Online:Arkay Unending Cycle Style

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Arkay Unending Cycle Style
Material None
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 00000500500 Gold 1-Handed 000015001500 Gold
Large Armor 000010001000 Gold 2-Handed 000030003000 Gold

Arkay Unending Cycle Style is a signature armor and weapons style themed after Arkay, the God of the Cycle of Birth and Death. Pages were first obtainable during the 2025 Whitestrake's Mayhem from February 20 to March 4. It appears to be multicultural in appearance, having the Imperial diamond within pteruges imagery, and laurels. It also contains the Breton triquetra, and the gauntlets and pauldrons resemble the Nordic Thane of Falkreath style.

Style Pages[edit]

  • Armor pages can be obtained from Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes during Whitestrake's Mayhem.
  • Style pages could also be bought from The Impresario for 00000055Event Tickets each; however, these are account-bound and cannot be sold or traded.
  • The corresponding weapon styles could be obtained from the (?) sold in the Crown Store during the event for (?)00000 Crowns.


ON-icon-armor-Helm-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Pauldrons-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Cuirass-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Girdle-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Gauntlets-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Greaves-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Sabatons-Arkay Unending Cycle.png
Helm Pauldrons Cuirass Girdle Gauntlets Greaves Sabatons

Weapons and Shield[edit]

Weapons and Shields
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Sword-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Axe-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Mace-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Greatsword-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Battle Axe-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Maul-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Bow-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Arkay Unending Cycle.png ON-icon-armor-Shield-Arkay Unending Cycle.png
Dagger Sword Axe Mace Greatsword Battle Axe Maul Bow Staff Shield



  • It is called Unending Cycle style in the files.