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Oblivion:Leyawiin Mages Guild

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Guild Hall:
Leyawiin Mages Guild
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
LeyawiinMagesGuild, LeyawiinMagesGuildLaboratory, LeyawiinMagesGuildLibrary, LeyawiinMagesGuildPrivateQuarter, LeyawiinMagesGuildBasement
Leyawiin Mages Guild

Leyawiin Mages Guild is found on the west side of town, between Southern Books and the Blackwood Company Hall.

Leyawiin's Mages Guild specializes in Mysticism magic. The building is divided into five areas: Leyawiin Mages' Guild, Mages Guild 2nd Floor East, Mages Guild 2nd Floor West, Mages Guild 3rd Floor East, and Mages Guild Basement.

Related Quests[edit]


Leyawiin Mages' Guild[edit]

Leyawiin Mages Guild Interior

The front door to Leyawiin's Mages Guild reveals an entrance room with a set of stairs leading up on the wall opposite the door. The table in the center of the room holds an alembic. Agata can often be found in this room.

The first door on the south wall opens into a small bedroom where Alves Uvenim can often be found. The bed on the far wall can be used by any Mages Guild member. The cupboard on the west wall can contain several pieces of clothing, and respawns. The bookshelf on this wall holds a steel shortsword and has a single gold coin sitting on top of it. The two sacks between the cupboard and bookshelf contain clutter, and do not respawn.

The first doorway on the north wall of the main entrance room reveals another bedroom, with another bed for Mages Guild members. On the table next to it sits a bread loaf. The bookshelf on the same wall holds an empty common soul gem, another steel shortsword and a single gold coin sits on top of it. There's also two handbills on the shelves: one from the Chapel of Zenithar and one from Southern Books. The sacks on the floor between the table and bookshelf hold only clutter, and do not respawn. The desk on the opposite wall holds a common book and clutter, and does respawn.

The open doorway on the south wall of the main entrance room, past the bedroom door, leads to a large room where Dagail and Kalthar can often be found. On the table in the southwest corner sits two calcinators, a mortar and pestle, two bread loaves, and a cheese wedge. The cupboard on the south wall contains drinks, and the shelf and drawers on the east wall holds clutter, food, and drinks. Both are respawning. On the table in the center of the room sits three apples, two sweetrolls, and a sample of grapes. On a southwestern windowsill lies a handbill from the Five Claws Lodge. If you walk on the windowsill you will hear splashing sounds as if you were in shallow water.

The alcove in the southeast corner holds four respawning barrels, all of which can contain clutter and/or a repair hammer. The chest can contain weapons and/or armor, and does not respawn; neither do the three sacks here, which all contain clutter. The door in the northwest corner leads to the Basement.

The open doorway on the north wall of the main entrance room, past the bedroom door, leads to a large room where S'drassa can often be found. After Tears of the Savior is completed, the display case in the southwest corner holds the five Garridan's Tears. The display case next to this one holds three Welkynd clusters, and cannot be opened in-game. On the table on the west wall sits a bowl with an empty greater soul gem in it. The cupboard in the northwest corner is empty, yet respawns, as does the chest beside it, which contains clutter. The desk in the center of the room has an apple, a steel war axe, and two steel daggers sitting on top. The cupboard behind the desk is also a respawning, empty container. The sacks in the corner here contain clutter, and do not respawn.

The alcove in the northeast corner has four barrels, all of which contain clutter and/or a repair hammer. The cupboard contains drinks. The chest here contains three bottles of skooma and does not respawn; however, every other container in this room does.

The staircase on the west wall of the main entrance room leads up, first to a second floor balcony with doors to the 2nd Floor East on the north wall and 2nd Floor West on the south wall, and then further up to a third floor balcony with a door to the 3rd Floor East.

Mages Guild 2nd Floor East[edit]

Leyawiin Mages Guild 2nd Floor East

The door to the 2nd Floor East leads into a small entrance room with a single non-respawning sack which contains food. The open doorway on the east wall leads to a living area that has a single respawning chest in a wall alcove, which contains only clutter. On the small table lies a recipe for restore willpower.

