Tamriel Rebuilt:Hamal

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Hamal (TR_m3_Hamal)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Store Hamal's Redguard Goods
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 4 Class Trader Service
Gold 1500 Mercantile Journeyman (33)
Sells Weapons, Armor, Books, Clothing, Ingredients, Lights, Repair Items, Miscellaneous, Magic Items, Potions
Other Information
Health 73 Magicka 70
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Hamal, owner of a Redguard goods store in Old Ebonheart

Hamal is a Redguard trader who operates a store in Old Ebonheart. The stall sells goods more commonly found in faraway Hammerfell, and the unique Shield of Mad-Hoosa's Gaze.

Hamal has a minor role in the quest A Taste of Home, as the merchant whom the Old Ebonheart herbalist Kassad bids you retrieve a package from.

He wears a common shirt, a pair of exquisite pants, a pair of Colovian fur boots, and a pair of expensive gloves. He carries a Guide to Old Ebonheart.

Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time, but otherwise knows no spells.

He has an apartment upstairs behind a locked door (45), and a storage room accessed by a trap door on the ground floor. On the top floor in his apartment, there is a small chest with random gems on the shelf of the hutch. On the desk near his bed, there is a copy of The Buying Game and a copy of 2920, Morning Star.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"Greetings, greetings! My name is %Name of Sentinel, a merchant from the faraway province of Hammerfell. Have you come to see the fabled Shield of Mad-Hoosa's Gaze? I have other goods to sell as well."
"Good to see you again, %PCName. Have you come to peruse my fine Hammerfell wares?"
  • Shield of Mad-Hoosa's Gaze:
"Ah! The shield is truly worthy of all the admiration. I acquired it from an old dune-dweller nomad of the Alik'r desert of Hammerfell. The shield is a beautiful thing to look at, but holds a dark secret: the soul of a Mad-Hoosa, a vile serpentine sorceress whose mere visage can turn men into stone, is bound within it. There's no telling what strange properties the soul of a Mad-Hoosa may have, but I would avoid looking directly at the shield for too long."

A Taste of Home[edit]

"Camsaron is the name of the captain of a small trading vessel who is supposed to deliver Kassad's order and some other items to me. He has been hauling cargo between Blacklight, Old Ebonheart, and Firewatch for ages and he knows the route like the back of his hand."
  • Continue:
"This delay is unlike him. I'm afraid something bad has happened. But maybe I'm just being paranoid and he's just stuck at the docks dealing with the damned Census and Excise bureaucrats. Yes, that must be it."
"I hope he's okay."
  • package from Hammerfell:
"Kassad sent you? I'm afraid he's going to have to wait just a bit longer. I don't know what's the hold-up, but the ship which is supposed to deliver Kassad's order is running late this month. It's a bit concerning, to be honest. I've been working with Camsaron for years now and usually he's punctual as a sundial."
"I don't have it yet. You either have to wait or try to find what happened with Camsaron."
"You're saying it was stolen? What terrible news! Somebody should teach those damn smugglers a lesson."
"That's a relief. Could you please deliver the package to Kassad? I'm sure he's looking forward to opening it."
"Thanks for taking care of it, %PCName. Here, take this." (You receive 50 gold)
"Thanks for taking care of it, %PCName."


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell him something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Imperial Dagger 1
Iron Arrow 250
Iron Bolt 5
Redguard Steel Longsword 1
Redguard Steel Rapier 1
Redguard Steel Saber 1
Short Bow 1
Silver Arrow 5
Silver Bolt 5
Steel Dagger 1
Steel Halberd 1
Steel Katana 1
Steel Longsword 1
Steel Throwing Knife -20
Steel Throwing Star -20
random_iron_weapon 1
T_Mw_Random_WeaponsRedGuard -3
T_Mw_Random_WeaponsSteel -4
Colovian Fur Boots 1
Expensive Redguard Hat 1
Iron Helmet 2
Redguard Lamellar Cuirass 1
Redguard Lamellar Left Bracer 1
Redguard Lamellar Right Bracer 1
Shield of Mad-Hoosa's Gaze 1
random_armor_iron 4
random_armor_steel 1
Common Amulet 3
Common Belt 2
Common Left Glove 1
Common Right Glove 1
Common Pants 4
Common Pants 1
Common Ring 1
Common Robe 5
Common Shirt 8
Common Shirt 2
Common Shoes 6
Common Shoes 1
Common Skirt 1
Common Skirt 1
Expensive Left Glove 1
Item Qty
Clothing (Cont.)
Expensive Pants 1
Expensive Redguard Robe 1
Expensive Right Glove 1
Expensive Ring 1
Exquisite Belt 1
Exquisite Pants 1
Exquisite Ring 1
Extravagant Left Glove 1
Extravagant Right Glove 1
Extravagant Shoes 1
Aeli 1
Bargain Fortify Agility 1
Cheap Restore Health 1
Cyrodiilic Brandy 1
Go Nogro Wine 1
Potion of Cure Common Disease 1
Sift 1
Standard Restore Fatigue 1
Talan's Heritage Wine 2
random_drinks_01 5
Comberry 2
Diamond 3
Saltrice 10
Wickwheat 10
random_bulbs 2
random_de_cheapfood_01_nc 20
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 10
random_food 3
random_gem 7
random_ingredient 7
random_timsa 2
T_Mw_Random_FoodM1/2 2
2920, Morning Star 1
The Alik'r 1
The Buying Game 1
Guide to Old Ebonheart 1
How to Tune your Hoom 1
paper 3
The Real Meaning of Life 1
Su-Diang Qergo 1