Tamriel Rebuilt:Fort Ancylis

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Fort Ancylis
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Roth Roryn

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • Fort Ancylis
Fort Ancylis

Fort Ancylis is an Imperial fort within Roth Roryn, on the coast of the Inner Sea. It is commanded by Rojanna Jades. At present, the Imperial Legion share the bastion with the Imperial Navy, who lost Sulfurwatch Keep to Grurn's undead army. The Navy maintain a warship on the dock (TEM Ashrunner), and currently reside within the Eastern Keep, while the Legion occupy the Main Keep.

Getting There and Around[edit]

A boat service goes from Andothren to Teyn, which lies in sight of the fortress. Else the fort is an easy stroll from those two locations, being northwest of Andothren and in sight of Teyn.

Places of Interest Around Fort Ancylis[edit]

The small Empire colony of Teyn lies just across the bay, while the mighty Hlaalu city of Andothren is a short walk to the southeast.


Rojanna Jades is the commander of the fort, and a quest giver of the Imperial Legion, while Kventus Lucilius commands the Navy garrison. The traveling bookseller and scholar, Jo'Agghu, can also be found in the Eastern Keep, and has a request to make of passing travelers.

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Apphia Calanius Female Imperial Alchemist Imperial Legion Recruit(Recruit) 5 55 126 90 30 Main Keep Alchemist
Black-Slough Male Argonian Smith Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 5 78 86 100 30 Eastern Keep Smith
Kathellomar Male High Elf Battlemage Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 14 101 178 100 30 Main Keep Champion
Kventus Lucilius Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Navy Commodore(Commodore) 19 205 108 100 30 Eastern Keep Navy Commander
Jo'Agghu Male Khajiit Bookseller 3 45 106 90 30 Eastern Keep Quest giver
Marcius Arius Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Legion Recruit(Recruit) 4 76 84 0 30 Outside
Rojanna Jades Female Redguard Knight Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 19 180 100 0 30 Main Keep Quest giver (Imperial Legion)
Rowdy Rilmas Male Dark Elf Thief Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 13 102 118 0 40 Prison Merchant
Shorveig Female Nord Priest Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 4 57 68 90 30 Main Keep Priest
Wulfus Male Redguard Guard Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 10 137 80 0 30 Prison

Related Quests[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]



  • In taxonomy, the word 'Ancylis' refers to a genus of moths - a nod to the '-moth' naming convention used for many Third Era Imperial Legion fortifications.