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Tamriel Rebuilt:Zenurie Mondette

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Zenurie Mondette (TR_m3_Zenurie Mondette)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location East Empire Company
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 23 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 161 Magicka 170
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) East Empire Company 7(Deputy)
Zenurie Mondette

Zenurie Mondette is a Breton Noble who works as a deputy for Aetia Nemesia, the East Empire Company's Factor in Old Ebonheart.

As the deputy, Zenurie is empowered to give certain approvals on Aetia's behalf, and will do so during the events of Paper Trail. You are also recommended to seek her advice by EEC officer Quilmaro during Buying Time, as she holds a secondary role as the agency's Officer-in-Chief of Transportation. Her advice in this quest does bear some fruit, but she displays some blind spots as to how the poorer sections of society live - recommending a high-class beverage for use in the decidedly more down-to-earth Salty Futtocks inn, for example. Her attitude towards a hostage situation in Art of the Deal also displays a certain detachment from reality - she calls it "exciting", and the "stuff of bardsong".

It is possible that Zenurie's role in the company is not purely down to her aptitude. Her noble origins have seen her mix with Phedre Briricca in the Imperial City, and she seems to know this individual - the current head of Old Ebonheart's branch of the Briricca Bank, rather well. Given the Company's reliance on loans from the banks, Zenurie may be in position in part to keep the relationship smooth.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

  • Paper Trail: Collect reports for submission to the Briricca Bank.
  • Buying Time: Recent shipping delays require some savvy negotiation.