User:TheVampKnight/Sandbox Mehrunes Dagon Overhaul
This Project as I call it, is free to everyone, please help me with this. Edit this sandbox as you see fit, I created this sandbox for the community as a whole. The reason for this sandbox is one Dagon page, clearly has not been updated for a while with important lore from Eso and Lore books and needs an overhaul/expansion with important information never added in. Another is next year is the Gates of Oblivion. Which will heavily feature Dagon himself. So given his vital role, we are clearly going to need to do a major update with Dagon. As information is updated and added in and as I see a good amount of progress in this Sandbox, I'll transfer it over to the main lore article. Either I can do that or if others here feels certain information is ready to be released to the main lore article you can do it as well feel free. This is for the community after all, The Goal is ne to make his page look good and two keep it up to date. Because unlike the other Daedric Princes. He's the main recurring antagonist in several Elder Scrolls titles or played a role in it, and as such his page does need to be kept up to date better then it has been.
Mehrunes Dagon (formally, the Exalted and Most Puissant Lord, Gerent of Dagon, Mehrunes,[1] also the Black Daedra Lord,[2] Mehrunes the Razor, Mehrunes the Thieftaker, Mehrunes Godsbody, Mehrunes the Red Arms That Went Up,[3] Master of Razors[4], Sovereign of Destruction, the Flame Tyrant, and the Father of Cataclysm,[5]) is the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition.[6] He is associated with natural dangers like fire, earthquakes, and floods.[7] Dagon is an especially important deity in Morrowind, where he represents its near-inhospitable terrain as one of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles.[8] In most cultures, though, Dagon is merely a god of bloodshed and betrayal.
Dagon revels in destruction on a grand scale, from mass murder to deaths from floods and earthquakes.[9] He has a vested interest in showing flagrant displays of power to attract followers to his various cults, and insert his influence on Nirn. Amongst the Princes, none are more concerned for causing suffering then Dagon.[4]
Mehrunes Dagon's enemies are Ebonarm, and Molag Bal.[10][11] His summoning day is the 20th of Sun's Dusk, Warriors Festival.[12] His protonymic[13] is "Lehkelogah"[14] and his neonymic is "Djehkeleho-dehbe-effehezepeh".[15]
Religion and Worship[edit]
Worshiping Mehrunes Dagon is widely illegal across Tamriel, and communion rituals is punishable by death. Communing with Dagon is a dangerous affair, Dagon will often kill the summoner and everyone in the vicinity of the communion, many natural disasters occur when such communions take place.[4] Worshipers of Dagon tend to be arsonists setting buildings, and even animals on fire. Signs of Cultist activity include unusual tremors, no rain, more rain as they attempt to insight natural disasters. Those who worship the Prince also tend to bear the symbol of a fiery, rising sun.[9]
Merrunz also known as the Ja'Khajiit and The Demon Cat was born of Fadomai's second litter, pre-ri'Datta text suggests his father exiled him after he turned wild and destructive. Choosing to explore the Great Darkness rather than the Many Paths, he fell prey to the demon Molagh the Elder Spirit of Domination. The Demon King tortured Dagon until the creation of the world, he was later released by the wife of Molagh and his destructive nature used as a weapon against the Lattice. Merrunz was said to revel in this, and became a kinslayer, becoming the Demon known as Dagon.[16] Merrunz is depicted as a kitten, because of the destructive nature of kittens. [17]
Early Accounts[edit]
According to accounts given in the Mythic Dawn's (likely biased) Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes, the Magna Ge created Mehrunes Dagon in the bowels of Lyg to be a prince of good, and imbued him with Oblivion's most precious asset, hope. Dagon then led his "red legion" in a rebellion, which saw the towers of CHIM-EL GHARJYG toppled, great cities destroyed, templars of the Upstart slaughtered, and slaves violently revolting against their keepers as hope spread like a brush-fire.[3]
Mehrunes Dagon destroyed Ald Sotha, home of House Sotha and Sotha Sil's birthplace, sometime in the early First Era. Sotha Sil was the only apparent survivor of this incident, having been rescued by Vivec.[18] Dagon was also responsible for the destruction of Mournhold at the very end of the Era, an incident which was included in the popular 2920 historical fiction series.[19]
At some point before the year 3E 172, a Direnni retainer named Chimere Graegyn made a pact with the Prince for eternal life on his beloved Caecilly Island. Chimere then attempted to banish Dagon, but the Prince was able to hurl the island into Oblivion, where it became a plane known as the Chimera of Desolation.[13][20]
Invasion of the Battlespire[edit]
As the Prince of Destruction and Revolution, Dagon is perhaps the most ambitious of the Daedric Princes, and has attempted to invade Nirn on several occasions.[20][21] He assisted Jagar Tharn in his temporary procurement of the Imperial throne by seizing control of and sealing off The Battlespire in order to cripple the Imperial College of Battlemages (which presented a threat to Tharn's power as Emperor). The invasion was thwarted by an apprentice who became trapped inside, and was able to banish Dagon back to Oblivion.[20]
Late Third Era[edit]