The open doorway on the west wall of the entrance room leads to a study with several bookshelves. On the large bookshelf on the south wall sits a Mortar and Pestle and Calcinator, and a copy of 2920, Sun's Dusk on the top shelf. There are two smaller bookshelves on the east wall; the one on the left has a copy of More Than Mortal and another of Palla, volume 2, and the one on the right has a copy of the restoration skill book Withershins. On the table, next to a copy of The Wolf Queen, v8, lies a handbill from the Three Sisters' Inn.

Mages Guild 2nd Floor West[edit]

Leyawiin Mages Guild 2nd Floor West

The door to the 2nd Floor West leads into a small entrance hall. The door on the east wall leads to a bedroom with a double bed available for Mages Guild members. The chest of drawers on the east wall contains clothing, and the shelves on the west wall hold clothing, too. On the small table next to the chair sits a bottle of cheap wine.

The door on the west wall of the entrance hall leads to a large study with a desk in the middle. On top sits an alembic, a calcinator, and two retorts. The table on the east wall holds an alembic and three empty lesser soul gems. The chest under it holds an apple, two heads of lettuce, and a rusty key which opens a door in Nornal to a dead drop chest. The table on the north wall holds two samples of bonemeal and a mortar and pestle. The chest on this wall holds gold and possibly jewelry and clutter. The table on the south wall holds two empty petty soul gems and two sacks of clutter, and another sack sits beside it which contains food. None of the containers in this room respawn, and so all are safe for long-term storage.

The open doorway on the south wall of this room leads to a small storage room which holds three respawning food barrels. The cupboard on the south wall contains food, and the two crates on the same wall contain clutter and/or a repair hammer each. On the bookshelf in the southeast corner are two empty petty Soul Gems, two samples of daedra venin, a sample of dreugh wax, a sample of frost salts, and daedroth teeth as well as an ultra rare sample of human skin. There are nine sacks in this room; the three untied sacks contain food, and the six tied sacks contain clutter. The sacks do not respawn; however, every other container in this room does.

Mages Guild 3rd Floor East[edit]

Leyawiin Mages Guild 3rd Floor East

The door to the 3rd Floor North leads to Dagails large bedroom with a double bed. A bottle of cheap wine sits on the bedside table, and another six bottles lies on the floor behind the head of the bed. There are two chests on the south wall; the one on the left contains clutter and respawns, the one on the right contains gold and possibly jewelry and clutter, and does not respawn. The desk in the southeast corner contains only clutter, and also respawns. A copy of Origin of the Mages Guild sits on top. On the windowsill on the east wall sits seven gold coins. The respawning cupboard beside the bed holds clothing, and the display case behind it is empty.

Mages Guild Basement[edit]

Leyawiin Mages Guild Basement

The door to the Basement opens on a staircase leading down. Two respawning barrels at the foot of the stairs contain clutter and/or a repair hammer each.

Upon entering the basement, the area on the east wall has a single bed available for Mages Guild members. Three sacks at the head of the bed hold clutter and do not respawn. The bookshelf next to them holds clutter and a crate that can contain clutter and/or a repair hammer, and respawns. Next to the crate is a lectern with even more clutter. On the table in this area is a mandrake root and three heads of lettuce. The three barrels next to this table also contain clutter and/or a repair hammer, and also respawn.

Another bookshelf that holds clutter and a respawning crate that can contain clutter and/or a repair hammer is against the east side of the walls in the center of the room. The two non-respawning sacks next to it contain clutter. In a corner near this bookshelf sits four respawning barrels - three that contain clutter and/or a repair hammer, and one that contains food - as well as two pumpkins.

On the south wall are three bookshelves that all hold clutter. Next to the one on the right are two non-respawning sacks that contain clutter and another that contains food. On the next wall is another set of shelves with clutter, and next to them a basket with five potatoes.

In the southernmost alcove on the west wall, two respawning cupboards contain food, clothing and clutter, as does the respawning chest. The northernmost alcove holds three respawning barrels that contain clutter and/or a repair hammer each, and a respawning chest that also contains clutter.


Agata Evoker Recharge Mysticism Spells
Alves Uvenim Journeyman Alchemist Mysticism Spells
Dagail Wizard Trainer (Master)Mysticism (Master)
Kalthar Journeyman
S'drassa Evoker Trainer (Basic)Alchemy (Basic)



  • The main interior cell of the Leyawiin Mages Guild is plagued by unusual lag spikes.
  • The 2nd and 3rd floor wings have incorrect directions; the "east" wings are actually located to the south, and the "west" wings are located to the north.
