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Tamriel Rebuilt:Caves

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For the Morrowind article, see here.


By far the most common dungeon type across Morrowind, the caverns that unwind below the province can contain a great diversity of both opponent and treasure. Beasts of all stripes can be found within. Some caves are the favored haunts of smugglers and outlaws, while others are home for hermits, loners and on occasion the honored dead of Ashlander tribes. In the west of Morrowind, caves can include gatherings of goblin civilizations.

Caves are different from Grottos in that their entrances and tunnels are largely above water, but caves with flooded portions do exist, and they are occasionally the source of rivers and streams. Most caves make for rich places to gather fungi, and some intersect with more exotic secrets - forgotten Ancestral Tombs, Daedric Shrines and Dwemer Ruins among them.

Raw mineral deposits can on occasion be found within caves, and caverns with ore differ from Mines only in that they are not being exploited.

Adhuhartis, a typical cave
Haddut Cave, a river source with an open mouth

Mainland Caves[edit]

Note: The distinction between hostile NPCs such as bandits, smugglers and other ne'er-do-wells is thin, and so they have been listed under the blanket term 'outlaws' in the below table. The exception is necromancers, which are listed as such.

Name Region Occupants Notes
Adammuburtu Roth Roryn Outlaws
Adhuhartis Aanthirin Outlaws, Slaves
Adunji Sunad Mora Outlaws
Ahhesha Mephalan Vales Outlaws, Slaves
Aimmund Aanthirin Beasts, Storm Atronach
Alnadribi Mephalan Vales Daedra, Outlaws
Asnadan Molag Ruhn Daedra
Assarhun Telvanni Isles Beasts
Assinad Roth Roryn Beasts, Master Trainer
Asurnabi Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Atsiru-Din Armun Ashlands Undead
Aymasindo Lan Orethan Slaughterfish
Azurranu Lan Orethan Undead, Vampires
Balhadarshad Den Aanthirin Beasts, Corprus Monsters
Baluridan Velothi Mountains Kwama
Banathi Nedothril Outlaws
Barunal Roth Roryn Beasts, Outlaws
Basan-Dur Roth Roryn Beasts, Daedra, Non-hostile NPCs
Basarnud Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Bassuranu Lan Orethan Outlaws
Bedulassadan Sacred Lands Outlaws
Berantus Dagon Urul Outlaws, Slaves
Binammu Mephalan Vales Outlaws, Slaughterfish
Bruthar Velothi Mountains Cave Trolls
Burraburiash Aanthirin Outlaws
Dadrunibi Sunad Mora Beasts
Daelkhun Telvanni Isles Undead
Dagorda Cavern Dagon Urul Outlaws, Slaves
Dim-Dai Sunad Mora Outlaws
Dorammu Cavern Boethiah's Spine Non-hostile NPCs, Slaughterfish
Dralnabissit Mephalan Vales Outlaws
Drenka Cavern Sunad Mora Beasts, Daedra, Outlaws Links to Ibiammusashan
Duda Roth Roryn Outlaws, Slaves
Dunada-Nammu Sunad Mora Undead
Dungra Boethiah's Spine Outlaws, Slaves
Dunusi Roth Roryn Outlaws
Dusura Armun Ashlands Vampires
Elandad Roth Roryn Beasts
Ermunsour Velothi Mountains Undead
Ernaberinsu Mephalan Vales Daedra, Outlaws
Falascu Boethiah's Spine Daedra, Outlaws
Galseah Molag Ruhn Daedra, Outlaws
Ghand Aanthirin Undead, Outlaws
Git Aanthirin Non-hostile NPCs
Habunsanit Mephalan Vales Outlaws
Haddut Cave Aanthirin Kagouti, Slaughterfish
Hadipasu Molag Ruhn Outlaws
