Tamriel Rebuilt:Ernandre Nermin

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Ernandre Nermin (TR_m3_q_Ernandre_Nermin)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Outdoors [6, -19]
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 7 Class Sorcerer Service
Gold 50 Mercantile Novice (6)
Sells Magic Items
  • Magic Items Magic Items
Spells Alteration SpellsConjuration SpellsDestruction SpellsMysticism Spells
Other Information
Health 70 Magicka 148
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Ernandre Nermin, seller of magical knick-knacks

Ernandre Nermin is a Breton sorcerer plugging his enchanted wares in the plaza of Old Ebonheart, to the irritation of the local Mages Guild, with which he is unaffiliated. You are tasked with his recruitment into the guild during the quest Guars and Guards. While getting him to join is easy enough, cleaning up his recent experiment on telepathy with a local guard is less so.

He wears an expensive robe, a Life Belt, a Juicedaw Feather Ring, and a Woe Charm. He wields a silver dagger, and carries 50 gold and a Gripes Charm.

Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from him.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Greeting:
"Gather round, gather round! Magical wares for sale, of excellent quality might I add, or I'm my uncle's monkey!"
  • Background:
"Ernandre Nermin, traveling salesman and part-time wizard, at your service!"

Mages Guild: Guars and Guards[edit]

  • Bildam Danoran:
"Who? Sorry, I haven't the faintest idea who you're talking about. I'm new here, remember? I'm staying at The Moth and Tiger up the road, for now."
"Oh. So you found my little experiment. I confess. I was attempting to create a breakthrough in telepathy. Imagine! Soldiers could communicate instantaneously with their commanders, lovers would no longer have to be apart, and most importantly, customers from all over the world would not have to lift a finger to place an order with yours truly!"
  • Continue:
"I decided it was best tested on an animal first. How was I supposed to get someone to agree to make such a mental connection with a guar by their own will? I can't imagine what that poor fellow must be going through, to bear the stupid, simple thoughts of such a beast, but it was necessary for my research!"
  • Continue:
"Killing the guar would break the spell, of course. Bildam will be his old self without that animal dumbing him down all the time. Probably."
"I was just trying to better Tamriel. I'm sure Bildam understands."
"He isn't mad, is he?"
  • Ernandre Nermin:
'"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?"
  • I want you to join the Mages Guild.:
"Join the Mages Guild? I thought they'd never ask! Of course I'll join! Do I need to sign something? I do get a stipend now, yes? I could use some new robes..."
"I look forward to it!"
(If you haven't begun the quest):
"Now wait a moment. I still have this lovely magic ring to sell. Maybe I could tempt you?"
(If you haven't begun the quest):
  • Nothing, nevermind.:
"Just like that? Well, you do remember me when you're looking for a lovely magic ring to add to your collection. You won't find better prices this side of Tamriel!"
(If you haven't begun the quest):
  • lovely magic ring:
"50 gold and it's all yours! No returns or refunds, mind you."
  • I'll take it.:
"There you are then! A lovely ring for a lovely person, if I do say so myself!" (Removed 50 gold from your inventory, and you receive Golden Glimpse)
(If you don't have the gold):
"Oh, what a shame: you don't have the gold. Return to me when you do, and it's a done deal."
  • Not interested.:
"You just let me know if you change your mind."
"You already bought that."


Spell Name Cost Effects
Crushing Burden Touch 30 Burden Burden 60 pts for 10 secs on Touch
First Barrier 30 Shield Shield 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Frost Shield 45 Frost Shield Frost Shield 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
Great Burden of Sin 30 Burden Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target
Heavy Burden 30 Burden Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target
Strong Levitate 30 Levitate Levitate 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Tinur's Hoptoad 30 Jump Jump 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Weary 34 Burden Burden 30-60 pts for 10 secs on Target
Commanding Touch 38 Command Humanoid Command Humanoid 5 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Summon Greater Bonewalker 45 Summon Greater Bonewalker Summon Greater Bonewalker for 60 secs on Self
Summon Least Bonewalker 39 Summon Bonewalker Summon Bonewalker for 60 secs on Self
Summon Scamp 36 Summon Scamp Summon Scamp for 60 secs on Self
Summon Skeletal Minion 39 Summon Skeletal Minion Summon Skeletal Minion for 60 secs on Self
Flamebolt 24 Fire Damage Fire Damage 10-50 pts in 10ft for 2 secs on Target
Frost Bolt 24 Frost Damage Frost Damage 10-50 pts in 10ft for 2 secs on Target
Frost Storm 23 Frost Damage Frost Damage 1-10 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
Steel Eater 25 Disintegrate Weapon Disintegrate Weapon 5-30 pts in 4ft for 3 secs on Target
Absorb Intelligence 38 Absorb Intelligence Absorb Intelligence 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Detect Creature 19 Detect Animal Detect Animal 50-150 pts for 5 secs on Self
Dispel 25 Dispel Dispel 100 pts on Self
Jogvir's Extended Arm 20 Telekinesis Telekinesis 20 pts for 20 secs on Self
Jogvir's Soul Theft 24 Soultrap Soultrap 1 pt in 3ft for 30 secs on Target
Damage Health Damage Health 1 pt in 3ft for 30 secs on Target
Reflect 38 Reflect Reflect 10-20 pts for 5 secs on Self
Sotha's Mirror 25 Reflect Reflect 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Spell Absorption 25 Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Vivec's Feast 25 Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Weak Spelldrinker 38 Spell Absorption Spell Absorption 10-20 pts for 5 secs on Self


  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell him something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)