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Tamriel Rebuilt:Roa Dyr

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Roa Dyr
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Indoril
Region: Aanthirin

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Northern entrance
View on western side
Southeastern end

Roa Dyr is House Indoril's port on the Thirr River, on the eastern bank of Aanthirin. It is the first Indoril settlement pilgrims pass heading east from Almas Thirr along Veloth's Path, although access from the road is very roundabout coming from this direction. As an Indoril chapel, Roa Dyr oversees the Velothi settlements in eastern Aanthirin, including Dondril, Felms Ithul and Vhul to the north, Saveri to the east, and Rilsoan, Selyn and Velonith to the south. These settlements sustain each other, paying tribute to Roa Dyr, and Indoril Ilvi's ships transport goods and slaves in and out of the chapel.

The Chapel[edit]

The lord of Roa Dyr is Indoril Ilvi, who can be found in the Warriors' Hall at the southeast end of town. The town can offer a few services for outlanders, like tollmen traders at the harbor. The harbor island also houses the Morag Tong tower known as Black Hand Hall, connected to the Tollmen's Hall and Layover Post. The Crossing of Lamps tower is located in the center of the settlement, where Diranya, the personal steward of Lord Ilvi, can be found. On completion of her quest, Burden of Proof, further services in Roa Dyr can be unlocked.

Getting There and Around[edit]

As an Indoril chapel, Roa Dyr is built around the needs of the lord and his family, and is not a settlement that is passed through as a more commercial town might be. As a result, it is off the travel network, and must be journeyed to on foot. You can do this by walking along the road east of Almas Thirr. The ferryman, Dovres Salvi, stands upon this road and offers passage into the chapel for 1 gold piece.

Places of Interest Around Roa Dyr[edit]

The road south of Roa Dyr leads west to the large Temple canton city of Almas Thirr, while the Daedric ruins of Hadrumnibibi stand on the island to the northwest, with the Drothril Ancestral Tomb on that same island, overlooking the chapel.

Related Quests[edit]




