Online:Factions S
- 1 Saraathu Tong
- 2 Sagacians
- 3 Salt Catchers
- 4 Saltwalker Militia
- 5 Sandgrubber Tribe
- 6 Sanguine's Revelers
- 7 Sapiarchs
- 8 Sapphire Society
- 9 Savage Sons
- 10 Scaled Court
- 11 Scavengers
- 12 Scribes of Mora
- 13 Sea Drakes
- 14 Sea Vipers
- 15 Seamount Clan
- 16 Seventh Legion
- 17 Shadefeather Clan
- 18 Shadow Walkers
- 19 Shadowbanish Vintners
- 20 Shadowbloom Clan
- 21 Shadowed Path
- 22 Shadowscales
- 23 Shadowsilk Tribe
- 24 Shardborn
- 25 Shark's Teeth
- 26 Sharp-Eyes
- 27 Sharp Stick Tribe
- 28 Shatul Clan
- 29 Shields of Senchal
- 30 Shornhelm Guard
- 31 Shunned Ones
- 32 Shurgak Clan
- 33 Silken Ring
- 34 Silver Dawn
- 35 Silverhoof Horsemen
- 36 Six-Ford Clan
- 37 Sixth House
- 38 Skull-Brethren
- 39 Skyweaver Clan
- 40 Snowblades
- 41 Society of the Dragon
- 42 Society of the Steadfast
- 43 Sodality of the Eye
- 44 Sovngarde
- 45 Sphinxmoth Bandits
- 46 Spider Cult
- 47 Spinners
- 48 Spirit Wardens
- 49 Spiritblood Clan
- 50 Star Haven Adepts
- 51 Star-Gazers
- 52 Steel Shrikes
- 53 Stickyclaws
- 54 Stone-Fish
- 55 Stonechewer Tribe
- 56 Stonefire Cult
- 57 Stonehands
- 58 Stonelore Circle
- 59 Stonetalon Clan
- 60 Storm Lords
- 61 Storm Sharks
- 62 Stormfist Clan
- 63 Stormwardens
- 64 The Stricken
- 65 Su-Zahleel
- 66 Subtle Knife
- 67 Sul-Xan
- 68 Sun-Eaters
- 69 Supernal Dreamers
- 70 Sword-Disciples
- 71 Sword-singers
- 72 Swords of Solitude
Saraathu Tong[edit]
The Saraathu Tong is a group of Dark Elf mages that were cast out of Morrowind for offending the Tribunal. According to Vaveli Indavel, the Tong swears allegiance to House Hlaalu. They use their connections and expertise with portal magic to supply the Great House with trade goods from across the planes.
The Sagacians are unprincipled scholars that have occupied the ruins of Tor-Hame-Khard. They have orchestrated a plan, exploiting Justiciar Avanaire's skooma-addicted sister, to gain access to an abyssal pearl, which they intend to study for unknown, but likely nefarious, purposes.
Salt Catchers[edit]
The Salt Catchers were a group of treasure-hunting pirates who sought to plunder Bahraha's Gloom. They managed to inadvertently disturb the undead Bleak Veil necromancer cult imprisoned within. The Salt Catchers were then killed and resurrected as soldiers, or had the essence of their spirits drained to weaken the wards placed on the tomb.
Saltwalker Militia[edit]
The Saltwalker Militia are a group of warriors found at their camp in the Alik'r Desert. They hope to prove their worth to the Daggerfall Covenant to be integrated into their ranks. They have recently been infiltrated by Gudarz, a former friend of Captain Usnakigh, and his gang of ruffians, leading to the reputation of the militia becoming tarnished.
Sandgrubber Tribe[edit]
The Sandgrubber Tribe are a tribe of goblins residing in Divad's Chagrin Mine. From notes gathered in the mine, it appears the Sandgrubber were previously used as slave labor in the mine until they rebelled and killed their captors, before claiming the mine as their home.
