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SR-mapicon-Orc Stronghold.png
Orc Stronghold:
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 2
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
LargashburExterior01, LargashburExterior02, LargashburExterior03, LargashburExterior04
The Rift
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Tanning Racks 1
# of Forges/Anvils 1
# of Grindstones 1
# of Workbenches 1
Ore Veins
# of Orichalcum 1

Largashbur is an accursed Orc stronghold beset by giants in the southeast of Skyrim, west-southwest of Riften.

The stronghold contains two zones: Largashbur Longhouse and Largashbur Cellar.

The stronghold features a makeshift altar to Malacath, adorned with Orcish Armor, Orcish Boots, an Orcish Helmet, an Orcish Shield, an Orcish Battleaxe, and seven bunches of lavender. Largashbur is the only one of the four Orc strongholds not to have a mine, and indeed has lent two of its working-age Orcs to Narzulbur, since Narzulbur has a mine but a shortage of workers.

As with all Orc Strongholds, you must become Blood-Kin to the Orcs before you are welcome in the stronghold and able to barter or receive other services.

Largashbur Residents[edit]

Largashbur Longhouse
Chief Yamarz
Atub Trainer (Expert)Illusion (Expert)
Lob Follower
Ogol Follower
Ugor Follower
Unnamed Orcs

Related Quests[edit]

Quests Starting Here[edit]




Two goats and a horse are found in the exterior area.


  • Largashbur Longhouse - Primary dwelling for all residents.
  • Largashbur Cellar - Storage cellar and makeshift bar, with a few food barrels and sacks and a level-locked chest just outside the trapdoor entrance behind the longhouse.
  • Apothecary's Shack - Exterior building with an alchemy lab, and a few ingredients on a set of shelves and hanging from a pole.
  • Blacksmith's Shack - Exterior building with a forge, a workbench, and a grindstone, and a few pieces of Orcish equipment on a set of shelves, a table, and a barrel.
  • Tanner's Shed - Exterior building with a tanning rack, a food barrel, and a few pelts on a table.


  • Lob, Ogol, Ugor, and the unnamed Orcs outside the stronghold are not essential, and can be easily killed by invading giants, even before you arrive.
  • After completing The Cursed Tribe, Lob, Ogol, and Ugor can be recruited as followers.


  • The giant will continue to respawn and attack the stronghold after the quest The Cursed Tribe has been completed, as the disable flag is not implemented. This can eventually result in the death of everyone within other than Atub.
    • On PC The giant's attacks can be stopped by opening the console and entering the code "000A0E72".disable.