Hamtha Cavern Boethiah's Spine Beasts
Hamusaddit Roth Roryn Beasts
Harru Cavern Mephalan Vales Daedra, Outlaws, Undead
Harsusirpal Armun Ashlands Non-hostile NPCs
Hlaanis Sacred Lands Undead
Hlermu Boethiah's Spine Beasts, Non-hostile NPCs
Ibbanud Aanthirin Beasts, Slaughterfish
Ibinai Armun Ashlands Vampires
Ihnammoth Armun Ashlands Non-hostile NPCs, Outlaws
Ilnakubi Roth Roryn Outlaws
Ilnibu Alt Orethan Outlaws
Isahal Alt Orethan Beasts
Ishi-Dur Aanthirin Beasts, Slaughterfish
Issarbaddon Armun Ashlands Non-hostile NPCs, Outlaws
Jenigan Cave Boethiah's Spine Beasts
Jongala Mephalan Vales Beasts, Slaughterfish
Kadanuran Aanthirin Outlaws
Kainat Roth Roryn Outlaws
Kalishlapal Sunad Mora Non-hostile NPCs
Kanasami Aanthirin Beasts, Undead Links to Adryn Ancestral Tomb
Kharom Velothi Mountains Goblins (Iron Claw Tribe) Abuts onto Hendor-Stardumz
Kili Dalder Telvanni Isles Beasts
Kilvurcard Mephalan Vales Daedra
Kirmunad Roth Roryn Outlaws
Kothol Velothi Mountains Beasts, Slaughterfish
Kulidon Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Kumaralk Roth Roryn Beasts
Kurhu Armun Ashlands Non-hostile NPCs, Outlaws
Kuriki Aanthirin Outlaws, Troll
Lukhalutun Armun Ashlands Daedra, Dreugh, Slaughterfish
Maarawat Lan Orethan Outlaws
Maatumassu Roth Roryn Outlaws
Maebbu Mephalan Vales Outlaws
Maelasi Cavern Sunad Mora Beasts
Maesabun Sundered Scar Beasts, Undead
Mahsamsi Lan Orethan Beasts
Malamali Roth Roryn Non-hostile NPCs
Malumed Roth Roryn Beasts, Slaughterfish
Mansurabi Alt Orethan/Sundered Scar Goblins, Outlaws Links to Akuband
Mansutarmus Sunad Mora Daedra, Outlaws
Manumnabi Aanthirin Beasts
Marananit Armun Ashlands Outlaws Links to Addai Mine
Marisanibal Boethiah's Spine Beasts, Outlaws, Slaves
Marushpaanu Tunnel Mephalan Vales Daedra
Marwat Sundered Scar Outlaws
Mashanuad Armun Ashlands Outlaws
Massanud Aanthirin Dwemer Automata, Outlaws Links to unnamed Dwemer Ruin
Massapi Boethiah's Spine None
Massaunus Aanthirin Outlaws
Mawapi-Addon Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Menuas-Ahhe Roth Roryn Kwama
Meshenawia Roth Roryn Kobolds
Midannecne Sunad Mora Necromancer, Undead
Milcoon Sunad Mora Beasts
Misapit Sundered Scar Outlaws
Molkobal Aanthirin None
Mount Dunul, Cavern Velothi Mountains Beasts, Non-hostile NPCs Pilgrimage site
Mount Sarrunabi, Cavern Dagon Urul Necromancer, Undead
Mulnabi Tunnel Lan Orethan Beasts, Slaughterfish
Muthinis Cave Mephalan Vales Beasts
Naarshamsi Armun Ashlands Outlaws
Nalad Sacred Lands Daedra
Nalmunabi Aanthirin Outlaws
Namartyon Mephalan Vales Outlaws, Slaves
Nameci Caverns Mephalan Vales Daedra
Nan-Assali Armun Ashlands Armun Kagouti Links to Ald Erfoud
Napali Aanthirin Master Trainer
Nasinammu Armun Ashlands Dwemer Automata, Outlaws
Nassurdanami Mephalan Vales Necromancer, Undead
Nebulud Aanthirin Beasts, Dwemer Automata, Outlaws, Undead, Slaves Contains unnamed Tomb and Dwemer Ruin
Nimmutnabanit Mephalan Vales Undead
Ninnimilk Armun Ashlands Outlaws
Ninurtamul Roth Roryn Outlaws, Slaves
Nirmissin Sundered Scar None
Nirnidan Mephalan Vales Beasts, Undead Contains unnamed Ancestral Tomb
Nurgal Armun Ashlands Beasts, Non-hostile NPCs
Nurshadit Armun Ashlands Necromancer, Undead
Odimasadra Sunad Mora Daedra
Odirnamus Coronati Basin Outlaws, Slaves
