Online:A Moonlit Shadow
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I found a note from Krin'ze of the Twilight Cantors asking to investigate signs from Azurah of someone in need. To find out more and help with her investigation, I'm supposed to meet her at the Moonmont Wayshrine in Reaper's March.
(Started from Cantor Krin'ze)
Cantor Krin'ze of the Twilight Cantors asked me to investigate a fallen star near Moonmont in Reaper's March. She believes it to be some sort of sign from Azurah that someone needs help.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk with Cantor Krin'ze at the Moonmont Wayshrine.
- Find the spirit cat and follow it.
- Search the tomb.
- Find and enter the Shrine of the Hidden Moon.
- Tend to the fallen.
- Redeem the first Rajaska.
- Restore the moonclaw.
- Redeem the second Rajaska.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Finding Zerith-var[edit]
Once you arrive, you'll find Cantor Krin'ze talking with her senior High Cantor Viti, both members of the Twilight Cantors. After the short discussion has ended, talk to Krin'ze. She'll explain to you that she has seen a fallen star, and that is a sign of Azurah that someone needs help. Sadly, her senior has forbidden her to go after is, and she has to follow orders. Hence, she sends out word to find you. She tells you to find the spirit cat who will show the way. Follow the cat and you'll arrive in the Tomb of Zerith-var.
Inside the tomb, you'll find a body lying in the middle of the room. Talk to him and you'll find out this is Zerith-var. He seems to be a bit confused with the situation, and after telling you about his dream he asks you to go around and locate his bracelet. Search around the tomb, there are three points you need to check. One contains the bracelet, one a Crescent Blade, and one contains the stone tablet In Memory of Zerith-var By reading this, you find out that he died in the first era (whereas ESO takes place during the second era). Talk to Zerith-var again to give him the three items you just discovered. He will still be confused by the situation, and ask you to meet him at Rawl'kha.
The Shrine of the Hidden Moon[edit]
Exit the tomb and travel to Rawl'kha. As soon as you arrive, you'll find that Zerith-var has made himself some trouble with the law. Turns out he is a bit upset over the changes that Rawl'kha has been subjected to in the past era. Talk to him and he will admit his less than stellar behavior, and note that he's been a bit of a fool in his behavior to you too. He then goes on to explain that while his order was powerful, it was also feared, and due to that their sanctuaries were hidden. He notes that because of that, perhaps the sanctuary in Rawl'kha may still be intact. He then points you to the entrance, around the corner of the Temple of Two-Moons Dance. Go there to find the entrance to the Shrine of the Hidden Moon.
Enter the temple and Zerith-var will express his sorrow that the sanctuary is now full of corpses instead of living order members, and his order is no more. Talk to him. He's rather sad, and even had rather not lived than see this. However, he also realizes that Azurah wouldn't have sent him back to the living just to bully him. Therefor, he asks you to help him to consecrate the remains and then ask Azurah for guidance. He will tell you to read the prayer book a bit further up. Go read it. The book instructs all rites to begin with moon-sugar water to show Azurah you're greatful for what you have before asking for more. After this, 3 rites are written down:
- Rites of Jhaz-kham Dad'na - To Tend to the Bones of the Fallen: Mother of Twilight, I beseech you to guide these souls that once moved these bones to find your Crossing with dawn's clarity.
- Rites of Jhaz Ku-ji'zho - To Walk the Memories of the Past: Cast moon-sugar into the braziers. Kneel before an altar and inhale deeply.
- Rites of Iir-morna E'dra - To Banish the Darkness from the Soul: Invoke this rite with words suited to the soul in question, speak with the clarity of Dawn. When in doubt, consult moon-singer.
Note that for Jhaz Ku-ji'zho there is a warning to have ba'vedik surrounding the memory-holder, and for Iir-morna E'dra that it won't work on souls that walk in darkness, as redemption cannot be forced.
