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Online:Crystal Atronach

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Crystal Atronach
(lore page)
Location Lucent Citadel, Fargrave Inner Quarter, Leftwheal Trading Post, Miscarcand, Mirrormoor Incursions, Broken Path Cave
Species Crystal Atronach
Health 103,494
201,400 (rounded) (Broken Path Cave)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
A Crystal Atronach

Crystal Atronachs are crystalline Daedra that are composed of a reflective crystalline glass. They resemble Frost Atronachs in build.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As they are considered elite creatures, crystal atronachs are immune to all forms of crowd control effects.

Crystal Spear
Basic melee attack dealing low frost damage.
Glass Fist
The atronach swings its left arm in front of itself, indicated by a wide red cone, dealing moderate-high physical damage, knocking back and stunning targets. Blocking negates the crowd control.
The atronach stomps the ground, causing three glass-icicles to burst from the ground near itself, indicated by red circles. Standing in the glass-icicles deals continuous moderate frost damage and snares. One glass-icicle always appear right away under every targets' location.
Glittering Scrape
The atronach stomps the ground and glass tendrils emerge from the ground and swipe at the player, dealing minor physical damage and knocking back.

Unique Crystal Atronachs[edit]



  • They are called Glass Atronachs in the files. This name was later re-used for a polymorph.
  • They share the same model as Frost Atronachs (their mesh name is even called FrostAtronach_A_Basic) but with a different texture applied.
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