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Tamriel Rebuilt:Bildam Danoran

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Bildam Danoran (TR_m3_q_Bildam_Danoran)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Old Ebonheart (6, -19)
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 10 Class Crusader
Other Information
Health 110 Magicka 100
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Bildram Danoran, a guard in Old Ebonheart with a strange ailment

Bildam Danoran is an Imperial crusader and highly-distracted guardsman encountered during the events of the Mages Guild quest, Guars and Guards. He can be found on the northern city wall near the Mages Guild, and has acquired something of a poor reputation of late:

"He just stands around, looking blankly off into the distance. Terrible excuse for a guardsman." - the townsfolk of Old Ebonheart

Finding and ending the cause of Bildam's ailment will earn his gratitude, and his wits.

He wears a near-complete set of Imperial steel armor: cuirass, greaves, boots, pair of pauldrons, pair of gauntlets, and a shield. He wields an iron broadsword.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows the following spells: Blood Sacrifice, Greater Fireball, Firefist, Greater Frostball, and Frostfist.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


Mages Guild: Guars and Guards[edit]

  • Greetings:
"I'm hungry..."
(If the guar at The Moth and Tiger is dead):
"I'm feeling much better, thank you. Did you have something to do with it?"
  • Bildam Danoran:
"I'm here. You want me to follow you? I'm good like that."
(If the guar at The Moth and Tiger is dead):
"That's me. How can I help you?"
"Yes. Nice man. Feeds me sometimes."
(If the guar at The Moth and Tiger is dead):
"He did what to me? Ugh! I suppose I should at least be thankful the animal wasn't in season..." (Mages Guild Reputation +1)
  • Continue:
"You're a mage, right? Take this amulet and get rid of it. Or hold onto it if you desire, just keep it far away from me!" (You receive the Inert Amulet of Telepathy)
"Professionally, I'm going to let him off with a warning. Personally, I want to tear him limb from limb."
  • follow you:
"I can't. I'm too loaded down."
  • Maybe you should take off your armor.:
"Armor? What's that? No, it's my pack."
  • I don't see any pack.:
"No, you're right, of course. I'm on duty, not on the road. [Bildam furrows his brow in confusion.] It's that amulet. It must be. The one I got from the Khajiit trader... nice man... was hungry..."
  • You ate an amulet?:
"No! The Khajiit sold me the amulet, and then... Look, weird things have been happening to me ever since I got it. I think I'm losing my mind..."
  • You ate a Khajiit?: (See "No! The Khajiit..." response above)
  • A Khajiit ate an amulet?: (See "No! The Khajiit..." response above)
  • I might have a spell that could help with burden...:
"Spell? Wait... no! That's what started this! A man smelling of magic gave me an amulet, and I was so hungry -- no, wait, I BOUGHT an amulet. It was from the Khajiit in town. I should have known. I'm so tired I can't think straight. This stable smells too much of people to sleep."