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Tamriel Rebuilt:Camsaron

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Camsaron (TR_m3_Camsaron)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Harbor Offices
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 15 Class Sailor
Other Information
Health 146 Magicka 120
Alarm 0 Fight 30

Camsaron is a Redguard sailor stuck within a queue in Old Ebonheart's Harbor Offices. He has proven a reliable shipper of goods from Hammerfell for the city's specialist in Redguard goods, Hamal. However Camsaron's latest voyage saw an attack by smugglers make off with some of the cargo - including a package meant for the herbalist, Kassad. The retrieval of this cargo forms the basis of the quest A Taste of Home.

He wears an expensive shirt, a pair of common pants, common shoes, a pair of common gloves, and an Imperial belt. He wields a Steel Rapier of Disarming and carries 86 gold.

Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time. In addition, he also knows the following spells: Fireball, Heal Companion, and Hearth Heal.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greetings:
(These lines have a random chance of appearing):
"Damn those Imperial suits! I will take this to the Duke if -- Could you please wait?" Goodbye
"No, I don't care that Gol Mok is FORMALLY Hlaalu territory! It's just a stone's throw -- Sorry, could you please give me a moment?" Goodbye
"This is an outrage! I demand -- Sorry, I'm in a middle of something here." Goodbye
  • Background:
"Captain %Name at your service. What do you need?"
  • Gol Mok:
"It's a small fishing village northwest of Old Ebonheart. To be honest, there's absolutely nothing of interest to be found there. I guess that makes it an ideal hideout for a bunch of no-good smugglers."
  • my trade:
"I transport wares, and sometimes people, between the ports of the Inner Sea on my trusty vessel with my even trustier first mate Alehire. Usually, we don't venture beyond Blacklight, but occasionally we make a trip to Windhelm or Winterhold if the weather is good and we stumble upon a tempting deal."

A Taste of Home[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Looks like I'm gonna be stuck here forever. I've never seen a slower clerk in my whole life. Do you need something, %PCClass?"
  • You must be Camsaron. Hamal sent me to check if you're okay.:
"Oh, did he? I'm truly touched that he's so worried about me. Anyway, I'm fine, but unfortunately I can't say the same about my cargo. We've hit a setback on the way here."
  • Continue:
"Everything was going just fine until we reached Gol Mok. Then, out of nowhere, a bunch of Dunmer smugglers emerged from the water and jumped on our ship. There was this crazy half-naked Dunmer who kept babbling that he'll gut me like a fish."
  • Continue:
"On the bright side, me and Alehire know our way around a fight and we managed to drive them off. On the other side, they managed to grab some of our cargo. I'm afraid that Hamal's package from Hammerfell was among the items we have lost."
"You're back, %PCName. Any luck with the smugglers?"
"I'm stuck fighting the Imperial bureaucracy here. Hopefully I'll be able to take off soon. Time is money, you know."
"Good to see you again, %PCName. I'm still stuck fighting the Imperial bureaucracy here. Hopefully I'll be able to take off soon. Time is money, you know."
  • crazy half-naked Dunmer:
"I'd love to go find him and finish the job, but first I need to file a complaint with these bureaucrats."
(If you have Kassad's Package but Baris the Diver is still alive):
"It's good that you have retrieved the stolen package. I'd prefer if that maniac wasn't still out there, though."
(If you have Kassad's Package and Baris the Diver is dead):
"He's dead? Good riddance. The waters are just a bit safer now."
  • package from Hammerfell:
"I don't have it anymore. It was stolen by the smugglers near Gol Mok."
"You found it? I'm glad to hear that. I think Kassad would like to hear the good news as well."