Sanguine's Revelers[edit]
Sanguine's Revelers, also called the Sanguine Cultists, are a conclave of various worshippers dedicated to the Daedric Prince Sanguine located throughout Tamriel.
The Sapiarchs are a group of Altmeri mages and scholars found throughout Summerset Isle, particularly at the College of Sapiarchs and the Crystal Tower, of which they are the keepers of. They are deeply ingrained in the Isle's society, as they even hold political power, considering the Sapiarchs have served and continue to serve as the advisors to the rulers in Alinor.
Sapphire Society[edit]
The Sapphire Society is a secretive elite club active in Solitude. They hold auctions for rare and outlandish items that only those of the upper echelons can attend. Their trademark garb is comprised of a dark hooded robe and a blue mask.
Savage Sons[edit]
The Savage Sons were a fearsome band of Orc mercenaries, led by the legendary warrior Baloth Bloodtusk, that were active around the time of the Siege of Orsinium. While not officially in service of the king at the time, they were still hired to fight on the kingdom's behalf against King Joile's invading force and the Order of Diagna, led by Gaiden Shinji.
Scaled Court[edit]
The Scaled Court are a cult aligned with the Celestial Serpent. They emerged across Craglorn after the constellations ominously vanished from the night sky.
The Scavengers are a group of hostile fighters wearing and wielding Dwemer equipment that are encountered as the main opponents of Stage 4: Seht's Flywheel in Maelstrom Arena.
Scribes of Mora[edit]
The Scribes of Mora are a cult dedicated to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora that is based in the Scrivener's Hall in the Rift. The group acts as librarians and scribes, and aim to document everything in existence.
Sea Drakes[edit]
The Sea Drakes are a large band of pirates active on Stros M'Kai. They have sacked and occpied the town of Saintsport.
Sea Vipers[edit]
The Sea Vipers are Maormer marines part of Pyandonean armada that are actively raiding the coastlines of Auridon, Greenshade, Khenarthi's Roost and Malabal Tor.
Seamount Clan[edit]
The Seamount Clan are a clan of Orcs living on Betnikh. They rule from their stronghold, Stonetooth Fortress, but control the entire island.
Seventh Legion[edit]
The Seventh Legion is an Imperial Legion, led by the Magus-General Septima Tharn, that is currently on an active campaign to conquer Bangkorai.
Shadefeather Clan[edit]
The Shadefeather Clan is a nomadic Reachfolk clan found in the Reach around 2E 582. They have a reputation for being one of the most dangerous in the region. Fortunately, the clan is on the low end in terms of size when compared to others, but they are led by a coven of vicious hagravens. As such, they still pose a grave threat to both other Reachfolk and foreigners alike.
Shadow Walkers[edit]
The Shadow Walkers are an ancient clan of Bosmer. Long ago, when Molag Bal ravaged Valenwood, unlike most other clans, the Shadow Walkers decided to submit to him rather than fight. They made a vow of service and were then transported into Molag Bal's realm of Coldharbour.
Shadowbanish Vintners[edit]
The Shadowbanish Vintners are guests of the Shadowbanish Winery's wine-tasting party, held for potential buyers of Shadowbanish Wine at Trader's Cove.
Shadowbloom Clan[edit]
The Shadowbloom Clan are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582. They have werewolves among their ranks. The clan travelled to Markarth at Ard Caddac's call.
Shadowed Path[edit]
The Shadowed Path is a cult of necromancers devoted to Molag Bal active in Cyrodiil. It is led by one named Dreadlord Naucratius, though he is never seen, only referred to in notes sent to his followers.
The Shadowscales are an organization of Argonian assassins from Black Marsh. Argonians born under the sign of the Shadow are given to the Dark Brotherhood at birth to be trained as professional killers. Although they worship Sithis and obey the Brotherhood's tenets, the contracts given to Shadowscales serve only to aid the Argonian people, and they act with impunity in Black Marsh.
The Shadowscales opposed the formation of the Ebonheart Pact due to their hatred of their former slavemasters, the Dunmer.
