Tamriel Rebuilt:Regions

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Map of current and planned regions

There are many diverse regions on mainland Morrowind with their own weather and unique landscape. They each roughly belong to one of the five districts on the mainland: Telvannis, Mournhold, Narsis, Velothis, and Deshaan.

In addition to these, there are a few technical regions for cities: Old Ebonheart within Aanthirin (to allow unique regional sound effects) and the yet to be released Soluthis in Uld Vraech (to disable rain within cavern).

Telvannis District[edit]

Telvanni Isles
Boethiah's Spine — A large mountainous region in the Telvannis District of Morrowind, featuring rugged rocks twisted in strange shapes by erosion.
Dagon Urul — A rocky and unpleasant coastal region in the Telvannis District of Morrowind.
Scath Anud
Sunad Mora — A region in the district of Telvannis District, Morrowind, consisting of rolling hills and fertile pastures.
Telvanni Isles — The northeasternmost islands in Tamriel, located in the Telvannis District of Morrowind.

Mournhold District[edit]

Alt Orethan
Aanthirin — A lush orange-green region in the Mournhold District of Morrowind.
Alt Orethan — The rocky scrubland between the city of Almalexia and the Lan Orethan forest.
Lan Orethan — A lush lowland forest valley, set on the banks of the serene Lan Orethan river.
Mephalan Vales — A humid and rocky region that extends the Boethiah's Spine southward.
Molag Ruhn — A region of rich pastures in the Mournhold District of Morrowind.
Nedothril — A coastal grassland region in the Mournhold District of Morrowind.
Sacred Lands — The peaceful coastal region surrounding Necrom.
Sundered Scar — An area of marshland along the southern coastline of the Inner Sea.

Narsis District[edit]

Coronati Basin — A region in the Narsis District of Morrowind, with a distinct yellow-orange landscape.
Othreleth Woods — An autumn-like region in the Narsis District of Morrowind.
Shipal-Shin — A reddish region of cliffs in the Narsis District of Morrowind.

Velothis District[edit]

Armun Ashlands — A region of dust and ash in the Velothis District of Morrowind.
Clambering Moor — A region in the Velothis District of Morrowind.
Great Valley — Steep glacial valley region in the Velothis District of Morrowind, covering the northwestern border of Morrowind with Skyrim.
Grey Meadows — An ash swamp region in the Velothis District of Morrowind.
Julan-Shar — A tundra region in the Velothis District of Morrowind.
Roth Roryn — A region of rocky canyons in the Velothis District of Morrowind.
Velothi Mountains — A mountainous region in the Velothis District of Morrowind, forming a natural border with much of Cyrodiil and Skyrim.

Deshaan District[edit]

Amber Forest — A wooded region in the Mournhold District of Morrowind, poisoned by the salts of the Deshaan Plains.
Arnesian Jungle — A region in the Deshaan District of Morrowind, with terrain similar to the bordering Black Marsh.
Deshaan Plains — A flat and fertile river valley region in the Deshaan District of Morrowind.
Mudflats — A region in the Deshaan District of Morrowind.
Shalimar Highlands — An intermediate region between the Deshaan Plains and Arnesian Jungle in the Dres District of Morrowind.

Bodies of Water[edit]

Padomaic Ocean — The vast ocean that borders the eastern coast of mainland Morrowind and wraps around much of Tamriel.
Sea of Ghosts — The cold sea that borders all the northern coasts of Tamriel and surrounds the Telvanni Isles.

Deprecated Regions[edit]

These regions have been merged with other nearby regions.

Aranyon Pass — A sinister haunted canyon cutting through the Boethiah's Spine.
Ascadian Bluffs — A coastal region in the Velothis District of Morrowind, with terrain similar to the nearby Ascadian Isles.
Inner Sea — The narrow and treacherous sea surrounding Vvardenfell.
Lake Boethiah — A large, inland lake in the heart of the Boethiah's Spine region.
Valley of Mephala — A region in the Mournhold District of Morrowind, nestled within the confines of the Mephalain Mountains.