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Lore:Uriel VII

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Emperor Uriel VII
OB-scene-Introduction (Uriel Septim crop).jpg
Emperor Uriel VII ruminating in his final hours
Race Imperial Gender Male
Born 3E 346
Died 3E 433, 27th of Last Seed
Imperial City
Resided in Imperial City
Reign 3E 368-
3E 433
Previous Ruler Pelagius Septim IV
Next Ruler Martin Septim
Appears in Arena, Daggerfall, Oblivion, Oblivion Mobile, Legends
"I've served the Nine all my days, and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens.
The skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign."

Uriel Septim VII, the Emperor of Tamriel

Uriel Septim VII (/ˈjˈə-ˈiːl sˈɛptəm/ yer-iel septm) was the twenty-first or twenty-fourth Emperor of the Third Empire and Septim Dynasty.[1][2] Inheriting the throne from his late father, Pelagius Septim IV, in 3E 368, Uriel VII reigned for 55 of the 65 years after he was crowned emperor, until his assassination in 3E 433.

During his rule Uriel VII wed Princess Caula Voria, and sired four legitimate heirs: Ariella, Geldall, Enman and Ebel.[3][4] He additionally fathered at least two sons outside of wedlock: Calaxes (who was publicly acknowledged)[5] and Martin (who was secreted away and unacknowledged).[6][nb 1]


Early Life[edit]

Shortly after Uriel's father, Pelagius IV, was crowned Emperor of Tamriel, Queen Barenziah and Prime Minister Symmachus attended a dinner with the Septim Royal Family. At that youthful age, Uriel insisted that a place be set at every meal for his imaginary female playmate, Justin. Of course, Uriel would soon grew out this. However, it would inspire a long running joke between Symmachus and Uriel throughout the monarch's reign; Symmachus would inquire into Justin's health whenever he met with the Emperor, and Uriel would respond mock-seriously on every occasion. One time Uriel elaborately explained to Symmachus that Justin had met an adventurous, though incorrigible, Khajiit youth, married him, and settled down in Lilandril to raise fire ferns and mugworts.[7]

Emperor of Tamriel[edit]

When Emperor Pelagius IV died in 3E 368 after an astonishing twenty-nine year reign, Tamriel was closer to unity than it had been since the days of Uriel I. His son, Uriel VII, succeeded him. According to historians, Uriel had the diligence of his grand-aunt Morihatha, the political skill of his grand-uncle Uriel VI, and the military prowess of his great-grandfather Uriel V. For sixty-five years he reigned and brought justice and order to Tamriel.[1]

Imperial Simulacrum[edit]

In 3E 389, Uriel VII was betrayed by Imperial Battlemage Jagar Tharn, who imprisoned him in Oblivion.[8] Tharn then used illusion magic to assume the Emperor's identity. As the Amulet of Kings would warn the Elder Council in the event of Uriel VII's death, Tharn held Uriel VII in a dimension where time ran slower, ensuring it would take centuries for the true Emperor to die.[9] For the next ten years, Tharn abused imperial privilege but did not continue Uriel VII's schedule of reconquest. It is not entirely known what Tharn's goals and personal accomplishments were during the ten years he imitated his liege lord.[1]

Tharn was eventually defeated in 3E 399 by the Eternal Champion, who freed Uriel VII from his other-dimensional cell.[10] After his release, Uriel VII worked diligently to renew the battle to reunite Tamriel. Tharn's interference broke the momentum, but the following years proved that the lauded golden age of Tiber Septim could return to Tamriel once more.

Later Life[edit]

Uriel took considerable personal interest in the Nerevarine Prophecy in Morrowind, and in 3E 427 he dispatched an agent of obscure origins to Vvardenfell to fulfill the legend, with apparent success.[8][11]

On the 27th of Last Seed, 3E 433, the three heirs of Uriel VII were assassinated by the Mythic Dawn, a Daedric Cult. Shortly afterward, the Mythic Dawn assassinated Uriel VII himself.[4][12] This left only an illegitimate son of Uriel VII named Martin Septim to claim the throne.[12]

Uriel VII was troubled all his life by dreams that showed him visions of the future, including his assassination and the start of the Oblivion Crisis that followed.[13] It was said that the dragon blood possessed by members of the Septim Dynasty allowed them to see more than lesser men.[14]



  • The name Septim presumably comes from the Latin "Septimus", meaning seven. This would mean that in Arena Uriel Septim VII means Uriel the 7th the 7th, or that Septim is a synonym for the 7th.
  • Uriel VII is chronicled as the 21st Emperor of the Third Empire, which is consistent with his place in the rest of the Septim line.[1] Some sources state that he is the 24th,[2] but this is presumably an error.
  • Uriel VII's real birthday is not on the 30th of Frostfall as the holiday description for Emperor's Day implies, instead, Emperor's Day represents a symbolic celebration of the Emperor.[15] The Arena intro implies that Uriel VII's true birthday is sometime prior to the 1st of Hearthfire (which is the day the game begins).[16]
  • During his tenure as the Emperor, Uriel VII had two known secretaries. The earliest known secretary was Lomegan Mariel, who was also the Emperor's personal liaison to the Battlespire prior to its destruction.[17] The next one after that was Glabrio Bellienus, who sent a correspondence to the Blades Spymaster on Vvardenfell, Caius Cosades about his task on the island.[11]
  • ^  In Daggerfall, the player character is given a personal background history that is determined by their class. In some scenarios such as the Bard and the Rogue, the player character meets the Emperor's child and prince to the Empire. There are six possible names given to the prince. These include "Cassynder", "Cephorus", "Pelagius", "Trabbatus", "Uriel", and "Voragiel".[18]
  • The voice actor for Uriel in Arena is unknown, although Ted Peterson believes he was a local acting student. The actor for Uriel in Daggerfall was John Gilbert. The voice actor for Uriel in Oblivion was Patrick Stewart.
  • Lead Designer Ken Rolston had this to say about Uriel VII's portrayal in Oblivion: "[Patrick Stewart] was selling the product like a reverend... standing in front of his flock... which is exactly the tone I wanted."[19]
  • Uriel's five appearances make him tied with Staada for the most recurring character in the series, barring Daedric Princes.

See Also[edit]