Shadowsilk Tribe[edit]
The Shadowsilk Tribe is a goblin tribe found in Stonefalls. In their efforts to gain control of the region, the Daggerfall Covenant took over many of their caves, forcing them to attack nearby settlements.
The Shardborn are a Dremora clan that recently reemerged upon the remembrance of their lost Prince Ithelia. Their realm is known as Mirrormoor. Among the Shardborn forces are several Daedra that originally came from the lost realm, such as the Shattered Shards.
Shark's Teeth[edit]
The Shark's Teeth are a group of somewhat friendly pirates active in the region of Hew's Bane. They are fighting to regain control of Shark's Teeth Grotto, their recently-acquired headquarters, from a crew of rival pirates known as the Wake Walkers.
The Sharp-Eyes (or the Lut-Eileel in Jel) are a hostile tribe of Argonians present in Blackwood. They raid and occupy other villages rather than settle themselves, with Stonewastes being their latest conquest.
Sharp Stick Tribe[edit]
The Sharp Stick Tribe are goblins who can be found at the Sharp Stick Camp, as well as throughout the Gold Coast wilderness.
Shatul Clan[edit]
The Shatul Clan are a clan of nomadic Orc echatere herders and hunters based in the Wrothgarian mountains of northern High Rock. The clan is currently in decline as most of their warriors have been killed by Winterborn raids.
Shields of Senchal[edit]
The Shields of Senchal is a group that serves as Senchal's military. Formerly the Thirteenth Imperial Legion, the Shields originally came to Southern Elsweyr on orders of Emperor Varen Aquilarios to help rebuild in the wake of the Knahaten Flu. After the fall of the Imperial City, the Shields decided to stay in Senchal to serve as their protectors.
Shornhelm Guard[edit]
The Shornhelm Guard serves as a peacekeeping and military force for the city of Shornhelm and the surrounding region of Rivenspire.
Shunned Ones[edit]
The Shunned Ones are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582, consisting of the cast-offs of other clans.
Shurgak Clan[edit]
The Shurgak Clan are a wealthy clan of Orcs living on the Shurgak Clan Estate in northeastern Cyrodiil. They are hostile and will attack on sight.
Silken Ring[edit]
The Silken Ring are a hostile group of rogue assassins found within the Cradle of Shadows. Founded by ex-Morag Tong member Dranos Velador, they worship Mephala and serve the Lady of Lace. Members of the Morag Tong and the Dark Brotherhood (including several Shadowscales) have been lured into her service.
Silver Dawn[edit]
The Order of the Silver Dawn are a group of werewolf hunters. They were formed in 2E 428 during the Curse of the Crimson Moon, when werewolves were very prevalent in High Rock. They believe werewolves to be cursed and have sworn to eradicate them.
Silverhoof Horsemen[edit]
The Silverhoof Horsemen are a peaceful tribe of horse herders residing in Silverhoof Vale. Although the group has origins in Yokuda and is predominantly comprised of Redguards, it also now counts many from other races among its people. They worship the deity known as the Herd Mother.
Six-Ford Clan[edit]
The Six-Ford Clan are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582. They have a generations-long feud with the Eagleseer Clan, with the reason for it having been lost to time.
Sixth House[edit]
The Sixth House, also known as House Dagoth, is what remains of the ancient, defunct, Sixth Great House of the Chimer, led in ancient times by the currently sleeping demi-god Dagoth Ur. The current members are descended from the bloodlines of those who were originally part of the House, and seek to reclaim their roots at the Forgotten Wastes, the grounds of the House's capital stronghold.
The Skull-Brethren are a friendly gang of outlaws ruling over the Riften Outlaws Refuge. They dress themselves like the Reachman tribes of The Reach.
Skyweaver Clan[edit]
The Skyweaver Clan is a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around around 2E 582. They are known for their weatherworking skills and dances, as well as being one of the few clans who are open to welcoming non-Reachfolk into their ranks.