Ogroth Velothi Mountains Kobolds Abuts onto unknown Daedric Shrine
Okulanit Armun Ashlands Undead
Ossu Lan Orethan Daedra
Otori Boethiah's Spine Beasts, Daedra, Outlaws
Pagondha Cave Velothi Mountains Goblins (Iron Claw Tribe)
Pahunsabi Sunad Mora Outlaws
Pamashibabua Boethiah's Spine Daedra
Pamuni Tunnel Mephalan Vales Daedra
Pangoa Roth Roryn Kwama, Slaughterfish
Pansaranit Sunad Mora Outlaws, Slaves
Passu Lan Orethan None
Pimmu Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Puman Armun Ashlands Outlaws
Rasdamassilu Boethiah's Spine Outlaws Contains unnamed Daedric Shrine
Ravalas Cavern Telvanni Isles Outlaws
Rilramisnat Mephalan Vales Outlaws
Rimal Roth Roryn Beasts Contains unnamed ancient Indoril ruin
Rorissud Roth Roryn Non-hostile NPCs, Outlaws
Runat Armun Ashlands Outlaws, Slaves
Sad Roth Roryn Outlaws
Sadratus Sunad Mora Outlaws
Sagea Sunad Mora Necromancer, Undead
Salka Cave Aanthirin Beasts
Samapwi Boethiah's Spine None
Sambussu Tunnel Mephalan Vales Daedra
Samursi Boethiah's Spine Outlaws, Slaughterfish Links to Valandus
Sanammasour Sunad Mora Outlaws
Sarbiri Lan Orethan Outlaws Links to Veremmu
Sarmabael Armun Ashlands Outlaws, Slaves
Sebarmul Roth Roryn Beasts, Outlaws
Sehutu Armun Ashlands Master Trainer, Undead
Selanasteris Sunad Mora Necromancer, Undead
Seranassid Mephalan Vales Outlaws
Serasith Cavern Sundered Scar Outlaws, Slaughterfish
Seris Armun Ashlands Outlaws
Serrudan Molag Ruhn Outlaws, Slaves
Sevadartus Sunad Mora Outlaws
Shaden Roth Roryn Undead
Shan-Ahhe Armun Ashlands Armun Kagouti, Outlaws
Shasharanit Sunad Mora Beasts
Shashmassadan Sunad Mora Slaughterfish
Shirel Velothi Mountains Outlaws
Siridunbal Telvanni Isles Undead
Sobhidaz Othreleth Woods Non-hostile NPCs
Soudi Aanthirin Beasts, Non-hostile NPCs, Slaughterfish
Suldunanit Roth Roryn Outlaws
Sulindon Aanthirin Non-hostile NPCs
Surimintu Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Syndros Velothi Mountains Non-hostile NPCs
Talmahre Cavern Sundered Scar None Links to Baan Urlai
Tansumiran Sunad Mora Beasts, Non-hostile NPCs, Undead, Slaughterfish
Tremelanit Aanthirin Outlaws, Slaves
Tristin Telvanni Isles Beasts, Outlaws
Udanasit Aanthirin Outlaws Contains unnamed Dwemer ruin
Uddunapsit Molag Ruhn Outlaws
Urussabi Velothi Mountains Daedra, Outlaws
Ushaninmis Othreleth Woods Daedra, Outlaws
Ushudartus Coronati Basin Beasts, later non-hostile NPCs Converts to egg mine after quest
Uttumilk Aanthirin Outlaws
Valubi Armun Ashlands Non-hostile NPCs (Twin Lamps)
Venymlan Deeps Molag Ruhn Daedra, Outlaws
Verenabi Armun Ashlands Daedra, Necromancer, Undead Links to Ald Balaal
Vissamu Nedothril Beasts Contains unnamed Sixth House site
Vul Lan Orethan Outlaws
Vynbant Roth Roryn Beasts, Outlaws, Slaves
Yadamsi Aanthirin Outlaws, Slaughterfish
Yalamalkus Armun Ashlands Undead
Yamniban Aanthirin Outlaws
Yanashpi Velothi Mountains Outlaws, Slaves
Yansurashmi Armun Ashlands Beasts
Yenashpi Roth Roryn Beasts
Yenidan Boethiah's Spine Outlaws
Zabamallit Roth Roryn Outlaws
Zainna Sunad Mora Outlaws, Slaughterfish
Zalitalan Boethiah's Spine Daedra, Outlaws, Undead
Zatamushi Dagon Urul Outlaws Contains an unnamed Daedric Shrine
Zeddan Aanthirin Outlaws, Slaves

For all pages in the Caves category, see here.