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Tamriel Rebuilt:Firemoth Rekindled

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Restore an Imperial bastion of the Inner Sea.
Quest Giver: Caecalia Victrix
Location(s): Old Ebonheart
Prerequisite Quest: Siege at Firemoth
Reward: Fort Firemoth
Reputation Gain: +15-25 (Imperial Legion)
+1-3 (Reputation)
ID: TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Hla, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Navy, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Red, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Report, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Skirt, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Tel, TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Trap
Required Rank: Knight Bachelor
Firemoth is restored.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Ask Caecalia Victrix in Old Ebonheart for orders when you have reached the rank of Knight Bachelor
  2. Meet Batshubzub gra-Muztub at Fort Firemoth
  3. Convince an Imperial Cult member of rank Invoker or higher to send you a priest of Arkay
  4. Report to Batshubzub and/or Caecalia, then wait three days
  5. Get new orders from Caecalia Victrix
    1. Meet Kventus Lucilius at Fort Ancylis and solve his funding issues
    2. Remove a trap for Batshubzub
  6. Report to Caecalia Victrix, then wait a week
  7. Get new orders from Caecalia Victrix
  8. Convince at least one of the Vvardenfell Great Houses to drop their claims and speak with Duke Vedam Dren
  9. Return to Caecalia after five days for your reward

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A week after Grurn's defeat, Caecalia Victrix in Old Ebonheart will want to rebuild Fort Firemoth and Sulfurwatch Keep. Once you have reached the rank of Knight Bachelor, she will order you to speak to Batshubzub gra-Muztub the foreman in charge of restoring Fort Firemoth. At this point shipmaster Garon Thiralas will appear at the Fort Ancylis docks to take you to the island.

Lay Their Fears to Rest[edit]

Batshubzub gra-Muztub will tell you she has been unable to attract workers for the project because they are afraid the place might still be haunted. She figures having a priest of Arkay around should resolve the issue and asks you to find one. At this point Saccius Bastis will suggest you talk to the Imperial Cult and Caecalia Victrix will direct you to Strixus Sorvilius at the Grand Chapel of Talos.

Any member of the Imperial Cult of at least Invoker rank will help you provided you have at least 50 disposition. Convince someone, then report your success to Batshubzub or Caecalia to continue the quest.

Debt Trap[edit]

Three days after telling Batshubzub or Caecalia you found a priest, the Lord General will have more orders for you. She wants another progress report from Batshubzub, but this time she also wants to know if the Imperial Navy is ready to move into Sulfurwatch Keep once the work continues.

Money Troubles[edit]

Commodore Kventus Lucilius at Fort Ancylis will tell you his men are not ready to make the move. The Navy has been critically underfunded and he needs another 30,000 gold to make ends meet. Kventus will mention private banks and Caecalia will tell you to head to the Briricca bank in town.

Phedre Briricca can be convinced to supply the money, in exchange for a 10% share in the Saros Mine. If you are at least a Commodore in the East Navy, you will be able to agree to this yourself. Otherwise, you will have to explain the deal to Kventus and then convey his agreement back to Phedre.

Alternatively, if you have the money yourself, you can simply hand it to Kventus. This will increase your disposition with both him and the Lord General. You will also receive an additional 5 faction reputation when reporting back to her.

Dangers in the Rubble[edit]

Over at Fort Firemoth work has stalled because the workers have dug up a magical skull that shoots lightning. Activating the skull will cause it to explode, solving the issue.


After resolving both Kventus Lucilius' and Batshubzub gra-Muztub's issues, report back to Caecalia Victrix to gain 5-10 faction reputation. She will tell you to return in a week's time while construction continues.

The Council[edit]

A week later, Caecalia will tell you to convince the Great Houses to drop their claims on Saros Mine. Vvardenfell's Grand Council has been obstructing progress and Duke Vedam Dren has not been able to stop them. Travel to Ebonheart and help the Duke settle the issue by convincing at least one of the Houses to support you.

House Hlaalu[edit]

If you are Grandmaster of House Hlaalu, you can simply tell the Duke the House will support the Empire. If not, you need to convince Relen Hlaalu by either finding Vassir-Didanat Ebony Mine or by killing Orvas Dren.

House Redoran[edit]

As Archmaster of House Redoran, you can decide to support the Empire by yourself. Otherwise, Llerar Mandas can be convinced by either shutting down the Caldera ebony mine or by killing Bolvyn Venim.

House Telvanni[edit]

You can resolve the issue by declaring your support for the Empire as Archmagister. Alternatively, Galas Drenim can be persuaded to support you by bringing her the Skirt of Swift Steps from Basan-Dur or by killing Gothren.

Galas will reward you with a Grand Soul Gem filled with the soul of a Golden Saint if you decide to bring her the skirt after resolving matters with the Duke.