The Snowblades are a Nord bandit gang who are currently looting the ruins of Nchuthnkarst. Unfortunately for them, a Dwemer device is distorting time within the ruins, causing beasts from different times and locations to suddenly appear in their midst, interfering with their efforts.
Society of the Dragon[edit]
The Society of the Dragon are a cult of Akatosh located in Kvatch, led by Grand Chanter Surus, second of Primate Artorius. They have rather violent ways of dealing with those who disagree with their beliefs. They are allied with the Order of the Hour, who offer them protection.
Society of the Steadfast[edit]
The Society of the Steadfast (or rarely Steadfast Society or The Steadfast) are a philanthropic fellowship that provides humanitarian aid to people who have suffered in the Three Banners War. The Society is sponsoring a conference for peace talks on the island of High Isle. They are at odds with the Ascendant Order.
Sodality of the Eye[edit]
The Sodality of the Eye is a small fellowship devoted to the Great Eye, Hermaeus Mora. They sometimes collaborate with other cults, such as The Golden Eye.
The Sovngarde Nords are warriors from the coldest reaches of Skyrim who have come to fight in the Dragonstar Arena.
Sphinxmoth Bandits[edit]
The Sphinxmoth Bandits, formerly known as the Muckwater Bandits, are a group of Imperial bandits holed up in Fort Sphinxmoth, in Reaper's March. They are led by an Imperial named "Captain" Accalia.
After being hired by the Stonefire Cult, they have pillaged the Temple of Mara in Bravil, killing priests and stealing relics before fleeing back across the border to the fort.
Spider Cult[edit]
The Spider Cult are a group of Mephala worshippers of various races found within Fungal Grotto, where they are currently searching for a shrine to their lady rumored to be buried here.
Spinners are Bosmeri storytellers and historians found throughout Valenwood. They also sometimes serve in priesthood and diplomatic positions, in matters relating to the Green Pact.
Spirit Wardens[edit]
The Spirit Wardens, sometimes referred to as the Oracles of Azura, are a group of Azura worshippers in Stormhaven. They were founded by Abbot Durak who was following Azura's instructions to found an order of worshippers, who would prepare for the time Vaermina struck the people of Stormhaven with a plague of nightmares.
Spiritblood Clan[edit]
The Spiritblood Clan are a clan of Reachfolk found in the Reach around 2E 582, though its creation dates back to the First Era. They tend to the Vateshran Hollows. When a member of the clan is ready to ascend to adulthood, they undergo the Vateshran's Rites inside.
Star Haven Adepts[edit]
The Star Haven Adepts are Khajiit of the Star Haven Adeptorium in Northern Elsweyr. Here, the Khajiit study and train in Claw-Dances. Long ago, the Akaviri Dragonguard visited Star Haven to build the Dragonhorn Tower where they gifted the adeptorium one of their dragonhorns.
The Star-Gazers are an order of scholars devoted to the study of the stars and the meaning of their motions. They are based in Belkarth, a major settlement in the Craglorn region.
Steel Shrikes[edit]
The Steel Shrikes are a sub-group of the Ra Gada raiders encountered at Fuller's Break and the Glittering Grotto.
The Stickyclaws are a gang of Khajiit skooma-peddlers that have moved into the Middens beneath Elden Root. They have gotten most of the impoverished residents hooked and are now moving onto higher clientele above ground, including nobles such as Lord Lakurr-ra.
The Stone-Fish are a trio of well-equipped gladiators participating in the events at Dragonstar Arena in Craglorn.
Stonechewer Tribe[edit]
The Stonechewers are a tribe of goblins native to central Stormhaven. They have overrun Cumberland's Watch after their tribal totem was stolen.
Stonefire Cult[edit]
The Stonefire Cult are worshippers of Molag Bal led by Javad Tharn, the nephew of Abnur Tharn. They rank among Molag Bal's most loyal supporters and are entrusted with some of his most difficult tasks.