The first step will now be to retrieve moon-sugar water. Luckily it's nearby. Exit the former sanctuary and enter the small building the entrance is behind. Retrieve the moon-sugar water and try to return to Zerith-var. You won't get far, as as soon as you leave the building you'll be stopped by Inquisitor Tashkier so talk with him instead. He will recognize you as the person Krin'ze asked for help, and want to know what you discovered in the name of Torval Curiata. He will tell you that the only reason for this Inquisition to search knowledge: to protect the Riddle'Thar Epiphany fate what they consider heresy. At this point, you can choose to either tell him the truth, lie that you didn't find anything at Moonmont, or just stay silent. If you lie, the Inquisitor seems to believe you and mentions that the cantor is prone to being distracted as he would expect of someone who is faithful to a Daedric Prince and will leave you be. If you're honest, the Inquisitor will state the seriousness of your words and go out to confirm them. If you stay silent, he will note that silence and mendacity are the seedbed of heresy and that he will find the truth, by force if needed. Either way, he will leave and you'll be back on your way.
To Tend to the Bones of the Fallen[edit]
Return to Zerith-Var in the Shrine of the Hidden Moon. After returning, you may notice that he is now wearing some armor instead of his old rags. It seems he took some armor from the shrine. He tells you to put the water into the ritual basin, so do that. Zerith-var will start the prayer, but instead of whatever he expects to happen, blue flames appear. He seems to be caught surprised that they appear, but seems to know what they are so talk to him about that. He will tell you that blue flames are a call to arms, and are a sign that a dark spirit of great power has pierced the veil of Nirni. As the tablet in his tomb said those spirits were gone, he turns to you in hope you know what it means. Ask him if he means the Rajaska, and he will agree and realise his supposed purpose in returning. With the loss of his order, the knowledge of how to deal with these spirits was lost. So, he will have to seek them out and deal with them, with your help of course.
Redeeming the Rajaska[edit]
Luckily his moonclaw, while weak, is still able to tell Zerith-var where to go. You need to go to the Shrine of Consummate S'rendarr. While the place is no longer called that, he can recognize the place on your map, where it's called Claw's Strike. Knowing your new direction, go to Claw's Strike and meet Zerith-Var there. Before you leave, you'll have a chance to talk a bit more.
- If you tell Zerith-var about the Inquisitor, he will mention he has no clue what that is about but that it doesn't sound friendly. He will also ask if they are like the Twilight Cantor's that gave you the quest. While not the same, they seem to work for the same party, which makes Zerith-var decide he's happy you found him and not an inquisitor, despite disliking them on their title alone.
- If you ask him about his armor, he will let you know that he did not take it from his fallen brothers and sisters, but instead found it in a supply cache. He then expresses worry about sticking out, and asks what you find of his new outfit. Choose either. If you say you like it, he will be appreciative of the compliment and mention that while function matters more, anyone likes to look good. If you react negatively, he will express he was already worried he'd look antiquated and expresses interest in you assisting him in finding better clothes later.
- If you ask about what Rajaska are, he will explain it is what happens when the darkness that creates dro-m'Athra ensnares a moon-singer. When asking what moon-singers are, he will explain they are story tellers who could weave stories into songs to cast powerful spells in Azurah's name.
After you're done talking, head to Claw's Strike. There is no wayshrine closer than your current location, so just take your mount and go there. Enter the delve and go to the northeast room (top right on your map). There will be a trapdoor behind some crates, and once arrived Zerith-var will enter saying it's the location. Follow him and continue to the first room. There you will find the Cantor Krin'ze, High Cantor Viti, and Cantor Ta'khida doing some kind of ritual chanting some song. Once it's finished, the others will go ahead but Krin'ze will stay behind. Zerith-var will notice they destroyed a dro-m'Athra. Talk to Krin'ze, and she urge you to leave because of the dangers of the place caused by dro-m'Athra that are stronger than anything they've ever encountered. She will tell you their group exists to fight them, but that their songs don't seem to be strong enough to win the fight. Push on and she will allow you to help, admitting that they do kinda need it. She will remark Zerith-var's blue eyes, worrying for a moment he might be dro-m'Athra but seems to take your help over that worry so she asks you to go after High Cantor Viti to help her defeat the Rajaska.
Go straight ahead to enter the next room. You will find her and Cantor Ta'khida doing another song while High Cantor Viti seems to be stuck on the ground. Approach them and Zerith-var will in a sad surprise recognize the Rajaska as Ravith-morna. She will turn Cantor Ta'khida into Ta'khida-morna, which you'll need to defeat next while Cantor Krin'ze helps High Cantor Viti. After the fight, Zerith-var will cleanse Ta'khida's soul which becomes peaceful again before leaving. He will explain that this is his order's purpose: to tend to the immortal souls of all Khajiit, including those who fell to the darkness. He will also condemn the cantors, for they destroy the spirit from existence rather than cleansing it. However, after making then notion he may be able to teach them his knowledge of how to cleanse them, he will change his tune and agree with you saying that may be the whole reason Azurah sent him here. However, he currently can't as the power of his moonclaw is waning. He will ask you to go to the Temple of the Dark Moon with him to restore it and opens a portal for you two to travel there. At this point, you can turn around and talk to the High Cantor, who is rather defensive against "you and you're necromancer" and to Krin'ze, who unlike her senior, is rather happy with your help.
