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Tamriel Rebuilt:Quilmaro

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Quilmaro (TR_m3_Quilmaro_cln; TR_m3_Quilmaro)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location East Empire Company, Offices
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Merchant
Other Information
Health 161 Magicka 180
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) East Empire Company 6(Officer)

Quilmaro is a High Elf merchant working for the East Empire Company as an Officer. He can be found in their Old Ebonheart building, where he maintains a private office.

He is relatively shrewd - during Tough Customer, he accurately assesses that goods rather than gold will do as compensation for some dissatisfied merchants, and also deduces the appropriate sort of good, unlike others within the company. He also displays a measure of kindness. One instance of such is when he dispatches Eorric the Knight to scout out a potentially dangerous location ahead of your arrival, in Buying Time, or when authorising a compensation payment of more than what is owed during Tough Customer.

Quilmaro also displays concern for the fate of the Company's 'clients' after the events of Art of the Deal - asking for example that you check up on the injured Yontus Kushummu at the Infirmary of St. Meris, or accepting your hiring of some of those clients without his say-so with grudging approval.

In addition, the High Elf is able to take a wide view of things. He seems to at least in part share his employer, Aetia Nemesia's view of the Briricca's, and of the state of trade in Tamriel at large:

"The Bririccas are an ancient clan of Cyrodilic merchant princes. We are a massive, publicly traded charter company. On the face of things, it's odd we're asking them for a loan, but the reality is that thanks to the Emperor's favor, the Bririccas have more than enough power to play on our level. In another world, investment banking would be done by large corporations and colonialism by a handful of aristocrats or the state, but the Emperor simply decided things would go the other way in this one."

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

  • Paper Trail: Collect reports for submission to the Briricca Bank.
  • Tough Customer: Handle a dissatisfied client.
  • Buying Time: Recent shipping delays require some savvy negotiation.