Online:Shornhelm Divided
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, checked by Aegithalos |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Countess Tamrith in Shornhelm Chapel.
- Weaken House Montclair's control in the Upper City.
- Report to Baron Dorell.
- Investigate the Fevered Mews.
- Help Count Ravenwatch stop the reinforcements.
- Meet High King Emeric.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Trouble in Shornhelm[edit]
The quest can be started by speaking to either Darien Gautier or Mollier Guillon, who can be found at Oldgate and Castle Ravenwatch, respectively. Either of these knights will tell you that you should travel to Shornhelm and speak to Countess Eselde Tamrith if you wish to aid in the ongoing efforts to put an end to Montclair's menace.
You can find Countess Tamrith in Shornhelm chapel, where she is in the midst of an argument with the heads of two other noble houses. Count Verandis Ravenwatch, who is not an official member of the triumvirate, and Baron Alard Dorell, who in fact is and appears to be somewhat distrusting of Verandis' true motivations:
- Baron Alard Dorell: "You sent the Guard west? To chase a rumor? We need those troops to protect Shornhelm!"
- Countess Eselde Tamrith: "Only some of them, Baron. My father would have done the same. Captain Janeve will discover the truth and report back."
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "Countess, Baron, please. We must remain focused. As long as Montclair controls the upper city, the whole region remains at risk."
- Baron Alard Dorell: "How can we trust you, Count Ravenwatch? Your friendship with Montclair is well known. What did you offer those captains to betray us?"
- Countess Eselde Tamrith: "I care for the Count even less than you, Baron, but he hasn't done anything to warrant such accusations—yet."
- Baron Alard Dorell: "We must end this debate and take action! Make an example of the two traitors and retake the upper city! How can the two of you not see that?"
- Count Verandis Ravenwatch: "I do not disagree, Baron, but we need to proceed with caution. There is more to this situation than meets the eye."

Aware of the effect that his presence has on the other two nobles, Verandis soon after leaves the discussion. Baron Dorell follows suit shortly after, evidently annoyed by the desire of the other two nobles to opt for a more cautious approach than the one that he advocates. The Countess then proceeds to invite you to speak with her, which you should do in order to progress the quest and learn how you can aid in the liberation of the occupied part of Shornhelm.
Countess Tamrith tells you that she wishes to learn what drove Montclair and several other persons who joined him to their acts of treason and requests that you speak to Count Dorell to learn more about how you should go about acquiring this information. In particular, you are to find and kill two traitors, Juberic Gane and Orlozag gra-Yarzol, and obtain two pieces of evidence in an effort to weaken Montclair's control of Shornhelm.
While performing these tasks, each of which takes place in the occupied, upper part of Shornhelm (which is riddled with Montclair forces at that time), you may run into a caged Orc. His name is Skordo and naturally, he wishes for you to help him out of his predicament. If you choose to do so, he will point you to a nearby chest, which contains information that can be used as one of the pieces of evidence that you are required to find in order to advance to the next stage of this quest.
Once you have killed the two traitors and have found enough evidence, you should report back to Baron Dorell, who is still in the chapel, together with Countess Tamrith. Among the information that you have gathered for him is the fact that Montclair has vanished from Shornhelm, leaving an Argonian ally of his, Reezal-Jul, in charge of his forces there. The Argonian has kidnapped three nobles, Lady Aurine Tamrith, Nilthin al-Bergama and Sir Estienn Guillon, all of whom Baron Dorell wants you to find and rescue as swiftly as you can. They are held captive in the Fevered Mews, a ravine beyond the upper city, which can be accessed through Shornhelm's sewer system, as Countess Tamrith helpfully points out in case you decide to ask her for some more information than what Baron Dorell gave you to work with.
Into the Fevered Mews[edit]
As soon as you enter the Fevered Mews, you are approached by a familiar Altmer. In anticipation of your arrival there, Verandis has traveled to the Fevered Mews to aid you in your efforts to rescue the nobles that have been kidnapped by Reezal-Jul and his men. He will act as your follower while you search for the key that is required to free the captives from their cages and continues to do so while you rescue each of them. Even though the spells with which he attacks Montclair troops with are not particularly powerful, he can form a useful distraction and will moreover play an essential role in the next part of the quest, in which you are required to enter Reezal-Jul's lair and try to put an end to the Argonian's misdeeds once and for all.
Unfortunately, Reezal-Jul manages to escape before you and Verandis can actually attack him, as he makes his exit through a portal that he is found standing in front of when you finally reach him. He summons several reinforcements that enter through the portal as he leaves and which you need to defeat before the portal itself can be closed in order to prevent further reinforcements from entering the city.
After all of the reinforcements have been dealt with, Verandis uses his magic to close the portal. He then states that he will begin to research the threat that Montclair and his allies pose to Rivenspire and suggests that you return to the upper city to inform High King Emeric of what you have learned thus far. Before seeking out High King Emeric, however, you should speak with him to learn more about his own thoughts on this situation:
- "With the portal closed, we've stopped Reezal-Jul from sneaking more Montclair troops into the city.
It's frustrating, though, that Reezal-Jul slipped away. That Argonian is sly and cowardly." - Any idea where Reezal-Jul disappeared to?
- "No, and that's what worries me. He must be tracked down and dealt with. Swiftly.
Thanks to your efforts, though, Montclair's plan to take control of Shornhelm has been stopped. You should inform High King Emeric and the other nobles." - Is the High King in Shornhelm?
