Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Domius Avilus

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Domius Avilus (PC_m1_DomiusAvilus)
Home City Anvil
Location Hostel of Saint Rosunius
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 5 Class Healer
Other Information
Health 59 Magicka 92
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Domius Avilus

Domius Avilus is an Imperial Healer who, together with his brother Lomius Avilus, runs the Hostel of Saint Rosunius in Anvil. The two founded the hostel, naming it after a famous healer, and opening its doors to the destitute of Anvil. While they have received some support of late from Runs-Towards-Time, an Itinerant Priest, Domius and Lomius need all the donations they can get - relying on support from the Kingdom of Anvil (as in State Charity) and local storekeepers (as in Alms for the Hostel of Saint Rosunius).

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