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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bounty: Nirmeni Ieneth

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Track down the bandit who's been robbing pilgrims on Veloth's Path.
Quest Giver: Hetman Vanis Nithri, Hetman Dava Arenim, Hetman Felvi Envano, Hetman Nalis Varo, Hetman Valosea Falden or Hetman Volyn Drothril
Location(s): Vhul, Aimrah, Saveri, Dondril, Rilsoan or Felms Ithul
Next Quest: Bounty: Llanehra Androthi
Reward: The book The Gospel of Saint Veloth, v 2
ID: TR_m3_B_Nirmeni Ieneth
Nirmeni Ieneth waiting for confiding travelers

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to any hetman of your choice and learn about recent bounties.
  2. (Optional) Find Vorus Odathil in his house southeast of Roa Dyr and ask him for directions.
  3. Find and kill the bandit down Veloth's Path.
  4. Return to any hetman for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Talk to any hetman in the area around Roa Dyr, and you will learn that local hetmans are given authority to pay bounties for wanted criminals in the area. They will greet you with a generic response "What brings you into our village, outlander? Do you foolishly seek a sip of our village's Velk liquor, or are you here to collect bounties?" You'll receive a topic bounties, and if you then ask about it, the hetman will give you the first bounty quest (in case you didn't kill any of the quest bandits before), the bounty for Nirmeni Ieneth.

You can search the area on your own, or speak with the latest victim of the bandit, Vorus Odathil, who lives in a small remote house southeast of Roa Dyr. Ask Vorus about Nirmeni Ieneth, and he will gladly give you the required information: "Yes, I saw the whole thing! A woman in a robe, I think she was a wizard or something, asking some naive Temple acolyte to give her gold in exchange for directions. Thank Almalexia he seemed to be well-off, or else things probably would've gotten bloody -- quick. It was just west of here. I'll tell you this much, if you're looking to go to Almas Thirr any time soon, I'd suggest taking a silt strider or boat, and avoiding the roads."

Follow the stone road to Almas Thirr, going west from the Vorus Odathil's house, and eventually you will find Nirmeni Ieneth staying to the right side of the road. She is somehow easy to miss, as she wears dark grey robe which mimic to surrounding stones very well. She is not a particularly strong opponent, and initially she will not be hostile. If you confront her, she will greet you: "Hello, %PCRace. My name is Nirmeni Ieneth. You look a little lost; perhaps I can help you out?" If you then ask her about herself, she will respond: "I'm just your average spellsword looking to help out a pilgrim in need. Things can get quite dangerous when passing through so many different environments. Even traders often lose their way on these roads. Tell you what, you look like you could use some guidance. How's 150 gold sound?" You'll then have three options: agree to give her the money, refuse to pay or just say you come for the bounty. Any option except for the first will start the combat. There's no way to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Once you kill the bandit, return to the hetman who gave you this quest, and collect your reward, the book The Gospel of Saint Veloth, v 2.


  • As soon as you kill the bandit, you'll have a message in your journal: "Nirmeni Ieneth is dead. The bounty for her head can be collected from any village hetman in the Roa Dyr chapelry." As follows, you can collect your reward from any hetman at this point, not just the quest giver, and this is a separate journal entry with its own journal ID, TR_m3_B_Nirmeni Ieneth_D. Collecting the bounty will close both entries and close the quest.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Bounty: Nirmeni Ieneth (TR_m3_B_Nirmeni Ieneth)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 A bounty has been offered for Nirmeni Ieneth. She's been robbing pilgrims on Veloth's Path east of Almas Thirr and is wanted dead. A witness, Vorus Odathil, whose house is southeast of Roa Dyr, witnessed the latest attack.
100 Finishes quest☑ I collected the bounty on Nirmeni Ieneth.