Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Reymanus Pelelius

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Reymanus Pelelius (PC_m1_ReymanusPelelius)
Home City Anvil
Location Pelelius Manor
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 16 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 129 Magicka 128
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Kingdom of Anvil 7(Seneschal)
Reymanus Pelelius

Reymanus Pelelius is an Imperial Noble and the brother of Queen Millona Conomorus, herself the monarch of the Kingdom of Anvil. Reymanus resides within the family manor in Anvil's Garden Quarter. He has a number of tasks for subjects of the kingdom, and is one of its marshals - his title being Marshal of the Coast.

As shown in a quest, Reymanus has additionally began a romantic liaison with one Wynn Jenseric - a controversial pairing to some given the gulf in their respective societal ranks. Still, the fondness between the two is dearly felt, and in the event that Wynn should pass away, asking Reymanus about him repeatedly will trigger him into attacking.

Reymanus also has a cousin in Vvardenfell - the owner of the Caldera Mine, Cunius Pelelius.

Starts Quests[edit]

Kingdom of Anvil[edit]

Related Quests[edit]
