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Tamriel Rebuilt:Mephalan Vales

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The Mephalan Vales are a complex maze of canyons often wreathed with fog, which even the high ideals of the Tribunal have failed to fully penetrate. The local Indoril rulers lack a unified vision and feud with each other, while ancient forces continue to spin their plots unseen. This treacherous terrain of the Vales forms a natural northern border to the territories of House Indoril. Winding paths connect the fortresses of Ammar and Akamora, while ghosts, outlaws and worse dwell in hidden valleys and in the ruins of Dun Akafell. — Tamriel Rebuilt
Mephalan Vales Weather Table
Clear 15% Thunder 15%
Cloudy 15% Foggy 15%
Ash 0% Blight 0%
Overcast 20% Rain 20%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%
Mephalan Vales
Map of the Mephalan Vales region

Mephalan Vales is a large mountainous region in the Mournhold District of Morrowind. It is a humid and rocky region that extends the Boethiah's Spine southward.

Its largest settlement is Akamora. The Mephalan Vales border the Sacred Lands to the east, Nedothril, Lan Orethan, and Alt Orethan to the south, Sundered Scar to the west, Azura's Coast across the Inner Sea, Molag Ruhn and Boethiah's Spine to the north, and just barely the Padomaic Ocean to the northeast.


A list of places found in the Mephalan Vales region.


Towns (Tier III)[edit]

  • Akamora — An Indoril city built into the sides of a mountain valley.

Outposts (Tier V)[edit]

Hamlets (Tier VI)[edit]


Ancient Indoril Ruins[edit]


Daedric Ruins[edit]

Dunmer Strongholds[edit]

  • Bisandryon — An old Dunmer fortress north of Dreynim, occupied by members of Great House Indoril.

Dwemer Ruins[edit]




Velothi Towers[edit]

  • Norem — A large Velothi tower east of the Windmoth Legion Fort in which a battle is taking place between bandits and vampires.

* This place is technically in Azura's Coast, but is listed here because this is the closest Tamriel Rebuilt region.


  • This region was originally called Mephalain Mountains.
  • Valley of Mephala used to be a separate region but was merged entirely into the Mephalan Vales.