In the early Fifth Century, Dagon was summoned by an agent of the Blades, who was offered Mehrunes' Razor in exchange for killing a Frost Atronach that had displeased the Prince.[22] In 3E 427, the Nerevarine was tasked with retrieving the Razor for the Daedric Prince.[23]
Oblivion Crisis[edit]
Dagon was the driving force behind the Oblivion Crisis. He plotted to destroy the Septim bloodline and open gates to Oblivion throughout Cyrodiil to launch an invasion. His motivation for this invasion is unclear; the Mythic Dawn, Dagon worshippers, claimed Nirn was Dagon's plane to begin with. The Mythic Dawn worked to bring about the coming of Dagon by assassinating the Emperor and his three known heirs. The cult focused on the eternal dawn on which Dagon would come to cleanse the world of all non-followers. In order to recover the Amulet of Kings and foil Dagon's plans, the Champion of Cyrodiil had to recover the Mysterium Xarxes, a book written by Dagon himself, so that Martin Septim could open a portal to the Paradise of Mankar Camoran, where the amulet was being kept. Dagon himself made a short but dramatic appearance as a gigantic four-armed humanoid armed with an axe and talons at the climax of the Crisis.[21]
Fourth Era[edit]
By 4E 201, Mehrunes' Razor was in Skyrim, having been broken into three pieces. The Last Dragonborn collected these for the Mythic Dawn Museum in Dawnstar, and was offered the restored Razor by Dagon in exchange for killing the museum's proprietor.[24]
Daedric Crescent[edit]
The Daedric Crescent Blade (also called a Battle-scythe blade) is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. It has the power to paralyze those it strikes, and puts heavy wear on their armor; it has also been known to create a green ball of energy, but its effects are unknown. There were once many Crescents, which were used by Dagon's forces to take the Battlespire during the Imperial Simulacrum. When the Empire later reclaimed the ruined academy, the Crescents were gathered up and destroyed - all but one. Unknown to the Empire, one of the unique blades remained in existence somewhere in Tamriel, although none had ever seen it..
Deadland Hammer[edit]
The Deadland Hammer is a Daedric artifact linked to Mehrunes Dagon and the Deadlands. In the Second Era, it was found in the Darkpool Mine by the Claws of Daegon—a Khajiit cult dedicated to Merrunz. When used with the right reagents, it was said to be capable of summoning Iron Atronachs. Physical contact with hammer was reported to be uncomfortable and even harmful when handled for an extended period of time.
Mehrunes' Razor[edit]
Mehrunes' Razor (sometimes Mehrunes Razor), also called the Dagger of the Final Wounds, the Bane of the Righteous, and the Kingslayer, is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. This powerful ebony dagger has the ability to kill instantly, as there is a small chance that Dagon will claim the souls of those struck by the Razor. It is Daedric in appearance, emblazoned with Daedric script and seemingly able to drink the light that hits it.
Mysterium Xarxes[edit]
The Mysterium Xarxes was a tome written by Mehrunes Dagon, who scribed it in "the deserts of rust and wounds". It was an artifact of great—and evil—power. The Xarxes was said to have a vile corrupting influence; reading from the book required magical protection from its powers, even merely handling it was said to be dangerous. Because of the hazards it poses to its reader, this book was classified as a Tract Perilous.
The book was given by Dagon to Mankar Camoran. After studying the tome, Mankar wrote the Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes (also known as the Mythic Dawn Commentaries). Inspired by the prophecies and promises within the book, Mankar founded the Mythic Dawn, a Daedric cult devoted to Mehrunes Dagon. The Xarxes acted as the cult's holy book, and was stored in the Mythic Dawn's hidden shrine in the caverns beneath Lake Arrius in Cyrodiil. Using the power of the book, Mankar created Gaiar Alata, or "Paradise", an alternate realm where the souls of Mythic Dawn cultists went in death.
In 3E 433, following the Mythic Dawn's assassination of Emperor Uriel Septim VII and all of his legitimate heirs, the Blades infiltrated the cult and stole the Mysterium Xarxes from their shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. It was taken to Cloud Ruler Temple, where Martin Septim, the illegitimate son of Uriel and the heir to the throne, translated the Xarxes and discovered a way to create a portal to Camoran's Paradise. The ritual required a Great Welkynd Stone, a Great Sigil Stone, a Daedric artifact, and an Aedric artifact. The Hero of Kvatch entered Gaiar Alata and defeated Camoran, retrieving the Amulet of Kings. The Mysterium Xarxes was destroyed in the process.
Spear of Bitter Mercy[edit]
The Spear of Bitter Mercy is an artifact that is an enigma to Tamrielians, but many believe it to be of Daedric origin despite a lacuna of recorded history. However, multiple Spears of Bitter Mercy may exist. Originally forged by Mehrunes Dagon, it has become the signature weapon of his "ally" Hircine, who has become the Daedric Prince that is most closely associated with the Spear.[nb 2] One of his titles given to him by the Reachfolk, the Spear with Five Points, is reflective of this. The weapon was once in Sheogorath's possession, but his association with it and how he came to obtain it is unknown. He has notably stolen artifacts from his fellow Princes in the past for his own amusement.
