite — A Daedric ruin in the northwestern corner of Auridon, just west of the city of Firsthold containing Daedra and Veiled Heritance members. (map)
City of Ash I — A group dungeon found in Greenshade. (map)
City of Ash II — A group dungeon found in Greenshade. (map)
Malabal Tor[edit]
Doomchar Plateau — A player manor located in Malabal Tor. (map)
Daggerfall Covenant[edit]
- Cave of Sorrows — A cave in eastern Rivenspire, just northeast of Hoarfrost Downs. (map)
Edrald Estate — A manor located in eastern Rivenspire, south of Fell's Run. (map) (Daedric portal in the basement that leads to The Deadlands)
Ebonheart Pact[edit]
- The Apothecarium — A Daedric ruin in the Obsidian Gorge in Deshaan. (map)
The Cauldron
— A group dungeon in western Deshaan. (map)
Eidolon's Hollow — A Daedric ruin in northeastern Deshaan. (map)
Knife Ear Grotto — A Daedric ruin in eastern Deshaan, northeast of the town of Silent Mire containing Daedra. (map)
- Narsis Ruins — Ancient Chimer ruins running underneath the town of Narsis. (map)
Broken Tusk — A Daedric ruin in eastern Shadowfen, north-northeast of the Forsaken Hamlet, containing Daedra. (map)
- Cold-Blood Cavern — A cave system and Daedric ruin located in northwestern Shadowfen.
Sanguine's Demesne — A Daedric ruin in Shadowfen. (map)
Stillrise Village — A cursed Kothringi village in northwestern Shadowfen, west of Stormhold. (map)
Ten-Maur-Wolk — A Daedric ruin in northeastern Shadowfen, northeast of the Hatching Pools. (map)
Ash Mountain — A volcano in southeastern Stonefalls, southwest of the town of Senie. (map)
- Charred Ridge — A Daedric ruin on the slopes of Ash Mountain visited during the Ebonheart Pact quest Rending Flames.
Fungal Grotto I — A group dungeon located northwest of Iliath Temple. (map)
Fungal Grotto II — A group dungeon located northwest of Iliath Temple (map)
The Harborage — A cave in the wilderness which the Prophet has adopted as his home and refuge. (map)
Mephala's Nest — A Daedric ruin in central Stonefalls, just south of Ebonheart containing Shadowsilk goblins and spiders. (map)
Sheogorath's Tongue — A Daedric ruin in western Stonefalls, north of Kragenmoor, containing bandits. (map)
Shivering Shrine — A Daedric ruin northeast of Kragenmoor in Stonefalls. (map)
Stonefang Isle — A Daedric ruin located north of Ebonheart in northern Stonefalls. (map)
The Rift[edit]
Blessed Crucible — A group dungeon found in the Rift. (map)
Trolhetta — A mountain in the southeastern Rift, south of Forelhost. (map)
- Atoll of Immolation — A section of the Deadlands accessible from Oblivion Portals in Blackwood and the Deadlands zone.
- Doomvault Capraxus
— A Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located in the center of Ojel-Bak. (map)
Doomvault Porcixid
— A Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located east of Gideon, containing Daedra. (map)
Doomvault Vulpinaz
— A Daedric ruin in Blackwood, located northeast of Fort Redmane. (map)
— An Argonian settlement and trial located in the southeastern reaches of Blackwood. (map)
- Vandacia's Deadlands Keep
— A Daedric fortress granted to Councilor Vandacia by Mehrunes Dagon. (map)
- Xynaa's Sanctuary
— A Daedric fortress located in the Ashen Forest of the Deadlands. (map)
The Black Forge — A Daedric ruin in eastern Coldharbour. (map)
The Cave of Trophies — A cave containing Daedra in central Coldharbour, just southeast of the Cliffs of Failure. (map)
The Chasm — A battlefield in central Coldharbour, just north of the Hollow City. (map)
Cliffs of Failure — A battlefield in eastern Coldharbour, north of the Court of Contempt. (map)
Court of Contempt — A Daedric ruin in Coldharbour, northeast of the Hollow City. (map)
Endless Overlook — Located east of the Endless Stair in northern Coldharbour. (map)
The Endless Stair — Molag Bal's citadel in northern Coldharbour. (map)
Font of Schemes — A Daedric ruin in western Coldharbour. (map)
The Great Shackle — A Daedric ruin in eastern Coldharbour. (map)
The Grotto of Depravity — A cave in southern Coldharbour, southwest of the Hollow City containing Daedra. (map)
The Lightless Oubliette — A Daedric ruin in western Coldharbour. (map)
The Manor of Revelry — A Daedric ruin in northern Coldharbour, northwest of the Orchard. (map)
The Reaver Citadel — A fortress in northern Coldharbour which was once a city in Tamriel. (map)
Tower of Lies — A mine in central Coldharbour, northwest of the Hollow City. (map)
Vaults of Madness — A group dungeon found in Coldharbour. (map)
The Deadlands
The Abomination Cradle
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located northeast of Jynd's Foundry. (map)
Agony's Ascent
— A player manor located in The Deadlands. (map)
Ardent Hope
— A vast Daedric citadel in the Deadlands. (map)
- Atoll of Immolation — A section of the Deadlands accessible from Oblivion Portals in Blackwood and the Deadlands zone.