The Stonehands are Ard Caddach's personal guard. The members of the group are mostly Reachfolk in origin. Stonehands were loyal to Caddach long before he became ard. They serve not only as protectors and warriors but also as spies, scouts and trusted counselors of the ruler of the Reach.
Stonelore Circle[edit]
The Stonelore Circle is a Bretonic druidic circle present on the biggest island of the Systres Archipelago, High Isle. They are the least reclusive of the three druidic circles, opting to interact with the city-folk Bretons in an effort to convert them into their ancient religion. They are also accepting of members of other races.
Stonetalon Clan[edit]
The Stonetalon Clan is one of three Reachmen clans invading the Rift. They are a matriarchal society whose women are transformed into hagravens. All women not yet transformed are powerful mages.
Storm Lords[edit]
The Storm Lords are one of three factions you can fight for in the Battlegrounds.
Storm Sharks[edit]
The Storm Sharks are Maormer marines part of the Pyandonean armada, like the similar Sea Vipers. They are led by Admiral Viscarne. The Storm Sharks are actively raiding Summerset, and have overran Sea Keep, Sunhold, and infiltrated Wasten Coraldale.
Stormfist Clan[edit]
The Stormfist Clan are a group of Nordic warriors loyal to Fildgor Orcthane, Jorunn the Skald-King's exiled twin brother. Once a highly regarded clan, known for their fighting skills and pivotal roles in conflicts, they fell from grace for supporting Fildgor's claim to the throne of Eastern Skyrim.
The Stormwardens are a group of Bosmer dedicated to protecting and using the Sphere of Storms to protect Malabal Tor's coast and regulate the weather in the region. The original Stormwardens dated all the way back to the original Ayleid inhabitants of the ruins that the Bosmer now occupy.
The Stricken[edit]
The Stricken are Khajiit who were infected with the Knahaten Flu but survived. Their bodies were ravaged by the disease, and they were cast out of Khajiiti society. After being forced into the wilderness, they have become half-mad with the desire for revenge.
The Su-Zahleel are an Argonian tribe whose members have been enslaved and brought to the Ruins of Mazzatun in Shadowfen by the Xit-Xaht tribe.
Subtle Knife[edit]
The Subtle Knife are a group Bosmer revelers attending the party dedicated to Baan Dar in the Ayleid ruins of Thormar. They have a rivalry going with the similar Khajiiti group known as the Pariah's Hand which also participates in the events.
The Sul-Xan are a tribe of Naga zealots who worship Mehrunes Dagon as the "True Egg-Child of Sithis". They have a one-sided view of Argonian religion, embracing only the darkest, cruelest beliefs, and scorning the rest as weakness.
The Sul-Xan are found in Blackwood, primarily in the Gloomire, where they are becoming more and more of a threat to settlements in the region.
The Sun-Eaters are a clan of vampires who worship Sithis beneath their ancient matriarch, priestess Shuxaltsei. They overran the Teeth of Sithis temple and killed most of the nisswo custodians that inhabited it, while keeping a few alive for sustenance and for other nefarious purposes.
Supernal Dreamers[edit]
The Supernal Dreamers are a cult that worship the Daedric Prince Vaermina, active in Stormhaven. They are attempting to wreak havoc by crippling the region's rulers with Vaermina's nightmares.
Sword-Disciples are Redguard warriors dedicated to mastery of the sword, training at Rahni'Za, a school that openly venerates the Warrior. They have some links to the warriors of the Abbey of Blades.
The Sword-singers were an order of Yokudan warriors who followed the "Way of the Sword", a martial philosophy on blade mastery. Sai Sahan sought to revive the art of sword-singing, but was unable to do so.
Swords of Solitude[edit]
The Swords of Solitude are Haafingar's oldest militia group. However, they defend all of Western Skyrim and have done so for generations, as sanctioned by the High Kings. In practice, they provide aid where the soldiers of the Holds can't, without the need for outsider organizations like the Fighters Guild.