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High Isle

Online:Steadfast Society Style

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Steadfast Society Style
Book Crafting Motif 113: Steadfast Society Style
Material ON-icon-style material-Stendarr Stamp.pngStendarr Stamp
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold

Steadfast Society Style is a crafting motif worn by the Society of the Steadfast. It is found in the High Isle Reward Coffer, obtained by doing daily world bosses quests for Parisse Plouff in Gonfalon Bay.

The armor set that bears this style can be found in High Isle overland. The associated style material is ON-icon-style material-Stendarr Stamp.pngStendarr Stamp.


Sets that bear this style are:

Set Name Bonuses Location(s) Set Type
Steadfast's Mettle

2 items: Adds 3-129 Stamina Recovery
3 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Stamina
4 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Stamina
5 items: While you have a food buff active, reduce the cost of your Core Combat abilities by 25%.

High IsleCrown Store Medium Armor


Type Items
Light Armor ON-icon-armor-Hat-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Epaulets-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Jerkin-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Robe-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Gloves-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Sash-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Breeches-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Shoes-Steadfast Society.png
Hat Epaulets Jerkin Robe Gloves Sash Breeches Shoes
Medium Armor ON-icon-armor-Helmet-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Arm Cops-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Jack-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Bracers-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Belt-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Guards-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Boots-Steadfast Society.png
Helmet Arm Cops Jack Bracers Belt Guards Boots
Heavy Armor ON-icon-armor-Helm-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Pauldrons-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Gauntlets-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Girdle-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Greaves-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Sabatons-Steadfast Society.png
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Gauntlets Girdle Greaves Sabatons
Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor

Weapons and Shields[edit]

Weapons and Shields
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Sword-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Axe-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Mace-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Greatsword-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Battle Axe-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Maul-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Bow-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Steadfast Society.png ON-icon-armor-Shield-Steadfast Society.png
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield
One-handed Weapons and Shield
Two-handed Weapons




There is one achievement associated with this style:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Steadfast Society Style Master 50 Learn every chapter in the Steadfast Society style book, acquired from High Isle world boss daily jobs.