  • Various services at Roa Dyr can only be unlocked through the successful completion of Burden of Proof.
  • The Clerks' Hall, Servants' Hall, Spire and Craftmens' Hall can be accessed through the Statesmen's Hall.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aaneth Felovil Female Dark Elf Spellsword Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 8 79 100 100 30 Docks
Andilu Ornovl Female Dark Elf Merchant 8 81 122 95 30 Watchtower Exterior Merchant (soaps)
Balvus Male Dark Elf Rogue Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 2 46 82 90 30 Docks (only present during quest)
Berayl Malvar Male Dark Elf Sailor 3 58 84 100 30 Whispered Tenet
Bolawen Female Wood Elf Slave 3 48 84 100 30 Glass Hall
Celdora Female High Elf Slave 6 68 108 0 30 Tollmen's Hall
Clepitus Mados Male Imperial Agent Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 11 92 102 100 30 Crossing of Lamps
Dalami Ondos Female Dark Elf Enchanter Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 16 98 180 95 30 Craftmen's Hall Blacksmith, Enchanter, Merchant, Trainer
Diranya Female High Elf Sorcerer Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 13 96 178 0 30 Crossing of Lamps Quest giver
Doves Silvin Male Dark Elf Apothecary Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 14 94 170 90 30 Crossing of Lamps, Exterior Merchant (potions)
Dovres Salvi Male Dark Elf Fisherman 4 69 84 98 30 Southern Road
Drelyna Ovam Female Dark Elf Agent Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 8 71 96 95 30 Canals
Drothyl Sevol Female Dark Elf Priest Service Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 20 114 134 99 30 Sanctum Merchant, Spell Merchant, Trainer
Elo Bolum Male Dark Elf Baker Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 8 76 122 92 30 Craftmen's Hall Merchant (ingredients)
Elvera Andalor Female Dark Elf Commoner 6 69 92 90 30 Docks
Emeni Rethri Female Dark Elf Baker Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 7 66 120 90 30 Craftmen's Hall
Eveshi Drilor Female Dark Elf Trader Service Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 11 101 112 100 30 Docks Merchant, Quest giver
Farol Baren Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 90 30 Spire
Far-Scales Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 80 30 Whispered Tenet
Feril Gothari Male Dark Elf Merchant Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 12 113 136 92 30 Crossing of Lamps, Exterior
Fralos Hlerothi Male Dark Elf Sailor 3 58 84 100 30 Whispered Tenet
Gadynl Uldyn Female Dark Elf Commoner 9 87 98 0 30 Canals
Gehane Male Redguard Slave 5 82 66 90 30 Statesmen's Hall
Gilnam Arendes Male Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 90 30 Docks
Gindrala Mels Female Dark Elf Merchant Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 9 88 126 90 30 Tollmen's Hall
Gureryne Llervu Female Dark Elf Gondolier Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 5 59 88 100 30 Glass Hall, Exterior
Heej-La Female Argonian Slave 5 67 106 80 30 Field Slaves Cave
Illor Mavos Male Dark Elf Fisherman 3 63 84 98 30 Docks
Indoril Beroth Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Lay Elder(Lay Elder) 21 154 144 0 30 Statesmen's Hall Ruler of Nanaav
Indoril Danvas Male Dark Elf Warrior Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 20 213 110 100 30 Crossing of Lamps Indoril Ilvi's youngest son
Indoril Gilse Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Concordant Minister(Concordant Minister) 23 166 150 0 30 Statesmen's Hall Wife of Indoril Golvor
Indoril Golvor Male Dark Elf Knight Great House Indoril Concordant Minister(Concordant Minister) 25 210 132 100 32 Warriors' Hall Indoril Ilvi's eldest son
Indoril Ilvi Male Dark Elf Master-at-Arms Great House Indoril Seneschal of the House(Seneschal of the House) 35 304 134 100 30 Warriors' Hall Trainer, Ruler of Roa Dyr
Indoril Llaren Male Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 17 135 132 100 30 Crossing of Lamps, Exterior Indoril Ilvi's middle son
Indoril Tavylu Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Concordant Minister(Concordant Minister) 30 207 172 100 30 Spire Wife to Indoril Ilvi
Inera Therethi‎ Female Dark Elf Enchanter Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 12 81 160 100 30 Statesmen's Hall
Jivor Voloth Male Dark Elf Savant Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 8 74 126 100 30 Clerks' Hall
Jool-Kaw Male Argonian Slave 5 67 86 90 30 Field Slaves Cave
Ju-Ril Female Argonian Slave 3 53 104 90 30 Whispered Tenet
Juvol Gols Male Dark Elf Agent Morag Tong Thinker(Thinker) 14 107 108 100 30 Black Hand Hall, Roof Trainer
Lanwen Male Wood Elf Slave 5 62 86 0 30 Tollmen's Hall
Levolne Sorvi Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 12 100 116 95 30 Layover Post
Lirielle Othreleth Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Indoril Creedman(Creedman) 18 136 134 90 30 Statesmen's Hall
Llendyl Darothan Female Dark Elf Guard Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 20 244 132 100 30 Watchtower Quest giver
Mahzirr Female Khajiit Slave 4 60 84 80 30 Field Slaves Cave
Marlene Female Redguard Barbarian 8 101 72 70 30 Watchtower Prison Cell
Mayvne Avalan Female Dark Elf Fisherman 5 70 86 85 30 Docks
Meduni Silvin Female Dark Elf Scout Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 20 184 122 100 30 Crossing of Lamps Trainer
Milres Uveler Male Dark Elf Warrior Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 11 136 96 100 30 Whispered Tenet
Milthulsim Rithro Male Dark Elf Priest 5 56 92 100 30 Sanctum Exterior
Minasi Indala Female Dark Elf Commoner 9 87 98 100 30 Servants' Hall
Nevosl Veloth Male Dark Elf Priest Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 10 77 106 90 30 Hall of Judgement
Nina Nelaram Female Dark Elf Gardener Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 5 72 88 90 30 Garden
Ondra Irano Male Dark Elf Merchant 11 106 132 92 30 Crossing of Lamps
Orvas Farethan Male Dark Elf Rogue 7 79 90 90 30 Servants' Hall
Peror Senane Male Breton Slave 9 94 112 90 30 Craftmen's Hall
Ranor Tharys Male Dark Elf Scout Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 13 136 106 100 30 Layover Post
Sedam Sadrethi Male Dark Elf Agent Great House Indoril Kinsman(Kinsman) 10 86 100 50 30 Crossing of Lamps Quest giver
Seryl Hlervan Male Dark Elf Pauper 3 50 84 0 0 Statesmen's Hall
Siln Tharoth Male Dark Elf Scribe Great House Indoril Oathman(Oathman) 7 81 126 95 30 Crossing of Lamps, Exterior
Soran Veroth Male Dark Elf Sharpshooter Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 23 180 184 100 30 Statesmen's Hall
Soril Male Wood Elf Guild Guide Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 7 53 120 50 30 Whispered Tenet
Talen-Ei Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 90 30 Whispered Tenet
Taliit Female Argonian Slave 6 73 108 80 30 Statesmen's Hall
Tilmari Ovelas Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 90 30 Crossing of Lamps
Tivor Varyos Male Dark Elf Trader Service 9 94 106 100 30 Docks Merchant (cloths, scrolls)
Truvi Simaril Female Dark Elf Scribe Great House Indoril Retainer(Retainer) 5 64 118 90 30 Clerks' Hall
Vanikil Farys Male Dark Elf Bard 3 51 108 0 30 Garden
Van-Lei Female Argonian Slave 3 53 104 95 30 Crossing of Lamps
Viatrix Female Imperial Slave 3 58 84 100 30 Craftmen's Hall
Vilani Sav Female Dark Elf Drillmaster Great House Indoril Accorder(Accorder) 14 123 120 100 30 Warriors' Hall Trainer
Wayan Male Argonian Slave 4 60 84 90 30 Garden
Wishes-For-Night Male Argonian Slave 3 53 84 90 30 Whispered Tenet


TR3-map-Roa Dyr.jpg
Map Key
  • 1. Sanctum
  • 2. Hall of Judgement
  • 3. Whispered Tenet
  • 4. Black Hand Hall
  • 5. Watchtower
  • 6. Tollmen's Hall
  • 7. Eveshi Drilor (quest giver)
  • 8. Slave Caves
  • 9. Layover Post
  • 10. Crossing of Lamps
  • 11. Warriors' Hall
  • 12. Statesmen's Hall
  • 13. Gardens (and Indoril bells)
  • 14. Glass Hall