Restoring the moonclaw[edit]
Enter the portal, and you will appear near the Temple of the Dark Moon. Follow Zerith-var there and he will find yet another temple of his past destroyed. You'll find the spirit cat Ja'kh sitting just outside the temple, as well as a Khajiit named Shashan on the other side of the door and a bagger inside. Shashan will tell him that the Dark Moon is no longer worshipped, calling it an outdated tradition, and that The Sugar God Riddle'Thar now rules, claiming Old Baan Dar managed to trick the world. Talk to Zerith-var and he will express his grief over and over again finding the things important to him destroyed, but claims you and Ja'kh are what keep him from letting grief overwhelm him. Ask him about the spirit cat, and he will tell you it's actually his, and that Azurah must have sent his spirit back to him to guide him. Either way, you came to restore the moonclaw. Zerith-var will ask you to walk down the cliffs with him, passing by the temple ruins hoping to be able to find something that carries the Dark Moon's blessing. But before you go, another option to ask some questions appears.
- If you ask about Ja'kh, he will tell you how he found him ask a stray yowling for help in Corinthe, and that he cleaned him and replaced his missing eye with a bit of his moonstone. He will also tell you that his name is barely a proper name, but short for Ja'khajiit which means kitten. And that due to how sharp it sounds, it means that he is a "small but tough, tough little guy".
- If you ask about the Temple of the Dark Moon, he will tell you it's the true spirit of Lorkhaj, who was redeemed and made protector of the Lunar Lattice by Azurah. He will also tell you that it's through him that his order found their way through darkness so they can lead Azurah's children to the Crossing, and that due to the power they get from him during their training they cannot become dro-m'Athra. He will also tell you that his moonclaw works by navigating lunar byways so that they can guide souls and that due to its link to Azurah and the lunar byways, it needs to be powered by something related to the Dark Moon.
- If you ask him about the sorrow in his life, he will tell you that he has regrets of straying from the straight pad in the past, which has cost him dearly. But he will also mention that he has been given a second chance, so maybe it will be different this time.
After talking, head down the cliffs Right under the temple, there is a cave for you to enter. Inside it, you will find a missive from Grant Inquisitor Arsalan. The missing contains an Order of Assassination for Zerith-var, as well as you as an ally. It also notes that they think Zerith-var is a lich, something that seems to rather offend Zerith-var, and how they got the knowledge about him. Go to the back of the cave, halfway meeting Inquisitor Tashkier which you'd have to kill, to find an altar ruin. Search it to find a black pearl and talk to Zerith-var again. He will want to see that note and be surprised to learn his eyes glow. He will now think he understands why they think he's trouble, she reminds them of dro-m'Athra. After a small talk discussing High Cantor Viti and Krin'ze, tell him about the black pearl you found inside the altar ruin. He will express hope that after restoring his moonclaw, you drive back the Rajaska and show the Inquisitors you're on the same side. Exit conversation to have him restore the moonclaw, after which he finds another incursion, and in haste, he opens a portal and tells you to go with him.
The second incursion[edit]
Enter the portal Zerith-var just opened and you'll be teleported just outside the Vile Manse. Approach it and you'll find Cantor Krin'ze seemingly hurt on the ground, with High Cantor Viti standing next to her. Talk to Krin'ze. She'll express disappointment in her mentor for telling on you to the inquisitors, and while she's glad you're not dead she fears you've come too late. She will tell you that the Inquisitors rallied the Twilight Cantors to the Vile Manse but it went badly, and as a result, her other sisters have been dragged away by Rajaska. Talk to Zerith-var next. He will tell you that his training, unlike that of the Twilight Cantors, has prepared him for this. He will ask you to walk with him once more, and together you can now enter the Vile Manse to save the Twilight Cantors.