Mehrunes Dagon imbued the Spear with his power for use in the Ritual of the Innocent Quarry. This enchantment consists of powerful and maleficent energies capable of instantly killing all but the "High Daedra Lords". Thus it is forbidden from being removed from the site of the Great Hunt, and it cannot be wielded by any mortals or immortals, except those sanctified to the Hunt and bound to its rules. Because Dagon twisted his pact with Chimere Graegyn, an unsanctioned wearer of the Armor of the Savior's Hide can bear the Spear; the armor's enchantment offers protection from the energies of the oathbreaker. Since the rules only apply within the Hunt itself, the artifact can be safely wielded if it were outside its intended locale. However, the spear can still seemingly reject those unworthy of wielding it.
According to a Reachman myth, Hircine wields the Spear of Bitter Mercy when he takes on the aspect of Alrabeg the Hunter. It is one of the Symbols of the Five Aspects, the other four being the Totems of Hircine (composed of three artifacts), and the Totem of Claw and Fang. The weapon grants its wielder a magical shield as well as the ability to summon storm atronachs. In appearance it is a metallic spear, usually with two or four protruding prongs surrounding the central spearhead. It is sometimes emblazoned with Daedric Hekem sigils, representing the letter H.
Sword of the Moon Reiver[edit]
The Sword of the Moon Reiver (also known as the Broadsword of the Moon Reiver or Moon-Cursed Blade) is a broadsword created from Mehrunes Dagon's own substance. It is believed that no other weapon is capable of harming Mehrunes Dagon. During Dagon's invasion of the Battlespire during the Imperial Simulacrum, the sword was in the possession of his Dark Seducer bodyguard and paramour. An apprentice took the sword from her and used it to banish the Prince from his own realm, resulting in the destruction of the Battlespire.
The Deadlands[edit]
The Deadlands are a Daedric realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon. The embodiment of its creator's sphere, the dimension is fraught with natural disasters and destructive change. The area known as the Burn is covered by an ocean of lava, scattered with scorched volcanic islands and ruined structures. Many lesser Daedra roam the realm freely, but Dremora dominate the hierarchy. The Sever is a region of the Deadlands with light soil covering jagged rock with sulfur pools throughout, fierce winds, and constant lightning storms. Destructive tornadoes and extremes in temperature characterize the region. The capital of the Deadlands is known as Destruction's Solace.
Associated Realms[edit]
The Chimera of Desolation[edit]
The Chimera of Desolation is a small realm of Oblivion created by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon.
The Chimera was once Caecilly Island, a small island off the coast of Northmoor (or Glenumbra, according to some sources) in High Rock. The entire island was cast into the void during the Third Era as an act of revenge against Chimere Graegyn, a mortal conjurer living there. The abandoned towns of Trybador and Granvellusa still stand on the desolate island.
The plane was once accessible via the Battlespire, but this link was severed following Dagon's invasion of the edifice during the Imperial Simulacrum. Upon Dagon's banishment during the Oblivion Crisis, Caecilly was returned back to Tamriel.
The Havoc Wellhead[edit]
The Havoc Wellhead (sometimes styled Havok Wellhead) is a realm of Oblivion controlled by many Daedric clans in the service of Mehrunes Dagon. It acts as one of Dagon's many provincial governmental centers. It was accessible from the Battlespire, but the connection was lost after its destruction during the Imperial Simulacrum.
As seen in Daggerfall
Mehrunes's statue in Morrowind
Mehrunes's statue in Oblivion
Mehrunes Dagon as he appears in Oblivion Mobile
Mehrunes's statue in Skyrim
See Also[edit]
- For game specific information see the Daggerfall, Battlespire, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO articles.
- ^ Dremora Oathkin dialogue in Battlespire
- ^ Battlespire Athenaeum
- ^ a b Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 — Mankar Camoran
- ^ a b c Burning Vestige, Vol. I — Warlock Endil
- ^ The Truth in Sequence: Volume 8 — Deldrise Morvayn
- ^ The Book of Daedra
- ^ On Oblivion — Morian Zenas
- ^ The House of Troubles
- ^ a b Thwarting the Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon — Flaminius Auctor
- ^ Factions in Daggerfall
- ^ Flaminius Auctor Answers Your Questions
- ^ Holidays in Daggerfall
- ^ a b Tal Marog Ker's Researches — Tal Marog Ker
- ^ Old Man Chimere's dialogue in Battlespire
- ^ Imago's Notes about Neonymics — Imago Storm
- ^ The Adversarial Spirits — Amun-dro, the Silent Priest
- ^ Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi — Clan Mother Ahnissi
- ^ A Brief History of Ald Sotha — Varlinsi Arandu, Apostle of Sotha Sil
- ^ 2920, Sun's Dusk — Carlovac Townway
- ^ a b c Events of Battlespire
- ^ a b Events of Oblivion
- ^ Mehrunes Dagon's Quest in Daggerfall
- ^ Mehrunes Dagon's Quest in Morrowind
- ^ Pieces of the Past quest in Skyrim