Back to the Duke[edit]

After you have convinced at least one of the Houses to support you, you can return to Duke Vedam Dren to continue the quest and gain 5 faction reputation. If you convinced two of the Houses, you will gain an additional 2 faction reputation as well as 1 point of reputation. Convincing all three nets you a total of 10 faction reputation and 2 general reputation.


Five days after settling matters with the Duke, the reconstruction work will finish and you will be able to return to Caecalia Victrix to end the quest. The Lord Commander will thank you for your efforts and appoint you to the post of Commandant, putting you in charge of the restored Fort Firemoth. At this point you will gain a point of reputation and another 5 faction reputation. Also, if she has the Ward of Akavir she will hand it to you.


  • It takes a week for all undead to disappear after Grurn's defeat. This quest can only be started afterwards.
  • Kventus Lucilius and Duke Vedam Dren must be alive to start this quest.
  • If you rescued J'Hanir before, completing this quest will allow you to order him to follow you.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 The Imperial Legion has given Batshubzub gra-Muztub the task to rebuild Fort Firemoth. Lord General Caecalia Victrix in Old Ebonheart has ordered me to travel to the island to get a status report and to resolve any issues that have come up.
20 Batshubzub gra-Muztub, the foreman in charge of rebuilding Fort Firemoth, says she needs a priest of Arkay to attract any workers.
30 %Name promised to direct a priestess to Fort Firemoth.
40 Caecalia Victrix should have new orders for me by now.
50 I have been ordered to speak to Batshubzub at Fort Firemoth again. On my way there, I am to speak to Commodore Kventus Lucilius at Fort Ancylis about his reassignment to Sulfurwatch Keep.
60 I reported to the Lord General. She will have further orders for me next week.
70 Lord General Victrix will have new orders for me.
80 The Vvardenfell Grand Council needs to be persuaded to drop their claims to gain control over the Saros mine. I have been ordered to speak to Duke Vedam Dren.
85 If I can persuade one of the Great House representatives to support us, Duke Dren will be able to dismiss the other claims. Llerar Mandas represents House Redoran, Galas Drenim represents House Telvanni, and Relen Hlaalu represents House Hlaalu.
90 The Grand Council will no longer object to Imperial control over the Saros mine.
100 The reconstruction of Fort Firemoth and Sulfurwatch Keep should be complete.
150 Finishes quest☑ Lord General Caecalia Victrix appointed me to the post of Commandant of Fort Firemoth.
160 Finishes quest☑ %Name is dead.
170 Finishes quest☑ The project to rebuild Fort Firemoth and Sulfurwatch Keep has been postponed indefinitely.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Report)
35 I reported my progress to Caecalia Victrix. She will have further orders for me in a few days.
95 I relayed the Grand Council's decision to the Lord General. The reconstruction of Fort Firemoth and Sulfurwatch Keep should be finished soon.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Trap)
10 The workers have uncovered a trap underneath the rubble near Firemoth's gatehouse.
100 When I tried to move the skull crackling with lightning, it exploded.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Navy)
10 Commodore Kventus Lucilius needs 30,000 septims to fund the move to Sulfurwatch Keep. He suggested that private banks might be of help.
20 Phedre Briricca is willing to fund the move to Sulfurwatch Keep for a ten percent stake in the Saros mine.
30 Commodore Lucilius asked me to tell Phedre Briricca in Old Ebonheart that her offer has been accepted.
40 The East Navy has accepted the Briricca offer.
100 I gave Kventus Lucilius the gold he needed.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Hla)
1 Relen Hlaalu said that House Hlaalu won't side with the Empire unless I find them another ebony mine.
100 Great House Hlaalu will support Imperial control over the Saros mine.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Red)
1 Llerar Mandas said that Archmaster Venim of House Redoran won't side with the Empire while the Caldera ebony mines are still operational.
100 Great House Redoran will support Imperial control over the Saros mine.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Tel)
100 Great House Telvanni will support Imperial control over the Saros mine.
101 I gave Galas Drenim the Skirt of Swift Steps in exchange for House Telvanni's support.
Firemoth Rekindled (TR_m3_IL_FiremothRebuilt_Skirt)
10 Galas Drenim says she will persuade the Telvanni councilors to back Imperial control over the Saros mine if I bring her the Skirt of Swift Steps. Sodramu Lliryn took the skirt to Basan-Dur, a Dwemer tower north of Omaynis.
11 Galas Drenim says she will reward me if I bring her the Skirt of Swift Steps. Sodramu Lliryn took the skirt to Basan-Dur, a Dwemer tower north of Omaynis.
20 I brought Galas Drenim the Skirt of Swift Steps, and she rewarded me.
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