Tamriel Rebuilt:Ingirid Wicket-Keeper

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Ingirid Wicket-Keeper (TR_m3_Ingirid)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Customs
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 5 Class Commoner
Other Information
Health 73 Magicka 68
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Census and Excise Office 2(Clerk)
Ingirid Wicket-Keeper

Ingirid Wicket-Keeper is a Nord commoner who can be found at the front desk in the Customs building in Old Ebonheart. You can declare any illegal goods you have to her and receive a receipt as proof of your compliance with city law.

She wears a common robe, a pair of common shoes, and a pair of expensive gloves. She carries 3 steel throwing knives and a Guide to Old Ebonheart.

Aside from her natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield herself, and a natural frost damage spell, she knows no spells.


  • Greeting:
"This is the Old Ebonheart Customs Office. Are you here to declare goods you have on our contraband list?"
  • declare goods:
"For our records I'll need to ask you a few simple questions on what you plan on bringing into the city. Don't worry about what I'm writing down, just answer truthfully and we'll get through this together."
  • Continue:
"Do you have greater than or equal to three standard segments of Ebony ore in your possession?"
  • Yes.:
"I see, do you have greater than or equal to TEN standard segments of Ebony ore in your possession?"
  • Yes.:
"Seriously? How are you carrying all of that? Oh well, let's move on."
  • Continue:
"Do you currently possess Dwemer items with an estimated market value greater than or equal to two thousand septims?"
  • Yes.:
"Do you currently possess Dwemer items with an estimated market value greater than or equal to TEN thousand septims?"
  • Yes.:
"Hm. You must be some kind of collector. I do hope you don't plan on selling those within the city."
  • Continue:
"Are you currently in possession of either of the substances known as 'Moon Sugar' or 'Skooma'?"
  • Yes. / No.:
"Excellent. Let me do some quick calculations to see how much you owe..."
  • Continue:
(If you had no contraband):
"You owe... absolutely nothing! Please take this document as proof of your cooperation and please proceed through the door to the north and remember that buying or selling regulated materials is directly prohibited under a number of Imperial statutes. Have a great day!" (You receive an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt (paid))
(If you had one kind of contraband, two kinds, or a lot of one kind):
"You owe two hundred and fifty five septims in excise tax. I assume you will be paying this now."
  • [Pay the fine.]:
"Glad you're willing to accept our rules. Please take this document as proof of your cooperation and please proceed through the door to the north and remember that buying or selling contraband materials is directly prohibited under a number of Imperial statutes. Have a great day!" (Removed 255 gold from your inventory, and you receive an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt (paid))
(If you don't have the gold):
"Unfortunately you lack the currency required for this transaction and I must ask you to leave the city under Imperial Customs law. Please come back either when you have the required funds or possess fewer numbers of regulated goods. Here is your receipt." (You receive an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt (not paid))
  • [Do not pay.]:
"The insolence! Then I must ask you to leave the city under Imperial Customs law. Please come back either when you have the required funds or possess fewer numbers of regulated goods. Here's your receipt." Goodbye (You receive an Old Ebonheart Customs receipt (not paid))
(If you had a lot of one kind of contraband and some of another kind, or a lot of two kinds):
"You owe three thousand and one septims, exactly, in excise tax. Certainly you have that much on you." (See '[Pay the fine.]' and '[Do not pay.]' choices, but for 3001 gold)
(If you had a lot of all three kinds of contraband):
"You owe nine thousand, seven hundred, and fifty-six Septims in excise tax. That's a new weekly record. How would you like to proceed?" (See '[Pay the fine.]' and '[Do not pay.]' choices, but for 9,756 gold)
  • No.: (See 'Moon Sugar or Skooma' response)
  • No: (See 'Moon Sugar or Skooma' response)
  • No.: (See 'Dwemer items' response)
  • No.: (See 'Dwemer items' response)
(If you have gotten a customs note before):
"Have you been here before? You look familiar. Ah well, for our records I'll need to ask you a few simple questions on what you plan on bringing into the city. Don't worry about what I'm writing down, just answer truthfully and we'll get through this together." (See identical choices above)
(If you have an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt):
"I see your documentation is in order. Thank you for your cooperation, and please enjoy your stay in the city."
(If you have destroyed Dagoth Ur):
"The Nerevarine! There's no way someone like you would bring contraband into the city, right? Please, take this receipt." (You receive an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt (paid))
(If you have destroyed Dagoth Ur and have lost your Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt):
"Oh! If you've lost your note I can make you a new one. I understand you're very busy, what with saving Morrowind and all. Here you are, please let me know if I can do anything else for you!" (You receive an Old Ebonheart Customs Receipt (paid))
(If you are doing the House Hlaalu quest 'A New Employment'):
  • job for a scribe:
"You are not the first one asking about that. And no, we don't need any more scribes at the moment. Try asking around in the city."