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Online:Tormented Souls

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by Ingura

Walkthrough: written by Lorenut, checked by Ingura

Quest Stages: written by Ingura, not checked
ON-qico-Zone Story.png Find out why the dead have started to rise in an abandoned ruin.
Zone: Betnikh
Zone StoryThis quest is part of the Zone Story
Faction: Daggerfall Covenant
Objective: Moriseli — Uncover the secret behind the tormented spirits of the Orcs.
Quest Giver: Azlakha near Moriseli
Location(s): Moriseli
Previous Quest: The Bloodthorn Plot
Next Quest: Carzog's Demise
Concurrent Quest: Into the Hills
Unearthing the Past
Reward: Targoth's Shield of the Trainee
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 4525
Drusilla Nerva attacks
Orc spirits have risen around Moriseli. I've been asked to investigate the source of this disturbance.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Azlakha.
  2. Unseal the door to Moriseli.
  3. Reach the Lower Chamber.
  4. Decide what to do with the war horn.
  5. Return to Azlakha outside Moriseli.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Ghosts of Moriseli[edit]

To start this quest go north of Stonetooth Fortress over the wooden bridge and talk to Azlakha:

"The souls of the dead are restless. Ancient warriors who died in battle against the Bretons now rise. Who calls to them, and why?"
Is there anything I can do?
"You are one of the newcomers. Another of your group, the mage Neramo, went to see what he could uncover. Find him and learn what he has seen."
Neramo? Where can I find him?
"His magic enabled him to pass the spirits undetected. I suspect he looks to reach the inner ruins. Seek him near the doorway, beyond the fields where the dead roam."
I'll go and see if I can aid him.
"Be careful. Foul magic taints the air. Perhaps your learned friend can shed some light on this dark mystery and help you to bring an end to its source."

Agree to help her and she sends you to talk to Neramo near the Moriseli entrance. Go north and talk to Neramo, fighting through any ghostly figures that get in your way.

"Ahh, my old friend! Couldn't resist another exploration?
Be mindful, this one may be a touch more dangerous. Foul necromancy is at work here."
I heard you were here. What's going on?
"The mysteries of Nirn span beyond the Dwemer. The Ayleids fascinate me in equal measure. I had to see this place for myself.
The more vexing mystery at present, however, lies with these Orc spirits."
The spirits?
"Even you must have noticed the ghostly figures in the field. This is no ordinary haunting. Something brought them back and binds them here.
I suspect the answer is inside the catacombs."
Perhaps we should investigate.
"Indeed you should. The ruin is sealed magically, but it is a minor challenge. I shall unseal the door for you and await your return. My research is best done in safety."
I'm ready.

He unseals the Ayleid door so go inside. Run down the stairs and talk to Targoth's ghost on the left:

"You … you are not one of them. You have not the taint. Help us. Free us from this torment!"
Who are you? What's happening here?
"I am Targoth, Warcaller of the Stonewolves. Cultists have violated my tomb and those of my warriors. The vile priestess Drusilla leads the cult, dragging our spirits back to this realm."
"In life, I wielded a magical war horn. My soldiers obeyed it, hearing its call across all barriers. Drusilla now uses it to call my warriors from beyond the grave, binding them to her will."
How can Drusilla be stopped?
"She is in the lower chambers. Kill her before she can send my soldiers against our descendants. That will free me from her bonds. Then the horn can return my warband to its honored rest."
I'll find her.

He asks you to free the ghosts from their torment; agree to help him and then go through the big door. It opens into a big room; read the books if you want, then continue down the stairs near the east wall. Follow the path into a huge room, go to the other end and defeat Drusilla Nerva, the leader of the cultists here.

Now, take the war horn off the altar and then talk to Targoth's ghost, who appears in front of you:

"You have freed me! But my warriors still cry out for an end to their torment."
What did the cultists want with your warband?
"I overheard them mention the ruin of Carzog's Demise. Whatever they are planning, it is to take place there.
But that is not my concern. Now that you have the horn, free my warriors."
"Return the horn to its rightful place atop my tomb in the next chamber. Then my warriors will rest once again."
What if I keep the horn?
"Then you condemn my warriors to further degradation! Surely you have more honor than that.
We no longer belong in this realm. Our battle is over. Let us have peace."
I understand.

He tells you to return the horn to his tomb in the next chamber, but you can simply leave the ruin with it if you want. To return the horn, go through the broken gate west of the altar and head up the stairs then place the horn on his tomb. Go through the door on the north wall to go back to the entry hall then continue on out of the ruin.

Talk to Azlakha outside; if you placed the horn, the dead will have vanished, but if you didn't, the horn will be sent to Chief Tazgol for its potential use against the cultists. Regardless of your choice, you will receive the same reward.


  • Neramo will not appear and the ruin will remained locked until you accept the quest from Azlakha.


Quest Stages[edit]

Tormented Souls
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Azlakha says that Neramo has gone ahead to the ruins to seek a way inside. I should look for him at the entryway.
Objective: Talk to Neramo
Neramo claims to be able to unseal the door to Moriseli. Once he does, I'll be able to get inside.
Objective: Wait for Neramo to Unseal the Door
The door into the ruins of Moriseli has been unsealed. I should search inside for clues to the source of the risen spirits.
Objective: Enter Moriseli
A bound Orc spirit is shackled just inside Moriseli. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Targoth's Ghost
I need to reach the lower chamber of Moriseli, where the necromancer Drusilla uses Targoth's war horn to summon the spirits of his warriors.
Objective: Reach the Lower Chamber
I've discovered the necromancer Drusilla in the burial chamber. I need to defeat her to free Targoth from her spell.
Objective: Defeat Drusilla Nerva
Targoth's war horn rests upon an altar here. I must I take it [sic] to end Targoth's imprisonment.
Objective: Take Targoth's War Horn
Targoth appeared, freed of Drusilla's spell. I should see what he has to say.
Objective: Talk to Targoth's Ghost
Targoth asked that I return his war horn to its place atop his tomb, returning his warriors' spirits to rest. But if I keep the war horn, I might be able to control the spirits.

(Complete one:)

Objective: Place the War Horn on Targoth's Tomb
Objective: Leave with the Horn
(If you Place the War Horn on Targoth's Tomb)

I returned Targoth's war horn to its rightful place. I should leave the crypts to ensure the spirits are at rest once more.

Objective: Leave Moriseli
Finishes quest☑ I freed the Orc spirits from the curse and they are at peace once more. I should speak to Azlakha about what happened here.
Objective: Talk to Azlakha
Finishes quest☑ (If you Leave with the Horn)

I decided to keep Targoth's war horn in case we need the spirits to fight the Bloodthorn Cult.

Objective: Talk to Azlakha
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.