- "According to my sources, he was close before I entered the Mews. I have no doubt that the Shornhelm Guard has reclaimed the upper city.
I assume Dorell, Tamrith, and the High King are even now in Shornhelm Castle. Give Emeric my regards."
The High King can be found at Shornhelm castle, along with Baron Dorell and Countess Tamrith. Speak to him to inform him of the events that transpired in the Fevered Mews and to receive your reward, namely the Darkstride High King's Shield and some gold:
- "Here we have the savior of Shornhelm, I presume? You should know that Baron Dorell and Countess Tamrith have been quite generous in their praise of you.
I trust you were able to close this portal Montclair was using to bring in reinforcements?" - Yes. Verandis Ravenwatch was with me and he closed the portal.
- "I'm not surprised. Verandis and I go back many years. He has a habit of making people nervous, but I've been trying to reassure Baron Dorell and Countess Tamrith—he is loyal to the people of Rivenspire.
Did you also defeat this … Reezal-Jul? - No. Reezal-Jul escaped.
- "Hmm. Then I suppose we'll have to track him down, he and Montclair both.
I fear Montclair's ambitions may be far greater than simply conquering all of Rivenspire. It's better we stop him now." - I'll help you however I can, Your Majesty.
- "Thanks to you, we have an excellent start here in Shornhelm, and I will devote my resources to fortifying the city as quickly as possible.
We're secure here now and we have to ensure it remains that way."
- When you first enter the chapel to find Countess Tamrith, you can find Gwendis in one of the balconies, spying on the conversation. When confronted, she'll claim she's just here as a devout worshipper like anyone else, and then disappear in a puff of smoke.
- All interiors in the upper city can be accessed prior to starting the quest. The traitors, Skordo, and the evidence (except the prison chest, it will be there and glowing but cannot be interacted with) won't be present then however.
- Odd exception being one of the Barracks Prison doors, which goes from accessible outside the quest to inaccessible during the objective to clear the upper city, then accessible again after the upper city is retaken.
- Using the cistern Eselde mentions in her Persuade option brings you directly to the upper city after a loading screen, with no interior section in-between.
- This shortcut will no longer be usable after completing the objectives in the Fevered Mews and exiting back to Shornhelm.
- All the enemies will be gone when you finish in the Fevered Mews.
Quest Stages[edit]
Shornhelm Divided | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Countess Tamrith is meeting with the other nobles in the Shornhelm chapel. I should go there and talk to her.
Objective: Find Countess Tamrith in Shornhelm
I should speak with Countess Eselde Tamrith and offer my assistance.
Objective: Talk to Countess Tamrith
Countess Tamrith has asked me to eliminate the traitors who helped Montclair take control of the upper city. She also wants me to find evidence that may shed light on Montclair's unusually aggressive behavior.
Objective: Weaken Montclair's Control
Objective Hint: Kill Orlozag gra-Yarzol
Objective Hint: Kill Juberic Gane
Objective Hint: Find Evidence: 0/2
Optional Step: Free Skordo
Optional Step: Talk to Skordo
I dealt with the traitors and discovered that Baron Montclair isn't in Shornhelm. He's left his general, Reezal-Jul, to oversee the occupation. They plan to bring in more reinforcements through the Fevered Mews. I should let Baron Dorell know.
Objective: Report to Baron Dorell
I need to make my way to the Fevered Mews so that I can free the captured nobles and stop Reezal-Jul from bringing in more reinforcements.
Objective: Enter the Fevered Mews
Objective Hint: Talk to Countess Eselde
Countess Eselde mentioned that the abandoned cistern under Shornhelm could be a shortcut to reach the entrance to Fevered Mews. Objective: Use the Cistern Passage to the Mews
I met Count Verandis Ravenwatch when I entered the Fevered Mews. He says he's here to help me. I'll take him at his word and try to find a way to set the captured nobles free.
Hidden Objective: Talk to Verandis Ravenwatch
Objective Hint: Look for Key on Montclair Troops
Hidden Objective: Ally Found Key
Objective: Find Key to Unlock Nobles' Cells
I found a key on one of the guards, so now I need to free the nobles from their cages.
Objective: Free Nilthin al-Bergama
Objective: Free Sir Estienn Guillon
Objective: Free Lady Aurine Tamrith
With the help of Verandis Ravenwatch, I freed the captured nobles. Now I need to stop Reezal-Jul from gaining reinforcements by confronting him in the ruins farther inside the Fevered Mews.
Objective: Confront Reezal-Jul
Reezal-Jul escaped after opening a portal for his reinforcements to arrive through. I must defeat the reinforcements and find a way to stop more from coming through the portal before it's too late.
Objective: Close the Portal
Objective Hint: Stop Reinforcements
With the help of Verandis Ravenwatch, I stopped reinforcements from coming in through the Fevered Mews. Shornhelm should now be be safe. I should speak to Verandis before reporting back to the house leaders.
Objective: Talk to Verandis Ravenwatch
Verandis believes that the upper city is back in the control of Countess Tamrith and Baron Dorell. He said I should find them in Shornhelm Castle, along with High King Emeric, and tell them what transpired in the Fevered Mews.
Objective: Meet High King Emeric at Shornhelm Castle
Now that Shornhelm is safe, I should talk to High King Emeric and figure out what happens next.
Objective: Talk to High King Emeric
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.