Inside the Vile Manse, head into the cellar in the room directly to the right. From here, go to the northwest corner (top left on the map) and enter the Vile Manse Undercroft and advance into the Undercroft Prison. In here, Cantor Zayabi is turned into Zayabi-morna which you will have to defeat. After the fight, Zerith-var will cleanse Zayabi's soul and tell everyone else to quickly leave with him, opening a new portal afterward. Cantor Cer'enza en Cantor Tharis-jo, two more cantors that where present, are seemingly being affected by the dro-m'Athra but not turned into Rajaska and go with you. Take the portal and you'll appear near Krin'ze and Viri. Zerith-var will apologize to the two cantors you just took with you, telling them that he can cleanse their souls, but cannot stop de dro-m'Athra from overtaking them. Luckily, this is something that the cantors can do, and Krin'ze and Viri will do so right away. Talk to Zerith-var once more, and he will be pleasantly surprised that the cantors have songs to stop people from turning into dro-m'Athra, but also expresses worry that this means They will likely be the top target for the Rajaska-z'har. He will then continue to explain that Rajaska-z'har is the first Rajaska, and the Ravith-morna that you've encountered turns people into Rajaska. He will also tell you that he died facing her alone and that he thinks Azurah means for you to do it together. He will then call you Tammit, a word of partnership, and proposes to travel together. After this, the quest is completed.
Quest Stages[edit]
A Moonlit Shadow | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should find Cantor Krin'ze in southern Reaper's March and learn more about her request.
Objective: Find Cantor Krin'ze in Reaper's March
Objective: is there stage between the two?
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Cantor Krin'ze suggested I look for the spirit of a little cat as I investigate the star that fell near Moonmont.
Objective: Investigate the Fallen Star
I encountered a spirit cat along the trail to Moonmont, just like Cantor Krin'ze suggested. I should approach the cat and show it I mean no harm.
Objective: Pet the Spirit Cat
The spirit cat I encountered at Moonmont seems to want me to follow it. I should see where it leads.
Objective: Follow the Spirit Cat
The spirit cat I met near Moonmont led me to the door of an old tomb. I should enter the tomb and see what's inside.
Objective: Enter the Tomb
I encountered a Khajiit in this old tomb I was led to by the spirit cat. I should speak to him and find out what he's doing here.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
The Khajiit I found in the tomb is Zerith-var. He asked for my help in finding his moonclaw, as well as anything else that might explain why he awoke in a tomb. I should search the tomb and see what I can find.
Objective: Search the Tomb: 0/3
I found the armlet Zerith described to me, as well as a tablet bearing his name and an ancient crescent blade. I should bring the items I found to him.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var wants to meet in Rawl'kha to see if the Order of the Hidden Moon still exists. Zerith wants to determine why Azurah sent him back after his death in what I assume was the First Era. I should make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.
Objective: Meet Zerith-var in Rawl'kha
Optional Step: Follow Zerith-var Outside
(Objective appears after Cantor Krin'ze arrives)Optional Step: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
I found Zerith-var in Rawl'kha having a terse interaction with a guard. I should speak to him.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var told me the location of an old shrine for the Order of the Hidden Moon. It's hidden around back of the Temple of Two-Moons Dance. I should search for it.
Objective: Find the Hidden Moon Shrine
The entrance to the Hidden Moon shrine was right where Zerith-var said it would be. I should go inside with him.
Objective: Enter the Hidden Moon Shrine
The Hidden Moon shrine Zerith-var sought in Rawl'kha appears to be abandoned and filled with the bodies of fallen members of his order. I should speak with Zerith-var about it.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var wants me to look through a nearby book of rites of the Hidden Moon to refresh his memory for a simple consecration blessing.
Objective: Examine the Prayer Book
Zerith-var wishes to sanctify the dead in this sanctuary and ask Azurah for guidance. To do this, he needs moon-sugar water. I should give Zerith a moment to mourn and search for moon-sugar water in the temple nearby.
Objective: Retrieve Moon-Sugar Water
I found some moon-sugar water. I should return it to Zerith-var at the Hidden Moon sanctuary in Rawl'kha.
Objective: Return to Zerith-var
Optional Step: Talk to Inquisitor Tashkier
I returned to Zerith-var with the moon-sugar water he asked for. Per his instructions, I should pour it into the basin so he can perform the rite to consecrate the remains here.
