Oblivion:Blackwood Company Hall
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Summary: written by Kzljr1
House Inventory: not written Description: written by Kzljr1 Residents: written by The Silencer |
Console Location Code(s) | ||
LeyawiinBlackwoodCompanyHall | ||
Location | ||
Leyawiin |
Blackwood Company Hall is the headquarters for the Blackwood Company in Leyawiin.
The Blackwood Company's headquarters are across the street from the Fighters Guild hall. The building contains a basement and several floors. The first floor contains some benches, a table and three chairs, a few books, a table with four chairs, some wine and a chest that has an easy lock. There is an entrance to the training hall, which requires a key. The basement is also locked with a key.
The second floor contains a hard-locked display case, a desk and more books. There is also a door to Jeetum-Ze's room.
The third floor contains only a door to Ri'Zakar's room.
† Maglir only joins at the start of the More Unfinished Business quest.
About the Blackwood Company[edit]
The Blackwood Company is a mercenary-like group and competes with the Fighters Guild. They are known for taking less scrupulous jobs and seem to operate without moral qualms. By undercutting the Fighters Guild, the Blackwood Company grew to over a hundred members and is becoming a serious threat to the Guild's existence.
The Company also maintains an outpost inside of Glademist Cave.
The company began when a group of former soldiers failed to reclaim territory in Black Marsh for the emperor. They came to Leyawiin and continued to ply their mercenary trade. The Company's second-in-command, Ja'Fazir, explains that the name "Blackwood" refers to a part of Blackwood Forest. The name also carries a reference to the "thoghatt", or "charcoal warriors", of Khajiiti tradition. The Blackwood Company mercenaries wear a unique set of commissioned Blackwood armor, heavy armor engraved with the faction's emblem of a sword and axe at the roots of a Hist tree. You can learn more about the history of the Blackwood Company on the lore page.
Related Quests[edit]
- Infiltration: Deceive your way into the Blackwood Company and discover why they are so powerful... or so crazy.
- The Hist: Return to Blackwood Company headquarters to destroy the source of their power and anyone that stands in your way.
- In a later Fighters Guild quest, Infiltration, you will be asked to infiltrate the ranks of the Blackwood Company by joining them. The faction will appear in your journal once you are officially considered a member. Only one rank is ever available to you, which is Company Member.
- None of the items in the Blackwood Company Hall are marked as owned property. Thus, if you want to make some easy money and raise your Mercantile skill at lower levels, you can take all these items without incurring a bounty (including some Nirnroot).
- A dog named Steel Fang appears unused in the game files and was intended to belong to the Blackwood Company.
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch adds Steel Fang to the Blackwood Company Hall, although this isn't explicitly noted in the mod's changelogs.
- The Blackwood Company Hall appears in ESO as Sally Forth Goods.