The Blood Pit
— A Daedric installation in the Deadlands, located northwest of Burning Gyre Keep. (map)
The Brandfire Reformatory
— A Daedric fortress in the northwest of the Deadlands, containing Daedra and Order of the Waking Flame cultists. (map)
Burning Gyre Keep
— A Daedric fortress in the Deadlands, located southeast of The Blood Pit. (map)
Chantry of the Moon Reiver
— A site of worship in the Deadlands, located near the gates to Ardent Hope. (map)
Charnel Pulpit
— A Daedric ritual site in The Deadlands, located northeast of The Abomination Cradle. (map)
- Deadlight
— A ravaged realm of Oblivion.
Den of the Unmaker
— A bone-filled clearing in The Deadlands, located north of The Blood Pit. (map)
Destruction's Solace
— A Daedric fortress in The Deadlands, located west of The Tempest Engine. (map)
False Martyrs' Folly
— A delve in the deep northeast of the Deadlands, containing creatures from The Sever. (map)
Jynd's Foundry
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located north of Wretched Spire. (map)
Portal to Fargrave
— Found within the Burn region, a short distance from the Raging Coast Wayshrine. (map)
Portal to Fargrave
— Found within the Sever region, a short distance from the False Martyrs' Folly Wayshrine. (map)
The Razorworks
— A crafting site found in The Deadlands, located east of the Raging Coast Wayshrine. (map)
The Tempest Engine
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located northeast of Destruction's Solace. (map)
Traitor's Ascent
— A rise in The Deadlands, located west of The Blood Pit. (map)
Zynoahz's Gaol
— A Daedric installation in The Deadlands, located north of the Raging Coast Wayshrine. (map)
- Addadshashanammu
— An unmarked Daedric ruin dedicated to Sheogorath found along the Bitter Coast on Vvardenfell, northwest of Balmora. (map)
Ald Sotha
— A Daedric ruin found in the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Vivec City. (map)
- Almurbalarammi
— A Daedric ruin found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, east of Molag Mar. (map)
- Anudnabia
— A Daedric ruin found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, east of Sadrith Mora. (map)
— A delve and shrine to Molag Bal found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Gnisis, containing Worm cultists and Daedra. (map)
— A Daedric ruin found along the Bitter Coast on Vvardenfell, west of Balmora. (map)
- Ashunartes
— A Daedric ruin found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, just southeast of Foyada Quarry. (map)
- Ashurnabitashpi
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon found in the Ashlands region of Vvardenfell, north of Ald Carac. (map)
- Ashurnibibi
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Malacath along the Bitter Coast in Vvardenfell, west of Ahemmusa Camp. (map)
- Assarnatamat
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon located in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Balmora. (map)
- Bal Fell
— A Daedric ruin found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, east of Vivec City. (map)
- Bal Ur
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Molag Bal found in the Ascadian Isles region of Vvardenfell, north of Suran. (map)
- Dushariran
— A Daedric ruin found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, north of the Randas Ancestral Tomb. (map)
- Ebernanit
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon found in the Ashlands region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Esutanamus
— A Daedric ruin and shrine dedicated to Molag Bal found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell, southeast of Vos. (map)
- Kaushtarari
— A Daedric ruin and shrine to Malacath found in the Azura's Coast region in Vvardenfell, south of Sadrith Mora. (map)
Kushalit Sanctuary
— A player manor in northern Vvardenfell, located south of Valenvaryon. (map)
- Kushtashpi
— A Daedric ruin and shrine to Molag Bal found in the Grazelands region of Vvardenfell, northwest of Vos. (map)
- Maelkashishi
— A Daedric ruin found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Gnisis. (map)
- Ramimilk
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Molag Bal found in the Ashlands region of Vvardenfell, just southeast of Ald'ruhn. (map)
- Shashpilamat
— A Daedric ruin devoted to Malacath found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, northeast of Molag Mar. (map)
- Ularra
— An overgrown Daedric ruin and battleground located in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell, west of Ald'ruhn. (map)
- Tusenend
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Molag Bal found in the Molag Amur region of Vvardenfell, south of Tel Fyr. (map)
Vassir-Didanat Mine
— A struggling ebony mine located to the south of Balmora. (map)
- Yansirramus
— A Daedric ruin and shrine dedicated to Molag Bal located west of the Tel Aruhn on Vvardenfell. (map)
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon found in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell. (map)
- Zaintiraris
— An unmarked Daedric ruin dedicated to Sheogorath found in the Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfell, south of Molag Mar. (map)
— A Daedric ruin dedicated to Malacath in the Ashlands region of Vvardenfell, east of the Forgotten Wastes. (map)
Western Skyrim
Kilkreath Temple
— A Nordic shrine dedicated to Meridia in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Solitude. (map)
- Cheesemonger's Hollow — A secluded valley in Shivering Isles, Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion.
- Deadhollow Halls
— Daedric ruins that serve as a heist location.