Objective: Pour the Moon-Sugar Water
Zerith-var is performing the rite of purification and asking Azurah for guidance. I should wait for him to finish.
Objective: Listen to Zerith-var's Prayer
Zerith-var asked Azurah for guidance and the basin in the sanctuary flared with blue flames. Zerith seemed surprised by this. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var explained that the blue flames are a signal of Rajaska piercing the veil of Nirn somewhere nearby. He marked my map at a ruin called Claw's Strike in Reaper's March. I should meet him there and help him find the Rajaska.
Objective: Find the Rajaska at Claw's Strike
Cantor Krin'ze, the Twilight Cantor I met earlier, is here at Claw's Strike. It looks like she and her fellow Twilight Cantors are in trouble. I should talk to her and find out what the situation is.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Cantor Krin'ze spoke of a Rajaska turning her fellow Twilight Cantors into dro-m'Athra. I should proceed deeper inside Claw's Strike and confront this Rajaska with Zerith-var.
Objective: Find the Rajaska
We encountered a Rajaska who turned Cantor Ta'khida into a type of dro-m'Athra called a Rajaska. I should help Zerith-var defeat Ta'khida-morna.
Objective: Defeat the Rajaska, Ta'khida-morna
After defeating the cantor-turned-Rajaska Ta'khida-morna, Zerith-var did something to cleanse her spirit. I should speak to him about what just happened.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith explained that to help his people further, we need to restore the magic of his moonclaw. He says he can do this at the Temple of the Dark Moon in Khenarthia. I should travel through the portal he opened to go there.
Objective: Enter the Portal
Zerith-var's portal took me to Khenarthi's Roost. I should follow Zerith to the Temple of the Dark Moon.
Objective: Go to the Temple of the Dark Moon
The Temple of the Dark Moon has been destroyed. This complicates Zerith-var's plan to restore the magic in his moonclaw. I should speak to Zerith about our next steps.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var believes something imbued with the power of the Dark Moon could still be among the ruins of the temple. I should look through the ruins for something holding magic or of ritual significance.
Objective: Search the Ruins for a Moon-Blessed Object
Hidden Objective: Search the Ruins
I found an order of assassination for Zerith-var and myself issued by the grand inquisitor of the Torval Curiata. I also found a black pearl among the ruins of the Temple of the Dark Moon. I should speak with Zerith about both of these things.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var and I restored the magic of his moonclaw. Now he senses another incursion of dro-m'Athra and opened a portal to take us to it. I should use Zerith's portal to learn more.
Objective: Enter Zerith-var's Portal
Zerith-var's portal dropped us outside the Vile Manse, where we found Cantor Krin'ze and High Cantor Viti of the Twilight Cantors. I should speak with Cantor Krin'ze to learn more about what's going on here.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Cantor Krin'ze says her fellow Twilight Cantors were dragged deep into the Vile Manse by dro-m'Athra and the Rajaska we witnessed in Claw's Strike. Krin'ze thinks it's too late to save them. I should speak to Zerith about what to do next.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var seems confident that his Hidden Moon training can save the Twilight Cantors inside the Vile Manse. He asked for my help in saving them. I should head inside the Vile Manse to search for the lost Twilight Cantors.
Objective: Enter the Vile Manse
Zerith-var seems confident that his Hidden Moon training can save the Twilight Cantors inside the Vile Manse. He asked for my help in saving them. I should search inside the Vile Manse for the lost Twilight Cantors.
Objective: Find the Missing Cantors
Zerith-var and I found the undercroft prison. Since his moonclaw led us here, the Rajaska and the missing Twilight Cantors are probably inside. We should head inside and see what awaits us.
Objective: Enter the Undercroft Prison
We were too late to stop Ravith-morna from turning Cantor Zayabi into a Rajaska. Now we have to defeat Zayabi-morna so that Zerith can use his moonclaw to cleanse her corrupted spirit.
Objective: Defeat Zayabi-morna
We defeated Zayabi-morna. Just like with Cantor Ta'khida, Zerith-var cleansed her spirit from the Rajaska's corruption. Zerith opened a portal. I should leave with him and the surviving Twilight Cantors.
Objective: Leave the Vile Manse Undercroft
I should talk to Zerith-var about what we encountered beneath the Vile Manse.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith-var wants to travel with me, it seems. I should speak to him once more before we get underway.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.