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Online:Fate of the Forgotten Prince
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
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We restored the relics once used to find and imprison Ithelia, and we crafted a new relic, the Mirror of Truth. Now we need to go to Apocrypha, find Ithelia, and end the threat she poses to all of existence.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Gather the relics and the Mirror of Truth
- Go to Aprocrypha
- Use the Skein to locate Ithelia
- Follow the Trail
- Explore The Whispered Path
- Enter The Mythos
- Reach Mora's Private Sanctum
- Use The Lamp Of Clarity (x4)
- Charge up and use Abolisher to close the portal
- Use the Echonir
- Use the Skein
- Restroy the wards
- Enter Mora's Private Sanctum
- Find Ithelia
- Fight Ithelia
- Use The Mirror Of Truth
- Talk To Ithelia
- Observe Ithelia
- Fight Torvasard
- Observe Ithelia
- Enter Ithelia's Prison
- Talk To Ithelia
- Talk to Hermaus Mora
- Witness Ithelia Leave (this) Reality
- Use Abolisher to Seal the Portal
- Talk to Leramil
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
Fate of the Forgotten Prince | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Before we depart for Apocrypha, Leramil suggested I retrieve the Daedric relics—Abolisher, the Lamp of Clarity, the Skein of Secrets, and the Mirror of Truth.
Objective: Take the Mirror of Truth
Objective: Take the Daedric Relics
Hidden Objective: Take the Skein of Secrets
Hidden Objective: Take Abolisher
Hidden Objective: Take the Lamp of Clarity
Before we depart for Apocrypha, Leramil suggested I retrieve the Daedric relics—Abolisher, the Lamp of Clarity, the Skein of Secrets, and the Mirror of Truth.
Objective: Take the Mirror of Truth
Objective: Take the Daedric Relics
Leramil opened a portal to Apocrypha. I should enter the portal and travel to the realm of Hermaeus Mora.
Objective: Go to Apocrypha
Now that we're in Apocrypha, I should use the Skein of Secrets and see if I can pick up Ithelia's trail.
Objective: Use the Skein of Secrets
The Skein of Secrets revealed a path. I should follow it and see where it leads.
Objective: Follow the Trail
The Skein of Secrets led us to a hidden passage. I should see what awaits us deeper inside.
Objective: Explore the Whispered Path
At the end of the hidden passage, Hermaeus Mora spoke to me and opened a portal into the Mythos. I should enter the portal and continue to search for Ithelia.
Objective: Enter the Mythos
We made our way to the Mythos, the most ancient section of Apocrypha. Now we need to make our way to Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum and aid him against Ithelia's assault.
Objective: Reach Mora's Private Sanctum
The way forward appears blocked, but Leramil suggests I use the Lamp of Clarity and see what it reveals.
Objective: Use the Lamp of Clarity
Ithelia's very presence seems to be transforming Apocrypha into Mirrormoor. I need to keep going and reach Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum.
Objective: Reach Mora's Private Sanctum
Another obstacle in our path as we see increasing evidence of Ithelia's realm-altering power. Leramil suggests I use the Lamp of Clarity and see what it reveals.
Objective: Use the Lamp of Clarity
The Mythos changes and warps as Ithelia's hold on Apocrypha strengthens. I must reach Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum and find a way to stop the Forgotten Prince.
Objective: Reach Mora's Private Sanctum
Once again the path forward is blocked. I should use the Lamp of Clarity to find a way to continue.
Objective: Use the Lamp of Clarity
In following Ithelia's trail, I came across the residual energy of a memory. I should use the Echonir to reveal it.
Objective: Use the Echonir
Ithelia and Torvesard sealed the entrance to Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum with magical wards. I must use the Skein of Secrets to locate these wards.
Objective: Use the Skein of Secrets
The Skein indicates that the Mirrormoor wards are somewhere hidden in the levels above the entrance to the private sanctum. I need to find them and destroy them.
Objective: Destroy the First Mirrormoor Ward
I need to find and destroy the second Mirrormoor ward to open the way to Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum.
Objective: Destroy the Second Mirrormoor Ward
With the wards destroyed, I should now be able to enter Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum.
Objective: Enter Hermaeus Mora's Private Sanctum
Now that we made it into Hermaeus Mora's private sanctum, we need to find Ithelia.
Objective: Find Ithelia
Ithelia and Torvesard have incapacitated Hermaeus Mora. I need to find a way to stop Ithelia before it's too late to preserve reality.
Objective: Defeat Ithelia
The Mirror of Truth granted Ithelia a moment of clarity, a chance to reflect on her actions. I should speak with her and convince her to stand down before reality becomes too damaged to restore.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
I convinced Ithelia to stand down but Torvesard refuses to listen to reason. He wants to finish what he and Ithelia started. I need to see what happens.
Objective: Confront Torvesard
Torvesard has taken the power of both Hermaeus Mora and Ithelia for himself. I need to defeat him before he gains control of all that power and becomes unstoppable.
Objective: Defeat Torvesard
We defeated Torvesard. Now Hermaeus Mora wants us to enter the portal and go to Ithelia's prison so we can finally put the dilemma of the Forgotten Prince to rest once and for all.
Objective: Enter Ithelia's Prison
Ithelia indicates that her prison is only a temporary solution. She is a Daedric Prince, and her power will always find a way to restore her. I should talk to her and see if we can find a different solution.
Objective: Talk to Ithelia
I need to talk to Hermaeus Mora and see what he thinks of Ithelia's solution.
Objective: Talk to Hermaeus Mora
Ithelia and Hermaeus Mora have agreed to send the Prince of Paths to a distant reality where her power doesn't exist instead of simply returning her to prison and starting the cycle again. I should watch what happens.
Objective: Witness Ithelia Leave Reality
Ithelia has entered the portal and walked the Many Paths to the reality of her exile. Now I should use Abolisher and destroy the portal, assuring she can never return to our reality.
Objective: Use Abolisher to Seal the Portal
We exiled Ithelia and ended her threat to our reality. Now I should use the portal and rendezvous with my allies in Beragon's townhouse.
Objective: Return to Beragon's Townhouse
I returned to Beragon's townhouse. Now I should speak with Leramil. |
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) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.