Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Lessi Hecaria

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Lessi Hecaria (PC_m1_LessiHecaria)
Home City Anvil
Location Temple of Dibella Estetica: Sacred Baths
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 17 Class Priest
Other Information
Health 107 Magicka 124
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great Faiths 8(Theurgist)
Lessi Hecaria

Lessi Hecaria is an Imperial Priest, the steward of the sacred baths within Anvil's Temple of Dibella Estetica, and an instructor in the arts of Dibella. She cleaves to the hedonist side of the schism dividing the temple's priesthood.

Lessi has a role in Meat-Cute, in which she prepares a private ritual for two Bosmer pilgrims, Varadrin Nyla and Veradhel Nyla.

Related Quests[edit]

Order of Itinerant Priests[edit]

  • Meat-Cute: Prepare Dibellan rites for a Bosmer duo.