Online:Factions F
- 1 Falinesti Faithful
- 2 Fang-Furls Gang
- 3 Fate-Bearers
- 4 Ferhara's Warclaws
- 5 Fharun Clan
- 6 Fighters Guild
- 7 Fire Drakes
- 8 Firesong Circle
- 9 First Auridon Marines
- 10 Firstmages
- 11 Fists of Thalmor
- 12 Five Claws
- 13 Flint-Tooth Tribe
- 14 Foolkillers Clan
- 15 Forebears
- 16 Four Winds
- 17 Frostbite Raiders
- 18 Frostedge Bandits
Falinesti Faithful[edit]
The Falinesti Faithful are a group dedicated to the protection and tending of the four sites that the Falinesti tree city travels between every season.
Fang-Furls Gang[edit]
The Fang-Furls Gang are criminals operating in Blackwood. They are important figures of the local underworld who have a stranglehold on trade in the region, with their latest target being the Happy Averno Shipping Company.
The Fate-Bearers are a group of prophetic Dark Elf assassins based at their shrine of the changing fates out of Vvardenfell. They use the rare gift of sight to see what the future holds, eliminate targets that have the potential to cause unmitigated disasters. Good and evil have no bearings on their visions, but it is the actions of individuals they focus on.
Ferhara's Warclaws[edit]
Ferhara's Warclaws are a group of Khajiit mercenaries working in and around Balmora in Vvardenfell. They have an extended history of working for House Redoran. Prior to the group's formation, Ferhara and her warriors were all part of the Aldmeri Dominion's armies.
Fharun Clan[edit]
Fharun Clan is one of the oldest and strongest of the Orc clans in Wrothgar. It is led by Chief Bazrag, from their clan seat at Fharun Stronghold. They are clan that holds traditions and isolation dear, hence their opposition to King Kurog and his policies that are more open to the other races implicating themselves in Wrothgar's affairs.
Fighters Guild[edit]
The Fighters Guild is a mercenary organization which has a presence all throughout Tamriel.
Fire Drakes[edit]
The Fire Drakes are one of three factions you can fight for in the Battlegrounds.
Firesong Circle[edit]
The Firesong Circle is a Bretonic druidic circle based on Y'ffelon in the Systres Archipelago, where they do not welcome outsiders. They are the oldest and most hostile druid circle. Their religion is centered around the island's volcano, Mount Firesong, which they work to keep from erupting.

First Auridon Marines[edit]
The First Auridon Marines are the royal guard of Queen Ayrenn.
The Firstmages are a group of High Elf mages residing within the Aetherian Archive since the First Era. It was here that they found the Great Source, which granted them long lives.
Fists of Thalmor[edit]
The Fists of Thalmor are a military arm of the Aldmeri Dominion's government. They enforce the decisions of the Thalmor, the Dominion's effective executive, and are not affiliated with the Dominion's normal army.
Five Claws[edit]
The Five Claws are a group of five Khajiit gladiators participating in the events at Dragonstar Arena in Craglorn.
Flint-Tooth Tribe[edit]
The Flint-Tooth Tribe were a tribe of giant goblins wiped out by the ancient Yokudan Ra Gada invaders. Their spirits can be encountered in the Alik'r Desert at HoonDing's Watch.
Foolkillers Clan[edit]
The Foolkillers Clan is an extant clan of dremora that once served Molag Bal. Most of its members were banished by Valkynaz Seris and his Deathbringer Clan after they betrayed them, leaving Lyranth as the sole remaining member, who has been on a quest for revenge ever since.
The Forebears are one of two major cultural factions in Hammerfell. They are in a constant struggle with the Crowns to be the dominant force in Redguard society. While the Crowns are the more traditional voice, the Forebears advocate peace with their former enemies and have no trouble trading with them.
Four Winds[edit]
The Four Winds are a group of Argonian warriors that have taken it upon themselves to protect the bog of Blackwood, and its inhabitants. Any time a Wind passes away, the title is passed down to another to join the group. As such, the Four Winds date back a long time.
Frostbite Raiders[edit]
The Frostbite Raiders are a mostly Nord raiding band active in the Sea of Ghosts, with a hideout on the Frozen Coast in Western Skyrim.
Frostedge Bandits[edit]
The Frostedge Bandits are a bandit gang found on Bleakrock Isle. They have been hired by the Daggerfall Covenant to terrify the locals and reawaken Daedric magic within Hozzin's Folly mine.